Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Winter's Ball (Open, RP Thread)


Insert Hilarious Title Here
When [member="Ydrin"] slid next to her, Nyx blinked in surprise. He was a couple years older than her, and his soft-spoken voice piqued her interest. She had heard the line a thousand times, though usually in less eloquent terms, and in less extravagant locations.
But she had to admit, he didn't look bad, either. He was prim and proper in his suit, and seemed much more comfortable in this scene than she was.
"The name's Nyx. As long as we're exchangin', what's yours, Blondie?"
She leaned back in the chair, forgetting she had a dress on, and that she wasn't at the Rat Hole, and was in fact a ball on Hoth being hosted by a Prince.
In fact, she barely resisted the urge to put her heeled feet on the table as she stared at the man.
Later in the evening, Nyx sighed as she looked around, her eyes surveying the area.
With a smile, she noticed her good friend [member="Solan Charr"], who looked like he'd had just a bit too much this evening.
With a smirk on her face, Nyx approached him, putting a hand on her hips.
"Well, well, look who it is. I suppose I should be thanking you for the evening, even though these heels are killing me."

-Later in the Night-​
(AKA, not the present.)​
Solan blinked as he was standing there, his eyes drawn on Nyx now with a raised brow. "You know, there is another one floating about here that looks alot like you..." Solan drank from the glass and smiled while his eyes found her once more. "Well, minus with how good you look in a dress. Its a marvel you do not wear them more little nightingale." He smiled at her as he used the name. He still was not sure how the two people were so alike but perhaps Nyx would help him understand... assuming this one was actually nyx and not the other one he had talked to earlier in the night... oh that was going to get confusing.​
"Sofia Annsely, sniper for the Republic Army and part time Templar." Sofia, took [member="Kiber Thaxton"]'s hand and shook it, her grip firm. Faking confidence was something she had become skilled in during her time in the army but in reality she was a bit awkawd when it came to social encounters.

Sofia was a soldier first and had no time for love and that was not something that was going to change soon. Her top priority was the elimination of the Sith in order to protect the others from their destruction at the expense of her social life. Although her mother had trained Sofia in the art of being a lady, she had not yet been taught the social etiquette for speaking to members of the opposite gender at a ball.


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
"A sniper huh? I'm a rather good shot myself," Kiber said, trying not to boast about his glowing achievements as a bounty hunter. He had heard of the Templars through the grapevine and had also heard of their prowess in battle.

"I was just wondering [member="Sofia Annesley"]," he said, struggling to find the right words, "if you'd like to have the next dance with me?"

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
The cold air, warm candles and peaceful environment was refreshing. There was no scheming, fighting, mind control or infliction of pain. Very unSith-like, Setzi thought, lightly scolding herself with an amused grin. She was so fething tired of self-flaggelation. It wasn't as if the Dark Lord himself was going to show up, head to the buffet line and grab seconds. No one is here that will see us enjoying ourselves. It's time I stop equating living with suffering, she mused. Sith Code be damned. The Force had freed her, and she was going to enjoy herself for once.

With a mischievous glint in her yellow eyes, she clutched at Krux tightly as they danced around the ballroom. Everyone else faded away at some point, and she could only see him, feel him and embrace him. As if she read his mind, he would hear her telepathic voice say, It's just us now. Which technically wasn't true with the living being inside of her stomach, growing bigger every day. And it's perfect this way.

But until the child truly became a reality that they could hear and touch, in Setzi's eyes, it was just the two of them. And no matter what happened, they would thrive now as a duo. Strong alone, but more tenacious as a pair.

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
It's just us now...and it's perfect this way
"I couldn't agree more" Krux whispered softly to her. He didn't care if others heard him. He didn't care if she was carrying the child of their master anymore. He didn't care if she had feelings about the Sith Code that most would call traitorous. Krux Mullarus would move the entire galaxy for her. He would destroy entire civilizations, or give his own life for ones for her. He expressed his love for her through his actions, as he always had and, as long as she allowed it, always would.

She held him tightly, and he did the same. His 'dance' started to slow to more of a rocking motion, starting to forget about the music and the other people dancing around them and just listen to Setzi's soft breathing and smooth skin. His eyes shut as he silently wished this moment wouldn't end.

My only regret is that you can't see how beautiful you are tonight. he returned to her through telepathy. Eventually, he would pause from his constant motion and pull his head away and down to softly touch his lips to hers.

If Krux could, he would give her the galaxy.

[member="Darth Azurea"]
Cast a quick eye over Nyx, ensuring his gaze never lingered too long on any part of her body to prevent himself from being disrespectful, Ydrin had to withhold a quiet chuckle at the woman's attitude. It came across in many ways. The way her body slouched in the chair was the main indicator, an action non who had been raised in the upper echelons of society would allow themselves to do unless rebelling against their upbringing. However, it was her voice that mainly intrigued him. It was soft, but held a tone that he could only describe as chaotic and rebellious. As if she held no care what others thought of her.

Smirking softly, Ydrin followed Nyx's lead by relaxing back into his own chair and propping his feet up on the table, ankles crossed. He twisted his head slightly so as to look straight at Nyx, as his change in position had shifted enough that he would have been looking to the side of her. Ydrin bowed his head, mismatched purple eyes peering out from behind a curtain of shaggy, blond hair. "Ydrin, m'lady. My name's Ydrin."

Cocking his head slightly, Ydrin ask a question that had been hovering in the back of his mind since he saw Nyx. "What are you doing here? I attended enough of these gatherings," he waved a disinterested hand around himself as if he needed to gesture at the ball to explain what he meant, "when I was growing up, so I know the type of people that populate them. I also would like to think that I'm skilled enough to read the body language of most. You certainly don't match to those I've met at balls before, although you are much more beautiful that most, and your body language certainly hints that you're uncomfortable. So why are you here?"

He paused to take a sip of his drink, swirling the amber liquid within his glass, before continuing. "In fact, you act more like those that I deal with. Like you would be more comfortable in leather with a blaster in hand than in a silk dress with soft music accompanying your evening."

-Present Time-​
Solan drank from a glass as he stood off to the side of the conversations he saw working their way around his home away from home. He had little worry about anything happening as he watched those get along rather nicely which made him smile and allowed him that freedom to move out of the ballroom area and towards the walkway that connected the main complex with the garden. He didn't move towards the garden itself though for the simple reason that he wanted to look out into the wastes of Hoth for the time being.​
He enjoyed the ice planet for a rater odd reason. Even when the hardest of snow storms came and graced his complex with such a sight, it had a beauty to it. The way the snow caught the light, without being so much that it causes snowblindness. It was amazing at the sight that presented itself especially when a day died down and the sun fell over the horizon. And then after that, the sky lit up in such a way that was in places like Coruscant or even Kesh impossible to experience. Sure the amazement of that sight waned as time went on and for the fact you see the same thing in space itself. Yet it still made him smile at the beauty the night sky could present in a place with few lights.​
His eyes only moved back to the place in which the majority of those had been for a few moments. He wondered who it was in there and what they were here for but he supposed sooner or later, he would find out by their tongue or by rumor.​
[member="Ydrin"] [member="Knight Mullarus"] [member="Darth Azurea"] [member="Kiber Thaxton"] [member="Sofia Annesley"] [member="Nyx"] @Everyone else​

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