Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Seer's Relic



On the grassy plains of Lothal, under a sky streaked with the colors of dusk, Braze sat cross-legged, the ancient lightsaber resting across his palms. The gentle breeze tussled his hair as he examined the relic with awe and curiosity. The plains around him were tranquil, the tall grasses swaying softly.

The hilt of the saber was from a bygone era, its aged metal adorned with intricate engravings. Braze traced his fingers over the golden electrum detailing, feeling the weight of history in his hands. The crossguard design was unusual, distinct from the more streamlined sabers of his time, and it spoke of a period when lightsaber duels were as much about artistry as combat.

As he turned the saber over, the soft, azure light from the Adegan crystal cast a glow on his face, its quality unlike anything he had seen in contemporary lightsabers. The crystal's rare nature made him wonder about the Jedi who had once wielded this weapon. What had they been like? What battles had they fought? What wisdom, or warnings, might they impart?

Braze's thoughts drifted to Valor, the Echani he and Jasper had encountered in the bizarre cloning facility on Endor. It was there, that he had acquired this saber. He wondered about the journey it had taken to end up in such a place, passing through hands across the centuries until it reached his.

However, as he inspected the saber more closely, Braze noticed signs of wear and the need for maintenance. The intricate patterns on the grip were slightly worn, and the emitter's elegant tapering design showed signs of age. It was functional, yes, but it deserved to be restored to its full glory.

It was a piece of history, a relic that had witnessed the rise and fall of many, and now it was in his care.

Braze stood up and switched it on looking over the glowing azure blade that resonated from within.



Location: Lothal
Tags: Braze Braze

Lothal was one of the few planets that Bryngaar frequently returned to, whenever he desired to dedicate time for meditation. Tython was another such place, one that was deeply rooted in the Lightside due to its history as one of the Jedi’s ancient homes. However, the planet still bore its wounds inflicted upon it when the Brotherhood of the Maw had attacked. Efforts had since been made to repair and heal the land, but the scars could still be felt.

And while Bryngaar had done his part in helping, there was only so much you could do before it started to have its toll on you. Emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Not like Lothal had gone without its own share of problems. In recent years, they had been dealing with a persistent pirate problem. Particularly with them trying to take parts of the Capital City as their own personal outpost. The Lothal Protectorate thought differently, and had seen to it that the pirate gangs were kicked off the planet.

Bryngaar had decided to visit the planet for two reasons: to meditate, and to visit a particular pack of Loth-wolves. He had lived long enough to see a new generation of pups be born to the group, and it was always a joy to see them growing a bit with every visit. They were in a way like a family to the Wookiee. Certainly enough so to allow him into their territory and be left alone while meditating.

That was until he sensed something within the Force, approaching the planet.

It wasn’t a disturbance per se, but it was something. Something old, but otherwise indistinguishable at its current distance. Bryngaar wasn’t the only one to pick up on it, as a number of the Loth-wolves did too. One of the largest wanted to seek it out, thus offered the Wookiee a ride to make the trip there quicker.

By the time they reached the plains, dusk had fallen over that side of Lothal. There was a solidarity figure standing there, seemingly looking at something in his hands. A moment later an azure blade sprung to life.

The Wookiee gave his companion a silent thank you, before setting foot onto the grass and slowly approaching the stranger. Whether or not they had heard the Loth-wolf’s approach, or Bryngaar’s footfalls, there was no missing the sudden sound of animalistic growls, barks and roars behind him.

[“So, you’re the one I’ve been sensing.”]


Bryngaar Bryngaar

Braze's attention was wholly absorbed by the ancient Jedi artifact cradled gently in his hands. The azure light of the blade cast a mesmerizing glow, captivating him like a moth drawn to a flame. He was just beginning to sense the subtle influence of the crystal when an unexpected sound broke his concentration. The distant howling of wolves caused him to turn sharply, his heart racing.

The sight that greeted him only intensified his alarm. Standing before him was a towering Wookiee, flanked by large, imposing wolves. Braze, with his ghostly pale complexion and snowy white hair, seemed even more pale in his shock. The color drained from his already pale face as he stared up at the giant figure and his canine companions.

In a swift, almost reflexive motion, Braze spun around, the long hilt of the lightsaber awkwardly positioned in front of him as a makeshift shield. His wide, somber jade green eyes darted frantically, scanning the Wookiee's body language for any sign of intent. His mental shields clamped down tightly, a defensive barrier against the unknown.

Braze's grasp of languages was tenuous at best, often leading to confusion and misinterpretation. Yet, he tried to pick out familiar words, hoping to make sense of the situation.

"Uh... Hello there..." he stammered in basic, his voice meek and tinged with uncertainty. "I'm sorry, is this your patch of grass? I didn't mean to, uh... wander onto it..." His words trailed off as he began to inch backward, each step cautious and hesitant.

Memories of past encounters with wookies, like the one with Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , flooded his mind, fueling his apprehension. He wasn't sure if this meeting would unfold similarly, but he was prepared to retreat if necessary, his demeanor was that of defensiveness and timidity.

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Location: Lothal
Tags: Braze Braze

The Wookiee stepped back as the stranger suddenly swung around, lightsaber poised in an awkward defensive stance. At first, Brynjaar assumed it was due to his sudden introduction, but then he noticed the human’s increasingly pale complexion.

It seemed he had walked up to someone who hadn’t the best experiences with his kind.

Bryngaar wanted to facepalm at his own foolishness. His curiosity had gotten the better of him, momentarily forgetting that just generally finding someone of his build behind you was a frightening sight. And that didn’t take into consideration the personal experiences of the other person.

The Wookiee raised his hands, in a gesture that he hoped read ‘I come in peace’, before turning around to address the Loth-wolves that had accompanied him. As he spun, the long lightsaber hilt on his belt swung into view.

Bryngaar muttered something to the wolves, both of which shared a look before both walked away. Neither left however, instead they settled down into the grass and observed.

As the towering Master turned to face Braze again, an apologetic expression on his furry face. Bryngaar reached down into one of the larger bags attached to his belt. He pulled out what looked like a simple metal sphere, until he pressed a button.

The sphere suddenly flew up into the air, a lone optic eye flashing to life on the screen.

Finally, you oversized walking carpet! I hate it when you go on these meditation retreats, I always get stuffed in that bag.” The droid continued to rant for longer, all the while Bryngaar said nothing and just listened, amusement clear in his expression. After several moments, the floating orb finally looked around, to Braze, then back to Bryngaar. “...You could’ve warned me we had company.

Bryngaar just let out a small laugh. ["And miss the chance of this? Never. I need your assistance in translation, I fear I've made an awful first impression."]

The droid spun around to address Braze. “Master Bryngaar offers his apologies if he has scared you, it was not his intent. He came here because he sensed you, it, something?
Bryngaar Bryngaar

Braze's gaze lingered on the towering Wookiee, his green eyes intently observing every movement. As the large wolves settled down, a wave of relief washed over him, and he cautiously deactivated his saber, recognizing that there was no threat. The tension in his posture eased, replaced by a growing curiosity, especially towards the droid that the Wookiee had just produced.

The droid, finally acknowledging Braze, relayed Bryngaar's apologies and explained the reason for their encounter. Bryngaar had sensed something – perhaps Braze or the unique saber he held – and was drawn to investigate.

"Oh, I see... uh... ehehehe..." Braze chuckled nervously, still holding the elongated saber hilt upwards. "Maybe this is what you felt?" he half-asked, turning his attention back to the tall, fuzzy figure. He shifted into a more relaxed stance, exhaling a slow, heavy breath, his earlier apprehension fading.

The Adegan crystal, emanated an aura that was almost tangible to those sensitive to the Force. To Braze It was like a soft hum, resonating with a sense of calm. The energy was not just powerful; it felt wise, as if the crystal had seen centuries unfold and had absorbed the knowledge and experiences of its previous wielders.

Bryngaar, with his deep connection to the Force, may have sensed something more profound. To him, the crystal's energy felt like a quiet, yet powerful, whisper of the past. It was as if the crystal was imbued with echoes of historical events, battles fought, and lessons learned. He could sense a depth of emotion and experience within it, a remnant of history and of the Jedi who had wielded it before. The crystal seemed to hold a reservoir of knowledge, potentially offering insights into the mysteries of the Force.

The crystal was more than just a power source ; it was a conduit of the Force, rich with history and knowledge.

Location: Lothal
Tags: Braze Braze

Bryngaar turned his attention to the lightsaber Braze was holding, or rather the crystal that was protectively concealed within it. The Wookiee closed his eyes, raising a hand up and held it close to the hilt. He didn’t even need to touch it, to feel the aura the crystal was giving off.

He could sense a calm hum on the surface, but delving even a little further made it apparent that it resonated deeper within the crystal. It harboured a sensation that was all too familiar to Bryngaar, the flow of time. Much like his visions, only the crystal went backwards rather than forwards. Something that the Wookiee Seer was incapable of.

Threads of time that teased of a rich tapestry within its depths.

One Bryngaar dared not to delve deeper, in fear that he’d become lost in it.

The Wookiee lowered his hand, his eyes opening to gaze down at the Jedi before him.

[“The crystal within speaks of a long history, one that has been in the hands of many Jedi. Imbued with knowledge from each and every one of them. Suffice to say, it is quite old. Older than I, I’ve no doubt.”] Bryngaar let out an amused chuckle at that. [“And now it is in your possession, young one.”]

Ceres, his handy little translation droid translated along the way.

[“I am curious though, where did you come across it?”]


Bryngaar Bryngaar

Braze's eyes shifted nervously from the lightsaber hilt to Bryngaar, who had turned his attention to the crystal concealed within it.

Braze took a deep breath, his pale features flushing with color as he began to explain the circumstances of how he had acquired the lightsaber he now held. He shifted uncomfortably, the weight of his actions bearing down on him as he spoke, aware that his actions might be scrutinized by the wise Wookiee seer.

"I, um... well... you see..." Braze began hesitantly, his voice carrying a hint of unease. "I took it from someone else... Someone Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el defeated when he and I were kidnapped."

He paused, his eyes briefly darting to the lightsaber in his hand, as if it held the answers to his guilt. "He was unconscious when I took it," Braze continued, his tone quiet. "I didn't want them to have a weapon in case they woke back up... So... I just took it."

The young Jedi's admission hung in the air, and he couldn't help but feel a small tinge of shame for his actions. He knew that taking someone else's weapon wasn't the most honorable thing to do.


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