Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel A Storm Approaches (Okkeus and Darlyn)

Darlyn had no idea why he was here, really.

Okkeus was, not a friend really, though he knew him well enough he thought. Enough that when he asked to meet in private for another sparring match, Darlyn hadn't really expected anything beyond just that. A friendly little sparring match, except this time Okk had given him the ability to pick anywhere he wanted for this. So Darlyn had picked out a place, isolated, deep into the Illaria Woodlands that stretched over the mountainside. He wouldn't have a problem finding Darlyn, since this place was easy enough to walk to, or use a Speeder bike to get to him, as well as for his new weapon, Samhain. While the crystal he was most able to utilize was the dark crystal, the one Okkeus would feel first, perhaps the only one, was Solas Buan, the bright beacon of light that couldn't hide if it tried.

A Light in the darkness of himself, and against the backdrop of the natural Force.

He'd had a rather standard cloth set of robes made recently, so he could keep a consistent look with his favored personal set, and figured this was the perfect situation to wear the attire. Granted, he was only slightly aware these robes resembled a particular style of jedi garments, but considering he never saw jedi wear them in the modern day he figured it would still remain distinct. That said, who knew if Okkeus would know the robe design's origins, or take offense to the wearing of them. Particularly if he came believing Darlyn to be 'redeemed' to the light, while he was in fact still very much in the dark. Just with a new perspective on the matter.
The wind blew ever so slightly through the forest, making the branches sway back and forth.

As he walked deeper into the forest he pondered about why Darlyn chose this location. He did give the man the choice. But Darlyn didn't immediately strike him as the outdoor-type. Oh well, it would make for an interesting night duel anyways.

Fallen leaves let out a small crunch sound with each step. Winter was already coming, so all the trees dropped their leaves as they prepared for the cold. The branches were practically barren, with maybe one or two still hanging on. It was almost like the Jedi. Most of them were tricked into following this alliance with the Sith. While others, such as himself, still hung onto the branch, becuase they knew what was right.

Ducking underneath some low-hanging trees he made his way into an opening. Brushing off his robe with both hands, he flattened out any curves in it. No need to look sloppy while they battled. Looking up he saw the man standing there.

"Greetings, Darlyn. Long time no see."

Ejecting his new lightsaber from out of his robotic arm, he held it in his hand. No need to start fight yet. Besides it would be rude to not let the man get his final greeting words out.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
"A long time indeed, with much having changed. Though it's nice to see you're still you."

There was a soft warmth to his words, at least he intended as much as he spoke. He might not have said much in the way of a compliment to Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , ever really, but he meant what he said now. Seeing Okkeus was still being true enough to himself, brought a small smile to his face. What didn't, though it didn't wipe the smile away, was how quick he was to bring out his weapon... turned off or not. He was giving Darlyn the chance to speak, but clearly he was itching to fight. A very curious thing for a Jedi indeed.

Darlyn walked over to a nearby tree, and placed his hand against it. A slow breath, to draw in the crisp, clean air, before he looked up at the half barren branches, speaking softly to Okkeus. "It's always nice out here, you know. I might not seem like it, but I can hear the Force as well as any Jedi Master. The soft swaying of the branches above me, the way it all connects together. Being out here fills me with a calm that I cannot often experience, given my duties to Commenor. Most calming of late, though, is the way the Force just.. exists out here. You can feel it too, I know it. Neither Light, nor Dark. Just the Force."

"It's strange to think this is how the Force exists, outside of those who are sensitive to it. A perfect equilibrium, perfect balance. Would that we all could manage it, I'm certain things would be more peaceful in the galaxy. At least... as far as Force orders are concerned."
He gave a small chuckle, knowing that peace like that would never be fully possible. Governments always wanted more, and someone always wanted to be separate from that government. To ask the entire galaxy to achieve perfect peace was a fool's errand, though a partial peace would still be a welcome thing.

But this was not the galactic stage, it was just the two of them in a quiet forest. "You're quick to grab ahold of your weapon. Tell me, why is that? We are not enemies, after all, and I can only pretend to know why you might be so swift to prepare to fight. I can pretend you have hatred in your heart for me, or that you're afraid of me for one reason or another. I can pretend that I know you're so convinced that the Dark as a whole is pure, unrelentingly evil, that everyone willing to use it, to touch it, to understand it, must die, and that this is all an attempt to get close to me so you can try and kill me. I'm not ashamed to admit that last one may very well just be my own fears, and completely unfounded. But I would like to hear it from you, Okkeus. Why are you so quick to draw your weapon?"

Samhain was unclipped, and brought into Darlyn's right hand, resting, turned off still as well. He would let Okkeus speak first, or answer with his blade as it may be. Darlyn had said his piece for now, let his mind wander, and his mouth act without a filter. He was curious how the other white-robed man would act, as Darlyn held no doubts in his mind that he had expected Darlyn to simply start the duel straight away.
The calmness of the man threw him off.

From what he remembered durning their last duel, Darlyn had almost acted cocky. Now he was all calm and easy going? Something just felt off about it. As the man walked over and rested his hand on the tree, he simply rested the lightsaber ever so slightly in his robotic fingers.

As the man began to speak about the balance between the light and the dark, Okkeus tired his best to keep his cool. Not Darlyn too. Enough people have already fallen victim to the lies of the Elder Compact, of the Sith. It was a blatant cover up for The Sith Empire to rise up and gain more power. So few actually saw what was happening.

It felt like the man's eyes were starring down his own. Like an unbreakable chain, not being affect by any of the stress. It was oddly comforting and frightening at the same time.

When talk of Okkeus wanting to hurt the man was spoke of, he was somewhat shocked to say the least. Sure, he knew the man still had a connection to the awful, wretched, villianous Dark Side...but that wasn't going to affect his fight. Could a boy not crave for a simple duel?

"Well, is it not okay to crave for a sparring match?"

Igniting the saber he pointed the golden blade downward, the yellow light reflecting off of the leaves. He spun it around once to readjust it in his hand. Standing upright he was in a very poor defensive position, but still ready to fight nevertheless.

"Sometimes emotions get built up inside of people like me, and they just need to be let out in the correct way. You are crazy if you think I came here to hurt you. A Jedi just needs to have some combat every so often..."

After his speech he held his position steady. It wasn't awkward enough to look like he was in a defensive stance, but an oncoming attack could be blocked with some ease.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
"Am I crazy?"

Darlyn turned his head to look at Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , giving him a small smile. "Or am I at peace with how it very well may be one day? So many these days are making grand speeches about purging or cleansing the galaxy of the Dark. Of me. They may say 'Sith', but they are equating the two more often than they are keeping them distinct. With each and every one I catch wind of, my dreams only worsen. Is it so crazy to think a Jedi might use my good faith to their advantage, considering what they'd stand to gain?"

Darlyn lifted up Samhain, letting Okkeus see the songsteel and terentatek bone weapon shimmering in the light. The luminescent metal contrasting against the pristinely cleaned bone, each still etched with loving care. "All the same, these are weapons, Okkeus. While it is perfectly natural to want a sparring match, and crave a little competition, these aren't training sabers. Even here, they should be treated as such." He showed his thumb dialing down the weapon to a training power, before igiting the 'main' blade. The purple blade roared to life, loud, violent, like an angry beast unfitting the pure Light the weapon itself radiated.

"And seeking combat, I wasn't aware it was the Jedi way to seek out violence, even controlled violence. Especially to bottle everything up until they could find it. From my limited understanding, I thought that was, well, something for the dar'jetiise (Sith)." Now he turned to face Okkeus, and took a few steps forward. He remained out of striking distance for now, but there was a reason for it. This rambling, this was his release. Okkeus wouldn't kill him, perhaps couldn't kill him for one reason or another. Would he ever have a better time to say everything, than now?

"I'm going to be plain with you, because I remember enough to respect you. The Jedi frighten me more than any Sith. More than Prazutis, who tortured my adoptive sister, killed my dear friend Veiere, and has more than once threatened my nephew. Can you guess why?"

Striking distance now. He lifted the weapon into a loose, one handed stance, indicating that he was going to start the duel itself, and granting his partner the opportunity to either take a proper stance or strike first.
Comparing him to a Sith was not a good call.

He once was a Sith, a violent person with murderous intent towards the Jedi. Well, one specifically. Every waking moment he spent was used to plan the death of a Padawan. His Padawan. His friend...

But that was in that past. No longer was he blinded by the lies of the Sith. He broke those chains that held him back. And to be reminded of them didn't help keep the fire down.

Darlyn's question threw him off a little. Guess why? No real answer came to him.

"Is it becuase Jedi have clouded judgement?"

Before he could hear if his answer was correct, the man in front of him readied into a starting stance. The purple blade reflected brightly off of his face, illuminating his ginger hair. He saw...peace in the man's eyes. It was almost as if Darlyn had accepts do the he didn't come play agree with his point of view.

Raising up his golden blade he held a starting position. The yellow and purple blades shown onto the trees, making the leaves sparkle with many new colors. After holding the position for a few seconds he dropped his blade towards the ground. With this signified the start of the duel.

Spinning the hilt around in his hand the wind it was creating flew into his hair. Taking a step to the left he began to circle the man, making sure his saber was in the direction of him.

Let the duel begin.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
"Everyone has clouded judgement, some more than others. I'd be lying if I said that was the reason, it's far too easy."

The circling began, with Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei starting to walk around the darksider calmly, weapon acting as a deterrent for him to simply rush in. Simple, basic. Respectable, considering he'd never dueled Okkeus blade to blade. He wouldn't know how he fought, wouldn't be prepared for what a Niman master could do. Though at the same time, Darlyn didn't have any kind of feel for Okkeus's bladework. Was he a defensive duelist like Darlyn's friend? Or was he aggressive, like himself?

It was time to find that out.

Darlyn lowered his weapon down to his side, a non-stance, completely relaxed. Simply letting the Force echo gently from them both, allowing himself to feel Okkeus's position in the Force. He turned slightly, slowly to the left as well. Putting his back to Okkeus for a brief moment, as he finished his last thought. "No.. it's the fact that Sith don't really pretend to be my friend, my allies, and then hate me for reasons that never really mattered."


His lightsaber lashed out, the purple blade all but screaming through the air as it reached for Okkeus's throat. Even in a non-lethal setting, such a strike would sting a great deal, and the violent humming, thrumming, and screaming of the unnatural sounding blade only served to, in Darlyn's opinion, make the strike seem more... intentionally angry. Even as he did his best to keep a calm demeanor, the way his blade begged for violence rang such a chord within him, at least on the inside he was smiling. These bound crystals, they were really something.

"Reasons born from a lack of understanding. At best, simply lacking the knowledge to know better. At worst, a willful ignorance to justify, to make 'righteous' their own hatred, their own anger. Zealots that will only listen to their one 'true' point of view. That the Dark must be destroyed, as impossible as that is. And no matter how much good I do, that doesn't get me out of their crosshairs, does it?"
The purple blade screaming towards him wasn't a pleasant sight.

When the man turned his back on him, he thought that was the chance to attack. That way he could have better positioning and possibly the upper hand. But in reality he had given the man the ability to strike first. And oh did he capitalize on it.

In a very nervous-like way he swun his lightsaber upwards in a reverse grip, nearly missing the oncoming saber. With the deflection he now backed away some more as he tried to hold a defensive stance. He now held the hilt in both hands, leaving the blade in front of his body. This would hopefully open up a position for him to attack the man.

Darlyn's followup of his answer was interesting to say the least.

"With my history I may very much still be in the crosshairs too, but that doesn't stop my path. If I, we, can get rid of enough of the dark then they'll shoot the other guy long before us."

First time having a normal conversation mid-duel. Kinda different from his previous ones.

After his simply reply he prepared for his attack. With both hands still on the hilt he pointed it downward. He began to lower his positioning, planning his next move. Quickly rushing forward towards the man he outstretched his saber, now moving it to his left hand. With this almost 'jousting' move he hoped that the man would block downward to defend his legs. If so, he would quickly plant his leading foot into the ground, sending him into a spin.

Possibly if he could pull this off, the spin would lead into a non-lethal downward strike onto Darlyn's head. This would either give him a huge advantage, or end the duel entirely. At least he hoped that is what would happen.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Darlyn's strike was able to be deflected rather easily, it seemed. Expected, he wasn't really putting his all into the duel yet, so the strike was vicious but aimless. In fact, he was more invested in talking to Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei than fighting him. For now, anyways. Even his defense was half-hearted, as he moved to swipe his lightsaber low at the 'joust' that Ok was giving him. Of course he quickly realized the mistake, and knowing he couldn't bring the weapon up to hold an adequate defense. So, he was going to have to play his hand early, or part of it. He ducked down slightly, steadied his grip, and ignited the second blade.

His lightsaber was only slightly more than standard length, just barely big enough to allocate space for the crystals and coupling inside it. So he wouldn't be surprised if this caught Okkeus off guard, though he had a hunch the Knight would be able to maintain his composure. Darlyn closed his eyes as the white blade shot out with a sharper than normal thrum, the pure blade catching Okkeus's overhead strike. In that instant of contact, a bright flash, like a camera, would flash out, and Darlyn would take any slight imbalance this caused to reach out with the Force and Push at Okkeus, wanting to gain just a little bit of ground.

However it played out, he would disengage and step back, angling his lightsaber so the white blade rose back up behind him, while the main purple blade was angled down. "And if they decide that the one in their crosshairs can't be taken, what's to stop them from turning to someone more within reach? And beyond that, why do I have to change? I do nothing, nothing, that harms innocents. In fact, I do everything in my growing power to protect them. What about the Dark makes it so irreversibly and unrelentingly evil in their eyes, that nothing matters but what someone is rather than who they are? Why does it matter so much that who I am, really, truly, matters less than nothing?"

He took a moment, before filling himself with the Force, raw and unfiltered, though what he exuded would feel ever so distinctly Dark. He let himself fall into a sort of active meditation, utilizing Body to calm his body and allow him to push limits, without having to focus the Force into a single attribute. Force Adrenaline, something he might have once taught Okkeus, if he remembered. And when the Force filled him, Darlyn moved in for the strike. His dual bladed spun easily in his hand, by utilizing masterful wrist motions to bring blade after blade to bear. The white blade would flash again on any contact with Okkeus's gold blade, as Darlyn let his body's autopilot take over.

"Have you ever been to Tython?"

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