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Active Mandalorian Clans

With all the events surrounding the various Mandalorian Factions (we've seen 3-5 rise and fall and rise again), I began to wonder a couple of questions.

  • How many Active Mandalorian Clans are there?

  • ​Of those active clans which Faction do they currently support / banner do they flock?

  • How many currently claim the mantle of Mandalore?

I was hoping to find at least one or two active 'minor' Mandalorian Clans that I could sway to serve as the personal retinue of House Syrush. This would also be for an upcoming planetary reclaiming, so it would consist of Amelia recruiting and bringing these clans into House Syrush, with a major perk being the use of Sorenn-Syrush Industries for all your manufacturing needs.

So the major question comes as

  • Is there any interest in Mandalorians joining an alternate option of the already established factions that other Mandalorians currently lean towards.
Vilaz Munin is the only current person to claim to hold the title of Mand'alor, though IIRC he was never approved by the Alor Council... So there is plenty of room for individual clans to refuse to acknowledge him.

As for clans...

Verd and Vereen are active. Maybe Betna. Tal'verda pops up from time to time. So does Clan Raxis.

There are also plenty of one-writer clans out there...

Clan Dem'adas (and member Clan Larraq) is unaffiliated with any of the major factions atm.
Clan Vereen is tied down with the Coalition.
Clan Verd is with the Mando'ade I think.
Tal'verda is with the Dominion.

I'll poke my head around, see what I find.
Is this a follow up to the LFG you posted [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]? I mean all the questions have no bearing on the final question you're asking.

From an IC standpoint Mandalorians that would join your house syrush could potentially be considered Dar'manda if their loyalty is there first. IC the current Manda'lor has essentially a shoot to kill order out on Dar'manda. A lot of possible stories could happen here. I mean this is RP so writers will do as they choose, but that is the major IC consequence to that OOC decision.
All clans in general [member="Aedan Miles"]

Thank you for your response and your looking for the information. [member="Mishka Larraq"]

A partial follow up as that thread didn't appear to garner many answer. There are as you said a lot of possibilities there, though it's also difficult to carry out an order if many do not believe said individual giving the order is the rightful leader. As you've also said, it would be entirely up to the writers. [member="Kad Tor"]

Good to know. Thank you for your response. [member="Deneve Verd"]

Like wise, thank you for your response. [member="Briika Tor"]
Mishka Larraq said:
Vilaz Munin is the only current person to claim to hold the title of Mand'alor, though IIRC he was never approved by the Alor Council... So there is plenty of room for individual clans to refuse to acknowledge him.
The Alor'e council actually did approve Vilaz after his fight with Ijaat.
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
We're active-ish. No banner to follow but our own, but we mainly do independent raiding and mercenary work.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Hey. My character is the representative/leader of a small nomadic clan called Tol Varen.
I'm working on the lore and ect at the moment as I've just got back. I'd be interested in learning all about the current mando ongoings if someone wants to educate me. (I'd really appreciate it)

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