Taeli Raaf
Taeli smiled to herself as she sat in the makeshift office she had made for herself in the old Temple of the Grey on Alderaan. While work continued on the mine, work she would be going to participate in once she finished these reports and met with her partner.
Something interesting had come to her attention recently, and as a friend she felt she needed to keep Alex in the know. As a Sith though, she was going to make Alex work for this information, a guessing game if nothing else. Something to amuse both of them. A message had been sent to her to meet on Alderaan at the usual place, and so Taeli sat back and waited.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Something interesting had come to her attention recently, and as a friend she felt she needed to keep Alex in the know. As a Sith though, she was going to make Alex work for this information, a guessing game if nothing else. Something to amuse both of them. A message had been sent to her to meet on Alderaan at the usual place, and so Taeli sat back and waited.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]