Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Total Eclipse of the Vahl [ OS dominion of Eclipse ]

Objective: Secure Metal Sphere/Grab Data?
She leaned her face closer to the glass prison and with her left index finger tapped on it trying to rouse whatever that thing was inside. Her eyes moved about hoping to catch some kind of movement, and was denied. It might have been alive once but it was surely dead now, delegated to play the lead role in Pursuit of Scientific Knowledge. She turned away from it only to snap her head back in hopes of catching it move behind her back, again nothing. The little bucket of bolts whistled and beeped at her earning the droid narrowed eyes and a slight kick with her right foot. "We don't recall asking you to chime in with your opinion."

The lab, like everything else down here, provided her with no news or information pertaining to the lost homeworld of the Vahla. Frustrated and angered to the pointe of blowing her top, she began to stomp out of the lab when she caught the little droid moving to a terminal she somehow missed, or more like distracted by the floating freak shows in glass tubes, and watched with some eagerness that her little metal 'friend' might actually discover something for her. With fingers crossed, she skipped over to the terminal in time to watch the droid access the computer.

"Well," she said staring holes into the droid, "The suspense is killing us!" Again with more mocking beeps and blips, the droid completed its task and moved back from the terminal. "Hmm." She slipped a datachip into the side port and after a little while the information was downloaded. She examined the contents through her datapad and smiled. Someone back home, meaning the Ember of Vahl, was going to be extremely happy. With a gentle pat on the droid's dome she said, "Well done little fella. You have earned yourself a trip off this station."

The droid chirped and followed her back to the shuttle.


Location: Hidden In The Asteroid Field
Objective: Secure Republic Troops
Allies: Toligon and I

Razer removed his hands from his pockets and looked at Toligon, "They are coming, begin boarding procedures on inactive vessels, send a a secure hail of peace to them. Last thing we need is for them shooting at us, and destroying our plans of any real peace." He turned back to Crucix. "See father, on my ship, in my command, Sith Lords of the One Sith hold no higher rank other then my guests. You will learn your place here." He turned back to Toligon who was now speaking to the few cruisers that were now disabled.
"This is the Ryuk, Lord Sin wishes to secure a boarding, and bring your people aboard, it's either that, or die from slow suffocation." She looked up at Razer with her dark eyes. "Waiting for them to respond sir." Razer nodded at her, and watched as his father tried to get back in his chair. "You ungrateful little.." Razer stopped him by running up to him, and kicking him in the face. "My dear father, have you lived past your uses? I think you have.." He removed his new saber, igniting the cryan blade. "Revan's..saber...but.." His father spoke, spitting up blood, and few teeth.
"Yes indeed it is, see, Romeo knew I could be trusted...and you father, are a loose end, loose ends must be erased..." He bent down to his father. Razer smiled something evilly as he looked into the older Vahl's eyes. "Shhhh....I do this, in the name of the late Shadow King, long live Romeo Sin...long live chaos.." He whispered into the man's ear before plunging his sword deep into his stomach.
Razer then stood up, and looked around, everyone was starring at him.
" we have a answer? Do we get to board peacefully?" His gaze turned to Toligon. She nodded. "Aye, we do." Razer smiled deeply. "Then begin it."
[member="Sena Lassiter"] [member="Darth Parash"]


Secure and scout the asteroid field around Eclipse.

There was approval that as more of a sense than any true word relayed.

Reports were already coming in from the scouting parties and those in charge of the attempt at terraforming Eclipse. While it had a low gravity and yes was in the deep core, the test bed of options they can use to see whether or not this would work certainly begged a measure of experimentation.

Through the collision of asteroids to bring forth water and melt it in a manner to bring oxygen or through weather stations, Eclipse would be the first step to attempt terraforming of worlds beyond that of Vongforming.

If possible, this would ensure that any future attempts at terraforming were not solely focused upon the methods of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Crimson orbs would shift over at Sena, that stoic doll-like visage studying and searching the young Corellian. Her apprentice no longer had a home. Her world split in half.

Ironic, that much like the Vahla, Sena was now homeless.

Cursed to search for a new home.
Building and Experimentation...

The Sith Lord surveyed the scene, leaning quite awkwardly against the dash. Maybe he thought it was cool. The Doctor couldn't really understand the man all too well and while he boasted, rarely one might add, of an obscene age, Alset couldn't take such notions seriously. The old man, revitalized by his work, approached with a datapad in hand.

"You set me to purpose on Redoubt. I thought I would offer an up date on my work." Reverance returned with that nearly patented silence and a cocked brow, the dull hue of the crimson eye was lazy and less than ambitious. Alset handed him the data pad and placed the smoking pipe in mouth. "The specimen is really quite something..."
"I know. "The Sith Lord spoke, but it was more of a growl, as he turned from the dash and beckoned for a walk down a long hallway. The old scientist rolled his eyes and grimaced, watching the large man walk and read. "Tell me about it."

Can you not read? The words almost came out from parted lips, but the bald man was jovial and welcoming of the conversation, despite the lower intelligence of the audience. "Well, it ingests lambent fruits and decomposes them into a solid beam, focused through internal retina. The rectum is controlled by a single polyp and the shape of the Chom-huun can change between curved and straight."

"Chom-huun...from the chom-vrone? It can change shape, how did they manage that?"

"A new shaping process between the specimen and amphistaff, quite ingenious I would say." He scratched the bald head and moved deft hand to the smoking pipe. "We've initiated training with the weapon for the vong, most are quite thrilled at the prospect of turning a predominantly technological component into something living and breathing. But the training goes slowly, as one would suspect."

"That was my original plan. The original YVH droid fought the vong through mimicry of shape and sound. Seeing such things as blasphemy, enraged vong became reckless and ineffective. I am hoping this weapon will tip the odds back towards self control."

"That is an interesting hypothesis..." Alset remarked as he pulled a notebook out and jotted down the idea. After all, the training would be progressing for quite some time, the kinks worked out as they progressed. There were many more observations to detail, but he would allow the Lord to glean what he could from the notes before pushing further towards questions.
The Host Lord's starship drifted into a detachment of the Republic fleet, a foe she hadn't faced since Kashyyyk. She may have been cornered on the ground but in space her dreadnought could prove itself to be a threat to the corvettes, frigates, and light cruisers that primarily made up the enemy fleet. Anja's attention was fixed directly ahead.

"Charge the hypervelocity gun, open fire with all long-range cannons." , she ordered. Her captain acknowledged, repeating to the various deck officers.

The Republic vessels were far from slouches, despite their outgunned situation -- numbers gave them an upper hand when developing tactics. The detachment began to split into three groups. Their two largest ships at the flanks with the smaller less powerful vessels leading the center; the idea was to lead the dreadnought into the center and then attack from both in order to overwhelm the vessel but another key feature of this formation was that the hypervelocity gun was fixed and would be far less effective against a smaller target.

"Orders, Your Worship?", the captain turned back.

Anja may have not been a fleeter in the traditional sense but her engagements have given her a keen eye in the field of battle. "Hold position, keep the long-range guns fixed ahead and batter them down.", long-range weapons allowed her ship to fire safely out of range of the enemy. However when their faster vessels did make a move she would likely to have to change tactics.
Objective: Secure Station/Return Data
The little astromech droid once again proved it's usefulness by taking her a different route, completely avoiding any combat. No sounds of blaster fire could be heard in the corridors they walked. "You know little fella...we are not usually fond of droids but we think you have captured our heart." A beep and a shake from the droid made her laugh. "If you say so. Honestly, we can't understand your beeps...blips...and whistles. Hmm...we should work out some sort of code when we get the free time." She was taking a liking to the droid and she even began to think the feeling was being reciprocated.

The more thought she put into it, the more she believed they were alike; or at least had something in common. She had been abandoned as a child and the droid seemed to be abandoned by the Republic. She was an outcast among her peers, mostly, and the little droid must have been as well since it was locked away in a compartment and spared the tragedy of a memory flush. She even felt that the droid would not judge her like the others for talking to herself, even though she wasn't. Stupid voices making her look bad. Also, the droid wouldn't care if she was crazy and both were in desperate need of friends.

"Listen little would you like to be our friend? Beep once for yes and blip once for no." The droid beeped once. The mentally unstable Sith crouched down and hugged the astromech droid. "Then it is we need to come up with a name for you. Unless you enjoy being called little fella?" Once more the droid beeped once. "Then Little Fella it is."


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Neutralize Republic forces & secure Eclipse station
Location: Kicking Republic butt on the station
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] | [member="Khan Ra"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Darth Ferus"]

Not a pip in response. Fine.

She could see the sense in that; some people just didn't have it in them to mix work and play, and the masked Sith looked more like the sort by the minute. Oh, well. It wasn't for everyone, and even among the ranks of the least scrupulous order in the Galaxy such… squeamish individuals were apparently readily found. And in the higher echelons, no less!

The screams were dying out as the last of the Pubs in the corridor fell under their combined assault — despite being a man of few words, he was certainly effective when it came to killing — and soon enough only echoes rang along the hallways of the ghost station. In the distance, similar sounds of death and suffering reverberated off the metal walls, indicating that the Republic was losing on all fronts.

Typical, Vrag smirked behind her darkened visor as she pushed a few bodies to the side with her boot, turning them over to see if they were useful at least in death.

A small hum of approval left her chest as an undamaged radio fell from a lax grip of a bloodied hand, and the woman wasted no time picking it up. With but a few adjustments, the device easily tuned into the enemy frequency again, and her lips stretched into a decidedly cruel grin. She cocked her head to the side as the whole squadron listened to the panicked, desperate transmissions in grave silence. Naught but an exchange of glances was needed to communicate the idea that had formed in the minds of the Sith, and as One, they moved to butcher the last of the sheep.

Cordelia deWinter

Objective: Secure Eclipse Station
Location: Approaching One Sith Fleet


Cordelia would quietly observe from the viewport of her room as the One Sith Fleet engaged in scouting the nearby asteroids.

Perhaps there would be mining opportunities there? Who knew. This deep in the core, gravity had a way of making things difficult.
There was a reason why Eclipse had remained hidden for so long. To her, it was a curious endeavor to attempt to terraform it. At the very least, it was not going to be done through the traditional Yuuzhan Vong methods.

Truth be told, she was rather aghast at how dependant the One Sith were to them. How strange and curious it would be if the Yuuzhan Vong would ever rise up to rebel against the One Sith.

What would they do then?

A curious curio. One that perhaps, requires measures of pre-planning.
The enemy fleet continued its push on her vessel, despite the fact the corvettes were already battered by the long-range fire and on the verge of collapse. By this point Anja had finally realized their tactic and devised a new strategy. "Turn the ship 90-degrees starboard, I want our main guns on the middle line and fire when in range.", she gave the order.

"Your Worship, our vessel is too slow for that to be effective, their flank will likely encircle us.", he argued.

Despite the captain's protest she heeded him not, the other officers took her orders without question which he found upsetting. The juggernaut slowly turned as commanded, the enemy vessels were gaining pace by the minute and the detachment was nearly on all sides by the time her maneuver had actually been complete. Firepower was delivered between her vessel and theirs but quickly reports were coming in that the shields had been depleted to fifty-percent. There was no panic in the air, but urgency was. As ordered, the main starboard batteries opened fire the moment the central starships began to spread their formations to avoid such a feat. Several corvettes were shattered as well as a single frigate but unfortunately the bulk remained intact just in time.

Utilizing the advantage of encirclement, the two cruisers intended to attack from the aft and port side, avoiding the fore but leaving the fore open would be a mistake, thus a large frigate banked around to block a potential escape. "Fire the HVC!", she ordered with anticipation. The big badda boom of the main gun tore the frigate down the middle, port and starboard turbolasers -- as well as their heavy turrets -- fired in all directions. Havoc, disarray, death, destruction, there were only so many words one could use to describe the carnage.

"Full speed ahead!", the captain then commanded as the Host Lord got her wishes. The dreadnought slowly began to thrust itself forward like a spear through the collapsed formation, firing on surviving ships. One in particular was still very much alive, the aft cruiser which was now battering their engines at 33% shields holding. It was too late to face the vessel.
Objective: Secure Space Station
By the time she arrived back to the shuttle with Little Fella in tow, the space station had fallen to the One Sith and their allies. The Republic forces had been routed and those that had surrendered where now being tagged and shipped off to work in the mines or where ever labour was needed. She had managed to walk through this station without killing anyone which seemed odd to her since she craved confrontation. But a victory is a victory.

She directed her new metal friend to her quarters where he can begin encrypting the data and then send it to the one person that could make use of it better than her. With the objective complete, it was time to head home and await new orders from the powers that be. There was much work yet to be done and so little time to achieve it.

The shuttle roared to life, slowly backed out of the station, and changed directions in preparations to make the jump to lightspeed. Hopefully the data she had discovered would shed some light on the whereabouts of the Vahla homeworld. Perhaps one day they will have a planet to call home and shed the nomad lifestyle.
It was almost unbearable; the inquisitive look of her master as she tried to pierce Sena’s skull but there was little use in trying to deny her. Sena was indeed homeless at this point. Her home had been torn away by the recent events and here she was with the only person she still knew to be alive. [member="Velda Nar-Donna"]? Who knew, but Sena could only hope that she had gotten off Corellia before it all happened.

What the young and possibly now-former Corellian noble would do next was hard to tell. She truly had no idea. In a sense she already had a second home. A place to crash on Coruscant, but not one she particularly liked. Her head turned sideways to look at the person said home would leave her indebted to. A small-grown woman that still chilled Sena to the very bone. Eye contact proved impossible and her focus went back to staring out into the the great abyss of space.

The Temple of Vahl. Countless amounts of time had been spent there already, perhaps it was time for Sena to stop the pussyfooting and just accept the path that had been laid out for her? Give into it and let it go.

Not that she hadn’t already but the way forward would only be hindered by the kind of hesitation Sena kept displaying. She took a deep breath and sighed. Her head shook and once again she set eyes on [member="Darth Nephthys"].

“I-...” Sena’s words escaped her for a moment. “Nevermind.”

Just outright asking if she could stay at the temple in a situation such as this wasn’t the right way to go about it. After all, hospitality wasn’t exactly something she had come to expect from some of these people.
Building and Experimentation...

"Tell me about their training regiment..."

It had been some time aboard the ship, science working in coalescing effort with dreadful obsession. The doctor found tasks difficult, at times, as he was so often to take it to it's completion or grave. Unfinished assignments were a mark upon his character, a stain upon the sheet, and something avoided at all costs. In the end, he had nothing but time between now and then, and nothing but effort to spend in the in between. But for now, he would commence dialogue with the Wrath of the One Sith, a dreadfully bothersome individual at best and a slap of tedium at his worst. He was sprung deep in mediocrity and reveled in it. At least, that's how the doctor felt about the man that wielded weapons but claimed scientific background as foundation.

"Well, the Vong commanders have taken to the species quite well. It's durable, immune to the force, and quite powerful...truly synonymous to a lightsber. There is only one problem..."
"Yeah, it becomes attached." Alset frowned at the notion, pulling out a notepad. "You see, the creature has taken on the properties of the Lambent fruit it consumes in that, according to the shapers, it requires nurturing initially in order to be responsive to utilization."
"And...where is the problem in that?"
"Well, the person who completes the initial 'ritual'..." The doctor made bunny ear indications with his hands. "Mates with the species, per say." Grotesque, he thought, as he spoke the words. Through truthfully, it wasn't mating so much for the wielder as it was kinship, a sort of bond between tool and user.
"If the Chom-huun is parted with the original user, it will stop eating. After four weeks, it will die from starvation."
"Ah...yes, that is unfortunate. But a fortunate thing as well..."

Alset raised an eyebrow at the idea of something starving to death as a strength. They continued their walk, though the doctor was unsure of how much was actually left to debrief the Wrath on.
Building and Experiments...

He held the little beast in hand, it squirmed against his grip as he tightened it, attempting to strangle the little monster for it's intent. But it merely hardened and turned rigid, such things reminding him of Stebbles. How he missed that amphistaff, left back in the Yorik-trema while the assistance of the Vong warrior was enlisted to try out this new bio weapon. Developed by the Shapers and a human, they said. It stunk of machinations and blasphemy as he looked down at it, baring sharpened teeth in resentment.

Pulling the lambent crystal from a grapevine bandoleer, he held the pommel and placed the fruit before it. It ate one, then another, then another, and then another. But nothing happened. Yurzhoc turned to the human doctor, angered at his baldness and how closely it resembled his own glorious dome.

"It's not working!" He screamed, mad. The doctor laughed, obviously irritated. The vong warrior cared little for his sensitive bits.

"Press the polyp, you idiot..." Yurzhoc couldn't hear that last bit, concluding that it was merely the humans weakness to be so prone to mumbling. Shifting his finger to what appeared to be an enlarged pimple, he pressed it down with this thumb, as the rectum defecated an orange energetic beam that pulsated with growth. The Chom-huun shifted against the vong's grip, getting comfortable, before turning erect. All of a sudden, the warrior felt a sense of power course through him. He was wrong, he thought, to be so dismissive of the weapon. It hummed with capability. Black eyes turned to his sparring partner, as they went to work testing their own skill and the veracity of emitted energy.
Building and Experiments...

The YVH ancient replica droid was pushed out on a dolly, power to the body running from cords that extended back across the opened lab space. Yurzhoc stood the monster down, feeling the rage redden his field of view. "AARG!" Words coupled with venom and saliva as he hesitated in charge, anger boiling over. He assessed his claims to attack, preparing to destroy the heretic, the weapon in his hand was the Chom-huun. And suddenly, among fiery internalization of the manifestation of his form in technological machinations, he realized the irony of the Chom-huun. Looking towards his vong brothers, foaming at the mouth in preparation for the attack, currently being persuaded by the personnel of the Doctor to stand down, Yurzhoc ran before them. He placed his back to the droid replica, waving the beam in front of their eyes. It was time, finally time, to reveal the truest impact of the Chom-huun.

The beam pulsated with power, unpredictable as the tide of the Vong, and he swung it and aimed it towards the closest vong.

"Behold...the maddening of the blasphemous machinations are met with mimicry, in turn!" He watched, through seedy black eyes, as the members of the Legion Yun'Do realized, as if suddenly, that vong biological warefare spat back in the face of technology. Perhaps, for now, it wouldn't work for all members of the Hrosha-gul. But soon enough, the anger that afflicted the Vong in the face of the YVH would turn into sardonic smiles in the battlefield. Yurzhoc turned a toothy smile to the Docter Alset, who was furiously scribbling in his not pad. Fool, thought the warrior, that he was not keen on the celebration as he and his brothers were.
Objective: Neutralize Republic Forces and secure Eclipse station for the Ember of Vahl and One Sith.
Location: Approaching Eclipse Station
Allies: One Sith

Wes Jorel was in his ship and was slowly moving closer to the station. "What's so important about this station anyway?" Wes asked himself as he got closer. The only reason he came here was so he could fight some Republic Forces. His plan was to fight here until either the Sith won or his master contacts him with information about his training.
Upon landing inside of the space station, Wes noticed that the Sith already won. He got out and said to himself, "Well, if you're late to the party, you're gonna miss the fun." So he decided to just walk and find something that needed to be done on board.

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