Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Tidbit, Nothing More

Taeli smiled to herself as she sat in the makeshift office she had made for herself in the old Temple of the Grey on Alderaan. While work continued on the mine, work she would be going to participate in once she finished these reports and met with her partner.

Something interesting had come to her attention recently, and as a friend she felt she needed to keep Alex in the know. As a Sith though, she was going to make Alex work for this information, a guessing game if nothing else. Something to amuse both of them. A message had been sent to her to meet on Alderaan at the usual place, and so Taeli sat back and waited.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Alexandra sighed as she landed at the old home, looking around for the signs of vong corruption that covered the planet and grimacing in disgust. With another sigh though she moved in through the door with her hands on her sabers just in case and Eve in the cockpit of the stealth ship with a number of personal defense droids on board. She had also made sure that she had a backup plan if eve was attacked, including a backup of her. She learned not to trust a sith, even if a business partner. Infact the only one she partially trusted was Balaya, and she was not who would be in this meeting. With that thought she moved through the door and looked at the other woman, smiling wide as she looked around. "Doing well to keep this place beautiful, Vong seem to be stepping closer though."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Perks of being a Sith Lady now, I can order the Vong not to come within a certain radius of this place, business purposes being the excuse," Taeli said smiling at Alex. She did notice the weapons though, and she sighed slightly. She would have thought by now that Alex wouldn't be so suspicious about her, she hadn't tried anything against her or her order and didn't plan to.

"Really though Alex, there is no need to worry," Taeli continued with the same smile. "I'm unarmed currently, lightsaber is actually in the quarters I've been using while I oversee the phrik mine nearby. I called you here for another reason entirely though, one you might find interesting."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"I apologize but there is only one person i trust with my safety while in sith space and she isn't here... its not that i don't trust you, well not fully. Its that i don't trust those over you as i am still in their space and not yours... yet. Plan on becoming like Balaya in the future?" She sat down and smiled, idle chat between business partners that knew eachother well enough to know their ambitions. "I must say i welcome you as a voice over those like Zambrano... the genocidal bastard."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"I wouldn't say no if a Voice position became available and I was offered it," Taeli said, a sly smile on her face that would show she held no ill feelings towards Alex's suspicions. "And I quite agree that Vornskr has allowed his sadistic nature to get the better of him, but again, as much I as I enjoy tearing down my fellow Sith in a good roast of their terrible deeds, that's not why I called you here."

Smiling and making sure she didn't come off at all threatening when she said this, she asked, "So what is the purpose of this Vitae Alliance you joined that is based on world known as Veradune I believe its called?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"You seem to be in the possession of some interesting information... though i will entertain your curiosity if you do tell me the purpose of your asking why you care. The Vitae is a group that wishes to bring peace and right the wrongs of any peoples that would use... extreme means of acquisition." She tried to put it lightly but waved her hand. "Kark it, we oppose genocide, slavery, the evils of the galaxy that are practiced by governments. But operate on a neutral basis in which we do not support one -government- over the others with more focus on retribution for the acts of other governments... I wont say the Sith has caught the eye of the Vitae's leader, but that leader had wanted to make the Sith suffer during his leaving, i convinced him doing such would lead to nothing but more death. Now, why do you ask and how did you get your info about that planet?"
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"I ask mainly out of a personal curiosity as you know I don't like some of the actions of the Sith towards the people of the galaxy," Taeli said with a shrug. "I view it as wastefulness and unneeded cruelty, which don't get me wrong, some people deserve cruelty and arrogance, but not the vast majority of citizens."

"As for how I came about the information, perhaps you can riddle that out by a simple statement," she said, a sly smile forming on her face again. "A little birdie told me when I was swimming in the sea around some fish."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"You were told by a sea bird?" She looked at Arcanix like she was crazy before shaking her head and realized she was speaking in a lyrical fashion. "Im going to assume someone from the Vitae told you such considering Veradune should still be largely hidden to the outside world. Furthermore, im going to assume you mean the someone with an affiliation to a bird as a actual person or an idea. A Few come to mind but the most logical would be the Pheonix... as for the fish, assuming i am correct, i think i need to ask what in the hell was Veles doing meeting with you and telling you about the planet... Did he give you its coordinates... If so i demand they be given to me and erased from the databases once more."
"I was never handed coordinates, nor did I ask for them," Taeli said simply. "We were meeting to discuss our views on certain things, his invitation intrigued me so I went. I must say you have a very ambitious fish amongst your ranks there. I had to talk him out of his immediate plan to launch an assault on the world and kill all of you for he and the Phoenix to step into the leadership role."

Getting up, she moved to the window and looked out on the peaceful area that surrounded the temple.

"I'm telling you this so we might be able to play a long game with this information," she said, not looking at Alex. "Killing him immediately, while it might satisfy you, is the wrong way to go. You can't be certain who else he has begun to try and sway to his way of thinking. I bet you're wondering why I bring this up in the first place, and not just let the plan move along. Am I right?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"Actually yes, i would like to know why you would like to play his game but also tell me about it though i have a strong feeling i understand why as i myself wished to do it on the business level in which to gather more profit from both sides of a war. But do explain yourself before i consider you a partner in this plan to harm my family, and then i will make it very clear what happens to someone that would dare even thinking about harming my children, my order, or my love." She placed one hand ontop of the other as a chill would run out from her, orange flecks growing in her eyes as Hel slowly began to surface and her conscious scratching at control of Alex's body once more.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Because frankly, I think its an idiotic plan," Taeli admitted with a shrug. "I'm all for being clever and cunning, but betraying someone so soon after joining them is . . . the work of spur of the moment plan I want nothing to do with. That being said, we can't be sure who else he has approached with the same idea and who might take him up on the offer, even within your own ranks."

Turning back to look at Alex, she could see her body language was much more hostile and orange flecks were in her eyes. Oh, interesting, that dark presence she had sensed a long time ago it seemed was straining for control again.

"I'm not your enemy Alex, and I need never be," she said. "I'm quite content with where I am currently, beyond expanding Krayt even further and gaining more power and resources through that, but that's just good business. I have no intentions of fighting you or your order or your family unless you actively gave me a reason to fight you. And we both know that probably won't happen."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

She stared for a few seconds before finally Daeda stepped in and appeared, and for a moment Alex and him engaged in a silent conversation before she blinked and sat there, the orange flecks disappearing. "Ok... i believe you.... but if i see you do one thing that would suggest other wise Taeli. You will die, or disappear for a long long time." She turned her eyes back, and though the orange flecks had disappeared this was not a voice of fear, or of hate, it was a determined promise that she would not let Taeli cause the deaths of her family or of the order as a whole. "Understood?"
"Of course, Alex," Taeli said with a smile. "You know at heart I'm an academic and researcher before being a Sith. I like well thought out plans that actually have a chance to succeed and don't haunt me later. Anyways, I propose we use this opportunity that Veles has given us. Feed him information, I don't care if its tidbits of real stuff or false, but give him something he thinks he can give to me. He wants to ingratiate himself with me, to ally himself with my interests and I plan to let him do that, to reel him in."

Sitting back down, she added, "Then once his usefulness runs out, I deliver him to you on a silver platter. If he tries his plan beforehand, you have my support, of course."

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