Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Admiral looking for Escort or Transport Job

Hey people of chaos.

I'm a Mandalorian Ex-Admiral looking for a thread to use my Hammerhead-Class Cruiser. Not bound by any faction and Neutral.

Willing to work for medical supplies in place of credits.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
I can escort you down a flight of stairs

Go Pubs! Wooot.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Avidon Oligarch has officer positions open in its Fleet. Your vessel would have a safe system to reside in, and you'd have the medical supplies that you require.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Wouldn't mind doing jobs for you, but I'm fully devoted to the Healers guild.
If u need a man to get your people to safety, or supply moved through enemy territory, I'm ur man, my ship is the fastes cruiser I've seen and although I can't smuggle illegal things, a normal military craft can't keep up with my modified Hammerhead-class.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

If your a healer check out the faction I'm in, we are totally neutral and I pick up odd jobs for contracts and supplies for us.
I'm just the supplier and transport guy.... Not much good at healing myself.

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