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Character Adalee Thorne



Full Name: Adalee Lurcretia Thorne

Species: Lorrdian

Age: 23

Human Height: 5'8

Human Weight: 110.33lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Amber

Complexion: Cream | White

Force Sensitive: Yes

Force Alignment: Dark Side

Faction: The Sith Empire | House Thorne

Rank: Noble | Acolyte

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    • Homeworld: Lorrd
    • Gender: Female
    • Alias: Little Thorne
    • Sexual Orientation: Prefers Men
    • Profession: Unknown
    • Behavioral Analysis: Stubborn & Careful
    • Health Diagnostic Status: Normal
    • Main Virtue: Ambition
    • Secondary Virtue: Magnificence
    • Main Vice: Arrogance
    • Secondary Vice: Anger
    • Most Prominent Facial Features: Piercing Yellow Eyes
    • Most Prominent Body Features: Deep scars located along her right forearm
    • Other Distinctions: A cloth band wrapped around her left bicep.
    • Threat Level: Moderate
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    Adalee Lurcretia Thorne is a woman of simple pleasures. Where most nobles from her esteemed house would prefer to follow order and make their mark in the history books, Adalee prefers the things hidden beneath. With a shortage on recognition and a heart filled with ambition, Adalee tends to find herself different from those of her family. Tossed to the wayside by her endearing father and mother, Adalee sought attention in other aspects of her life. With her youth tainted by the constant teachings of the Jedi and training by her father, Adalee developed a higher form of arrogance. Her astute reputation for excelling in the arts of swordplay did little to make her family proud, in fact if anything it made Adalee more present to the public. This of course was in an effort to re-focus her life on those outside the walls of House Throne. This lead to many years of using her wealth to build connections and help thousands of communities on her home planet Lorrd.

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    + Nobility & Wealth: With House Thorne being a noble house for hundreds of years, their influence and power increased through the generations. Of course, like all greatly esteemed linage; wealth had come with their notoriety. Supplying Lorrd with academies, hospitals, and to their own selfish desired secret Jedi enclaves, led them into the present with more wealth and nobility than ever. Luckily, Adalee Thorne is one such noble and continues to use her fame and wealth either for the people or in her own favor. Some family members even have loyal subjects, these are willing individuals to follow and study the family tradition of training like a Thorne. Some on Lorrd consider this a high honor, if chosen.

    + Swordmaster: Adalee is best known for her exceptional skill of using blades. While her family believed she could be even better with a Lightsaber, in effort to join the tradition of becoming a Jedi.. She instead showed no sign of the force. It seemed her powers were only limited to the masterful art of Swordsmanship. Over time she perfected a two-blade style of sword combat. At the age of 15 she began dueling other noble houses in an effort to negotiate things in the Thornes family favor. With a total of 29 duels under her belt, she has yet to lose. Even worse for the opponents, she uses a wooden sword, a form of the highest dishonor. Still, when a real threat is presented, she prefers steel over plasma and does still to this day.

    + One Dimensional Power: Having originally thought the gift of the force has skipped a generation in the Thorne family, Adalee discovered a rare part of history in their family on her 16th birthday. A mysterious package wrapped in even stranger red threads, arrived at her home. Anxious to open the present, Adalee found a old leather bound book in her hands. It's content that of a forbidden love story between a Thorne and Dirge. Each family forbid them from marrying, but still love prevailed. This dark part of history was kept from her. The deeper Adalee delved into the book, the truth became clear. The real reason why the Thorne family refused the Dirge's came to light... Blood Magic. A magic that Adalee now had access to. Curious and angry at what was hidden from her, the young Thorne attempted the first spell in the ancient journal of House Dirge. With the force granting her success on her first attempt, she felt comfort. After decades of lies, Adalee had found her calling as a Blood Mage.

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    - I'm Just Better: Having ambition to thrive in any enviroment is one thing, but to catapult that to an extreme... gives oneself a form of arrogance that tends to rub people off the wrong way. In social gatherings or lowly sanctioned events, it's difficult for Adalee to keep her rude or otherwise displeasant thoughts to herself. With her nose in the air and little care for those not capable, she tends to come off as a superior without even noticing. This lack of intuition, tends to place her in many unneccessary arguments, sometimes even fights. Still, Adalee always considers herself better than most in the room.

    - Nothing else?: With many failed attempts at forming any sort of sensitive bond with the force, her family was disappointed to say the least. Having been the only child not capable, Adalee spent most of her time perfecting diplomatic relations and training her crafts of swordsmanship. This led her to become distant from the force, something even she thought was impossible to wield since she was younger. Surrounded by those in the Throne family that were either Jedi or retired, she felt left out in the cold. With such a disdain for force she stayed far away from any gifted individuals. This made things far more complicated when she realized she was force sensitive, but it seemed she only was strong in one aspect of the force... Blood Magic. With nothing else, Adalee would use this forbidden gift to her advantage and prove to her family she is worthy.

    - Cha Ching!: Being a Thorne has it's advantages. One of the most being wealth. Adalee, while crafty at spending her wealth on projects from Lorrd to other worlds, all mainly for a seat at a powerful table, tends to splurge too much in her personal time. With an endless bank to fuel this bad habit, she tends to utilize her credits in a way that seems excessive and unorthodox. With little love and affection being given from her own family, she tends to pay for company. Even so, Adalee refuses many to keep her image and fame untainted.

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    • Journal of House Dirge: A book that hides a significant amount of history between House Thorne and House Dirge. The contents include in depth practices of Blood Magic, a forbidden art by Adalee Thorne's own family.
    • Small Vials of Blood: With her own blood, Adalee has carefully created multiple vials of blood to be used as a counter measure in battle. These vials are usually on her belt, or hidden within her cloak.
    • Family Crested Cloak: Being famous and powerful tends create masterful forms of art to be made in favor of such icons. The Thorne family is known for their crest of an entangled thorn, woven into a tailored made cloak for each residing member.
    • Blood & Amber Earings: Adalee possess two bright yellow earings. These were one of the first creations made through her rare form of blood magic. While there seems to be no benefit from their creation to the user, Adalee holds a deep sentiment toward them. A validation that she too is capable of the force.
    • Wardrobe of Victoria: Adalee tends to dress for every and each occasion. Although, there are times where her style could seem fairly unorthodox by those in her company. She can just as quickly be dressed for a war and as elequently for a masquerade ball. Her wealth has brought her an endless wardrobe, one she named herself, "Victoria."
    • Necklace of Thorne: As a child, Adalee enjoyed the makings of jewelery. Her time with many of the jewelers brought her but one gift and one gift only, The Thorne Necklace. This piece of Jewelery is two forms of handmade white gold, crossed at the center. It's marvel is that of a tiny clear thorn at it's center. Adalee adores this small materialistic possession over most.

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    • Twin Blades of Dirge: Adalee resonates with one type of weapon and one type of weapon only; Swords. With a unrelenting ambition to perfect the craft of wielding a blade, Adalee excels in all forms of swordplay. Her most deadly and unpredicted style of sword combat is her own unique, two bladed style. Adalee's blades are capable of handling even the intense heat of a saber through methods unknown.

    Extremely Light Armor: Adalee's credits have bought her plenty. The most impressive being that her wardrobe "Victoria" is actually tailored through many means of armorsmithing. Each and every outfit is considered very light armor, but armor none the less.
    The Point: While her twin blade style is the most deadly of her sword combat, Adalee has a third sword called, "The Point." Ancient in its design, the sword is comprised of a protective handle and a slender blade. Considered a Rapier, Adalee prefers to get straight to the point.
    Bokken: Fourth most, but not least. Adalee still carries a fourth, merciful blade, a wooden sword meant to specifically dismantle sparring partners during her training. Adalee has gone on to use this as a measuring of strength tactic, while also using it during negotiations.

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    Part I

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