Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Secret Meeting

Nyicon listened to man, struggling to keep the girl in his grasp. He didn't like the situation, especially being stuck in a potential 1 versus 1 battle. He'd have preferred to have more soldiers with him, but he didn't have that luxury.

Who was this man, and why was this girl with him? Was she spying for him? Who were they with? He'd have to know if they were Galactic Alliance. If not, maybe he could reach a peaceful resolution.

"If she's with you, then who are you with, citizen?" Maybe establishing himself as an authority figure would give him an edge.
[member="Marcus Itera"]
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
While [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"] tried to weasel his way out the current situation, Theta tried to reach a significantly large blade from her boots. Her left arm was almost crushed by Nyicon's grip, so she was forced to reach with her right hand. She had to raise her boot up a little bit to grasp the hilt of the stolen beskad blade. Then she stopped, looking up to after hearing [member="Marcus Itera"] say she was with him. what in the name of endor is this guy doing? she thought. Why is he helping me? She was grateful for the action, but she was also dumbfounded. This guy- the officer- was nearly about to shoot her brains out, and now Marcus was trying to save her.

Theta's wondering eyes met the mando's visor, giving him a weak yet confused look. But at the angle she was at, Nyicon wouldn't be able to see it. She then looked down at her half drawn beskad, for which she finally lowered her boot and held the blade limply in her hand. Then, she held it's hilt like a dagger, and proceeded to try and stab Nyicon in the leg- anywhere would please her. If Nyicon managed to not notice the blade, Theta would fall to the floor, landing on her hands and knees. Her recovery would be partially brief, which she'd stumble to her feet and hold her stolen mando blade out.

If she doesn't stab him, then she would remain in Nyicon's clutches.
A peaceful resolution was always something Marcus strived for, and it disappointed him when leaders continuously regarded it as something not worthy of being your first option. Violence, aggression, and increasing imperialism in the galaxy was what made the common man die for a rich and seemingly noble ruler. This officer before him didn't have to die today, this girl didn't have to die today, and Marcus sure as hell wasn't dying today.

"Who am I?" He repeated. "I'm no citizen, that's for sure." The rifle felt light in his hands as a steady gaze locked onto the heavy-breathing frame of an Imperial officer. He could tell that much from here, the insignias upon his lapel glinting against the light coming through dusty viewports.

"But the girl is with me. She's my niece and she wandered off all on her lonesome while I was doing a little exploring." Marcus shifted to allow the man a chance to catch a glimpse of the small shovel slung across his back. "You let her go and we all walk away unscathed. Deal?"

There were only two options for this situation. The first was violent and heated, and not the one the Mandalorian would suggest at all. The second was much more peaceful and compromising.

But both of those plans were botched the second the young girl reached for a small blade tucked into her boot.

[member="Theta H'darr"] [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]
Nyicon listened to the man's words, his gaze fixed on his weapon. The shovel gave credit to his story, and he sure didn't want to test his luck today. He couldn't just let the girl go, though.

"A fortune seeker, then? Well, as much as I'd like to just give your niece back, she's gotten us all into an awkward situation. I'm here on Imperial business, and she overheard some sensitive information be exchanged between an Imperial associate and I. Some "classified" information. I'd love to give you your niece back and for us all to go on our merry way, but I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I'll need some assurance what your niece heard will stay between us."

His rifle was pointing at the ground now, a relaxed look on his face. Finally, things were looking up.

Until a sharp stabbing pain shot into his leg as he fell to the ground, both hands gripping the wound as his rifle hit the ground.

"You little rat!" He screamed. "Liars, both of you! You won't get away with this!"

[member="Marcus Itera"]
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Marcus Itera"] | [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

Perhaps she'd done what most considered stupid. She could plee with half hearing and the loss of blood, right? Theta was wobbly on her feet, watching as the officer clutched his leg. Theta gritted her teeth, pointing her stolen mando beskad at Nyicon in a two handed novice style. "I'm sorry, I really am." Theta said weakly, almost as if she were about to pass out soon. "B-But all you two were talking about was freaking cooking recipes, and how to gift your wifes properly. Who cares!"

She didn't mention the sensitive shipment information she'd heard before they'd started socialising. She just needed to look as cute as possible, and even more confused as before. That would make up for her dumb move and defiance. She didn't have the guts to look at the mando. She wouldn't doubt that he'd try to disarm her. Or worse- attack her. In this state at least.

"Now, C-Can't you just grow a pair and admit that I've done something wrong by accident?"
This series of unfortunate happenings was something had hadn't expected whatsoever. The whole thing, really. The man didn't plan on seeing any other intelligent life out here and was even more so surprised to have stumbled upon an Imperial officer and a little girl caught in the middle of some important business. None of it was even Marcus's business either yet he'd ended up charging headfirst into the midst of it.

When the girl stumbled forward, her front covered in crimson, the Mandalorian moved quickly. The rifle jammed back into his shoulder as he slid forward to place himself in front of the girl but still further away from the officer.

"Put down your weapon, girl." The man barked. "I told him I would handle this peacefully and I intended on doing just that." It was true. He'd changed from his old ways. Even though adrenaline streaked through his veins and the fiery intensity of battle still churned in his stomach, he wanted nothing more than to lay down his rifle one day and live in peace - without worry.

Marcus wasn't worried about being blasted from this range. Mandalorian armor was the best in the entire galaxy, and he had no qualms with showing this man a personal testimony. Rather, he fished a medkit from his utility belt with his left hand and tossed it to him. "Patch yourself up. Sorry about that," the rifle lowered just a fraction, "We'll be leaving now."

[member="Theta H'darr"], [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

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