Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Advanced Idea Mechanics

She continued to work with her uncle to get more information from him, to better see and understand it where they were all working and building up the planet. With her niece though she couldn't go running as she rose up and he followed suit so the little girls would be able to go around and see some of the little creatures that they had brought with them. Small ropo's and the cutest creatures in the galaxy.
There were some other ones, creatures that might not be the most fierce and dangerous but they were adorable and made for little children to play with when she went to the small playpen they had and put both of them into it. The little ropo rolling around that would be giving them something to play with here its fur and fluff was everywhere. The long tongue licking to make all three of them giggle with a smile on Katagiri's face.
She looked back up and at her uncle when she was looking to work on many more of the things for it. "Alright then, lets go and check this out." She was curious on some of the things that they would be able to use or work with. She wanted to test the waters in some cases to see where the dangers might be but there was going to be a lot of places build up here
Katagiri had a few ideas of new things that they would be able to do here, more areas that she would be able to set up with soem of the better interest here. She wanted to work on it as the temple they were out and around. "This is looking better then I expected it would be." She said it while the old man was walking with her and he presented a lot of the other works they could do.
She was setting up for a lot more as her uncle was looking over at all of the things. The designs were in many ways like the places that the jedi were preparing and displaying on of the different temples. "Yes, you have done well. Bringing all fo the information and supplies will help for all of the things that have been getting worked on. The atmospheric processors that you brought will make it better in time.
She was looking at him with a nod of agreement. The hope that the processors and the works they were doing would be able to be used. She was wanting to see some of the things here, she was wanting to see more of what they could get. The planet would benefit from the work that they were doing and she would be here with the others to oversee the project.
More interest in some of the places when she was walking, she stood over with more of the interest until the jedi diplomat for herself. She wanted to work on more of it before they were turning over things in her mind. All of the work they were doing before she moved to the ship so she could head up and join some of the others. "I'l return here with more supplies."
Katagiri was going up into the ship and got herself ready to go on the hunt with all of them. Letting more information come across the screen from a number of other projects that they were doing and places where they were working to improve all of the information gathered. Klatooine was well boring now it seemed their people with the natives who talked and coordinated were being told they were offended and how they had to be offended by sasori
She wanted to understand but she also... wanted to figure out what was giving her this itch after her last time with Jericho at Sia and Zak's wedding... there were priorities in this case untill she was moving around. "Alright then, all of this should be good and we shall have some fun." Katagiri was looking up at all of it on the screen when she touched the screen to bring up more information.
She looked over more information about where they were headed to get supplies and meet with the others, to give them the information about where to meet on the planet itself. Parts of it were being designated for use and parts of it were being shown to be usable in larger concentrations. They had gotten a number of requests better then she had been expecting.
She was looking at some fo the requests themselves and it was more from the grapevine of people who might be interested in aiding and coming to help them. Feeding them information and materials or using this as a way to get heavy tax breaks by donating as Sasori was as a main still listed as a non profit. They dind't make credits off of their services. Never charged a chit.
Which was also one of the big misconceptions about it and what they did. Yes they basically produced and gave off billions of credits worth of things but they also used that to fuel and handle all of the things for the people who worked for them. To give them the better works and to give the new interest in renewing for themselves, planets or in some cases things like the jedi order itself.
As she worked there and went over the things she was filtering the darksiders out or the ones who only seemed to want to help by offering materials for credits. This was united group, not something that would be used for everything else. Her interest was in some of the problems here and now with a small grin on her face. "There we go, that should give us a lot of interest.
Wanting to see all about it here, she set up and developed the different parts of it here. With all of the requests there, then sent out and they had finished the messages herself. Welcomging them to come and aid as well as show off their materials. She wanted to get more interest from them while they were all going over it. Katagiri sending a few more messages to the others in Sasori.
her sister would be able to get a lot fo the information and she would know the next course that they would and should be able to take. She wanted to see the different parts that they were doing, she wanted to handle the dangerous parts of it. Staying there until she moved around taking a seat and looking over at all of the stuff from Rose on her datapad.
"You summoned for me Lady Ike, I have a lot of new information thanks to your niece that she has been getting from Tython and other archives across the galaxy. As well as new updates to my operating system after the attempted hacking and deletion of the Voss archives by Aria Vale." Katagiri was looking at it and thinking about what they were doing when she spoke.
"That is better to hear, i know my nieces have been working hard on a number of things but I dind't think they were going around and leading teams to recover old jedi archives. Just tell me if we have access to all fo the works that have been going into the order and recovery efforts. That a jedi or she was guessing now former jedi had tried to basically delete the archives on a singlle planet.
A single planet in some regards when they were going over at al of the problems with that. there were back ups on Voss, there was a back up to the back up. Matsu and Iella hadn't been idiots given how the archives on Tthon had been attacked and wiped before with no back up.. so there was that and then there was the archives on other planets like Ossus, Shri-Tal, the library, the Harlequin.... Rose herself and Quiet.
In truth the more she was listening the and the more she was figuring out about their whole well their whole danger problem the more she was looking at how feeble an attempt it was. Likely within five minutes of it being deleted the Ai had recovered the information and reported the incident and that was why they knew who had done it. A small offort and it showed how skilled they were and could be.
Ehh either way as she was listening to Rose and snickered a little hearing it. it wasn't that funny but it was entirely hilarious compared to some of the problems that had faced previously. "well Rose then it is good you handled that I imagine or whoever. There is enough problems without an entire archive disappearing because one person can just hit delete. Need to tighten security.

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