Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A wild Van-Derveld appears!

Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Cat Van-Derveld said:
[member="Curupira Hawk"] - Ah so there's the woman who's been keeping the old dog in line! :p A pleasure, my dear
In line, lol... yeah, not really a big fan of them lines. More about chaos, explosions and a whole lot of mess. If that counts as in line, then totally. :D

Also, for future reference, the toolbar up there is your friend, especially 'Content' for all the special features (including the timeline) [member="Cat Van-Derveld"]
It's you.

Welcome to this little place in the galaxy, many more shall come to know it and gather here including from RPG, you can guarantee that.

It seems no matter what there is always going to be a Van Derveld.

Know the saying if there is a war there will only be roaches and twinkies left?

The Star Wars equivenlent will be Mynocks, meatlumps and Van Dervelds.
[member="Hwo"] - Vega's still kicking around somewhere. Took an LOA last time I heard. Tbh I've not seen her around in a while, nor Razielle. There seemed to be a mass exodus from the board we were all at.

Welcome to you too!
[member="Cat Van-Derveld"] Nice to know. I remember Cat VD, but I don't specifically recall RPing with the character. I wouldn't know if it was you or the previous owner, either. Good to see a Van-Derveld nonetheless.
If it wasn't within the last four years, it was the previous owner :) Ket put my name forward to the rest of the clan for me taking him over.

I look forward to the chance to RP with you here, [member="Hwo"] :)
[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] you should see our family tree! No joke, someone actually made one, it's horrifying

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] Thanks very much :D I'm starting to get settled now I think lol
Anyone who can make my sadistic fether of a brother soil himself is certainly worthy of respect. [member="Ket Van Derveld"] , I know [member="Dread"] do I? Another face perhaps? Apologies for the lateness of my reply, I completely missed your post Dread.

Ket, do you have the link to our family tree for [member="Curupira Hawk"] lying around anywhere? I can't find it D:

[member="Darth Odium"] - Thank you, sir!

[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] - Perhaps you have. If Ket has a copy we'll see :p

[member="Noxu Za'tire"] - Not a lot Noxu, just chilling waiting for things to get violent. It's a Van-Derveld family trait :p

[member="Luna Vega"] - Huh, another Vega... Coincidence? We shall see. Thanks for the welcome! :)
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
*eyes [member="Ket Van Derveld"]*

[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] has a point. There have been some insanely large family tree. Cavataio one, for example. Still huge as hell. The old Hawk tree became the wreath of the other board we were on, trying to prove through it that everyone on the board is connected one way or another, lol.

[member="Cat Van Derveld"], yes, assume you know [member=Dread]. He and Ket have a long standing history. If not know, you've heard of him more than once.

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