Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Secret Meeting

Nyicon had been waiting for several hours in the middle of a valley on Boz Pity. His Imperial Transport was parked nearby, near a few ancient statues from a long, lost civilization. The statues were in the shape of heads, a little bigger than 6 feet in height. The insides were hollow, and we're accessible by small ramps that led into the mouth. He had checked all the ones nearby, making sure he was all alone. The dirt crunched beneath his boots as he looked out at the open flatlands, the sun shining in the sky. The air was warm, almost making him sweaty under his uniform.
In the distance he could see a speeder bike, flying over the dirt and heading toward him. He gripped his E-11 tightly, unsure if this was his contact. He watched eagerly, he'd soon find out. The speeder reached him, a Neimodian sliding off. He was dressed in leather, a pistol strapped to his waist.
"You should know better than to keep me waiting." Proclaimed Nyicon, clearly annoyed.
"You should know I'm not one for being in a hurry, Major." Responded the Neimodian, a grin on his face.
Nyicon shook his head, letting out a sigh. "Let's just get down to business."
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

Boz Pity was the first empty planet Theta had stepped on since she'd left Tatooine. Desolate- ruins everywhere. It made Theta's trekk rather boring. She'd been told by a transporting pilot that another ship would be coming around in two days, one heading for Ragoon IV. From there, she could only hope to reach Dantooine. She'd heard it was some kind of safe haven for all, from the clutches of everything. For her, it was mostly the Hutt Cartel, and the infamous One Sith.

A series of ruins caught Theta's attention, They weren't far, maybe about a five minute trek. Theta picked up the speed, eventually jogging into the back entrance of a building. Just as she was about to take off her knapsack, Theta heard the hum of a speederbike. Theta froze, restrapping her knapsack and crept through what had once been a kitchen. She then peered through the window. Since the window was covered in so much residue on the windows, The thirteen year old peered through one of the broken areas.

Theta spotted a man in leather and another in an imperial uniform. Theta silently gulped, her eyes widening. I just walked into something important. she thought. I can feel it. However, just seeing the duo had only screwed her over. She was merely oblivious. For now at least.
The Neimodian had his arms crossed over his chest, his smile still prominent.
"My employer's wife loves the necklace you sent her. With stones that quality, it must've cost you a fortune. Where does one manage to find stones like that, let alone find the money to afford them?" The Neimodian asked.
Nyicon smiled, the Imperial grinning wickedly from ear to ear.
"I'm glad she's happy!" He exclaimed. "As for your question, all I'll say is that the One Sith is kind to those who are loyal."
"I don't have a doubt about it, Major. Not a single one. I assume you had the sense to check the ruins before I arrived?" The Neimodian asked, looking about at the structures around them.
"Of course I did, you fool. Do you think I'm stupid?" Nyicon was clearly was annoyed now.
The Neimodian shook his head.
"One can never be too sure, Major. Now, my employers will have your shipment preared and delivered next week. We've received your more than generous payment for the supplies. The upgraded rifles, jetpacks, and personal shields, all ready for the Imperial troops."
Nyicon nodded, the smile returning to his face. He rubbed his chin, his other hand on his hip.
"My Commanding Officer is a stubborn woman. She doesn't see the benefit of working with your syndicate. Maybe after we start using these weapons she'll see things my way, and might even give me that bonus I've been looking for."
"You play a very dangerous game, Major. I like that." The Neimodian replied, chuckling lightly.
"I do what I think is best to help the Empire and the Sith. If this helps the Empire takes back what belongs to it, so be it. The best government is an Imperial government."
"The best government is an Imperial government that looks the other way from my Syndicate's activities." The Neimodian responded, a look of curiosity on his face.
"This works out, your Syndicate will have nothing to worry about from the Sith, so long as the supplies keep coming in and I have a say in it."
The two laughed, shaking hands and proceeding into conversation about personal life.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

Theta silently slipped from her perch and away from the window, now aware of what she'd done. Kinda- just a little- she may have picked up onto some One Sith business. Theta traveled across the kitchen, and into the long forgotten living room. Now that she'd heard the conversation, it was only of matter of getting the heck away. Her worry and wrong priorities caused her to over correct a step, and accidently knocked over a broken lamp off a table counter. She whirled around to face it, reaching out her hands to catch it. But the glass base summoned a loud crash, loud enough to be heard from outside the complex.

Gritting her teeth, hurried out of the house through it's back entrance, Now unaware she was leaving dust footprints. That wasn't her priority. She just needed to make some space in between herself and their evil witchcraft-

All she saw from the edge of the ruins was barren wasteland. Nothing to hide behind. Theta turned her head back towards the ruins, near a set of standing pillars. Should she hide in there? It was a question she would have to answer later, for which she crept behind a large rock to see what the duo would do.
"I'll have to give you the recipe sometime. It goes gr-" the Neimodian suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowing as the two look towards the direction the noise came from, quickly drawing their blasters.
"You said you checked out the area!" Yelled the Neimodian, angry and staring at the house.
"I did, it must've been an animal or something." Snapped Nyicon, shaking his head.
"You're careless, Major. Let's go check it out."

The two moved toward the house, their blasters at the ready and their fingers on the trigger. They both move inside, doing a sweep and clear of the building. Finding nothing, they holster their weapons, inspecting the lamp.
"Something knocked this over." Announced the Neimodian, picking it up to inspect it.
"It doesn't take intelligence to figure that out." Exclaimed Nyicon, looking about for any clues. He moved to the back door, finding the footprints.
"Hey, come look at this. I think our guest is still nearby." Shouted Nyicon, readying his E-11 again. The Neimodian came over, looking at the footprints to see the direction they go in.
"Well whatever it is, it left us behind a way to track it. Let's hurry up and go find it. My employer will be hearing about it." The Neimodian said, pulling out his blaster pistol and following the footprints.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

As soon as the two men cleared the path, Theta sprinted towards the pillars she'd spotted earlier. Drawing herself behind one of them, she assessed her surroundings. There were the ruins to her left, and what appeared to be a speederbike towards her right. The problem was, it was a good sprinting distance away. But it was the fastest way out. It was also the most obvious. Alas she made her choice. At first she steadily crept from her hiding spot, and looked around before she took of running. At this point, she had her small hand blaster equipped, ready to shoot if she had to.

Despite her age, Being part Vahla granted her increased agility, and speed. She made it to the speederbike under minute, and climbing onto the seat. This would be her first time driving one. She looked around the console area to find the ignition. It took her a second, but she managed to start the engine. Now- how to make it move..
The two followed the footprints, keeping their eyes open for any movement. It's at this point Nyicon spotted the girl jumping on the speeder bike.
"Damn it, we've been infiltrated! She must be with the Galactic Alliance! Get her!" Screamed Nyicon, running in the opposite direction.
"Where are you going? She's over here!" The Neimodian cried out, sprinting toward the speeder. It was still a good distance away.
"To my ship, there's no chance I'm letting her get away!" Yelled out Nyicon as he continued toward his ship. He called out for the pilot to start the engine and prepare for takeoff.

The Neimodian shook his head, continuing to run to the speeder, his pistol at the ready.
"Stop! Get off that speeder!" He cried.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

As soon as she'd found where to move the speederbike, Theta's head snapped in the duo's direction. She froze like a deer in a car's headlights. Galactic Empire? What was he talking about. At first she was dumbfounded, but it didn't take her long to piece everything together. Oh crap. she suddenly. Oh god what have I done?! By the time the Niemodian made his way forward, Theta had already revved the engine on the speederbike and took off into the barren wasteland.

The wind from traveling so fast hurt Theta's face, for which she struggled to see anything ahead. The little girl had to duck her head down a bit, just so she could see the land ahead. That safezone was a few miles out. I thought It was going to be a few days hike. But I can get there in about ten minutes without any interruptions. she thought hastily.
The Neimodian screamed in anger, firing his pistol at the speeder as the lasers hopelessly missed. He threw his pistol to the ground, stomping his feet and yelling obscenities.

The Imperial Transport was slowly beginning to take off, Nyicon jumping on to the ramp and running inude the ship. The ramp closed and the ship sped off, following the speeder on it's track. The pilot kept the ship pretty high up in the air. It wasn't the fastest ship, but they had the advantage of being able to see where the girl went if she stayed in open land.
"Keep on her, pilot, don't let her out of sight! Touch down near wherever she stops." Exclaimed Nyicon as he sat down in the co-pilot's chair.
"I'm on it, sir." Responded the pilot, activating the thrusters whenever the ship permitted. The ship wasn't firing on her, for now at least.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

At first, Theta had assumed that she'd outran the duo and was free. A small smile spread across her face. Infact, she nearly started laughing in happiness. Unfortunately, as soon as she saw the over looming shadow, she turned her head upwards to see a large ship flying over head. Theta's speeder bike was nearly going full speed. A sense of worry grew inside the little girl. She had to get to the safe zone fast. The area was underground. If she managed to get there first, that ship wouldn't be able to keep up with her.

Turning her head back to the road, she could see the entrance in the ground ahead, about a few miles away. She was homing in faster than she'd expected.
Nyicon watches the speeder race away, his eyes locked on the target.
"Pilot, stay close to the ground. Be ready to slow down. Some point she'll have to get off that speeder, and when she does, I'm going to need to be able to get out of the ship quickly and chase after her."
The Pilot nodded, flying closer to the ground. He stays on her, ready to stop to let Nyicon out. The ship still hasn't fired, possibly indicating they're more interested in capture.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

As the ship began to close in onto Theta's speedbike, the dark hole in the ground began to increase in size. Theta was coming on it fast. And if she didn't stop, she'd most likely fall to her death. Searching the handlebars, Theta tried to find the breaks. C'mon, it can't be that hard to find.. She thought hastily to herself. By the time she'd managed to find the breaks, A steady incline formed in the dark hole, proving that it wasn't a dead drop afterall. Roughly about seventy five meters away, the engine on the speederbike cut short, tilting forward nose down. The energies on the bike had been spent, due to it's old age. The nose embedded itself in the ground, sliding in circles of another fifty meters. It slowed itself at roughly fifteen meters, which the momentum through Theta off.

Theta hit the ground hard, chest first and her legs following soon after. The landing overall wasn't as bad as She'd thought. It didn't hurt, but when she tried to pull herself up quickly, her head throbbed. Theta tried to ignore the pain, eventually coming to her senses and running for the safezone entrance. Theta's feet met the steady incline in a matter of seconds. However, her running pace was iffy due to her spinning head. If you don't think about it, It will stop. she thought. Although Theta wasn't a medical physician, she did know how to suck up pain.
As the speeder began to crash and tumble, the Imperial Transport slowed to a near stop. The ramp opened and Nyicon jumped out, hitting the ground with a thud.

He pulls himself up, dusting off his uniform as he bursts into a dead sprint. He's not the fastest runner, but he's going at a decent speed.
"You might as well stop, you're not getting off this planet!" He shouted as he ran after her.

The ship circled overhead, the pilot ready to land if needed.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Marcus Itera"] | [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

For some odd reason, Theta's throbbing head began to spin. It was getting worse, for which Theta had feared. She didn't want this. She had plans to live a free life. And here she was being chased by an imperial officer. Everywhere she went, it was a matter of being treated like a trouble magnet. First the Sith Lord on Endor, and now this. Honestly, if she made her middle name 'trouble' she'd finally have a meaning in the galaxy. By now, Theta was running as fast as she could, she could hear the Imperial officer near the beginning of the incline. She didn't have much time.

Alas she nearly threw herself into a hanger door, near a old and dusty control panel. It was very old, probably dating back to the old republic times. Or, that was old to her at least. Then again, she was half educated. She had been a slave most of her life. Grasping the protective cover and pushing it upward, Theta's hand shook over the control panel, shaking out of fear and adrenaline. What was the code! she thought. What was it the stupid munchkin gave me!
Nyicon continues chasing after her, intent on catching the girl. He follows her down into the hole. There would be no escape for her now.

He follows her down to the door, watching her struggle to get the door open. He's drenched in sweat and out of breath. He readies his rifle, aiming right at her.
"You're not going anywhere, little spy." He announces, squeezing the trigger on the rifle, attempting a non-lethal takedown shot.

He hopes this will keep him from having to do any more running.
[member="Theta H'darr"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"] | [member="Marcus Itera"]

So after this post, the order will be the following:

Theta, Marcus, Nyicon, cont..

Theta heard the man's footsteps draw closer and closer, which frightened Theta more than before. Theta tried punching in a few codes, and finally managed to activate the doors after her third try. The doors opened at a near crawling rate, she she had to wait at least five minutes. Theta held her handblaster and turned around, only to be greeted by the imperial officer a blaster at her. Theta stood still, her eyes round. She opened her mouth to say something. "No! You've got the wrong Idea! I'm not a-" Before Theta could finish, a sharp burning pain entered her under frame, underneath her chestplate and into her stomach. Theta gasped, bringing her free hand to her already cauterized wound. Theta looked down at her shirt, seeing the single hole. it didn't take long for an oozy crimson substance to stain her shirt.

Theta looked up in shock, her mouth half open. She tried to say something, but her knees buckled before she could even say something. Oh my gods. Theta thought. the little girl landed on her right side, able to see the Sith Officer's boots. He shot me! I didn't do anything wrong. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. The rumbles from the doors filled her right ear, while her left ear could hear the officer's movements. As for her body, she was merely in shock. This would be the first time she'd ever been shot.
Boz Pity.

It was a world of the likes Marcus had never seen. Of course graveyards and cemeteries were commonplace, even funeral pyres, but nothing of this magnitude. Even the skeletal remains of the mourning lands were gigantic in size, which half-buried carcasses stretching across entire valleys before ending. As the Harlequin zoomed across the placid and rather sad lands, it didn't take a second glance for its pilot to wonder why he was even here.

"You sure you're gonna find anything here?" The AI looked disgruntled. "I mean, the place is literally deserted. Nothing of any real value."

Marcus shrugged, feeling the weight of the beskar'kandar upon his torso. "The reports said something can be found over here. Back during the Clone wars, they had to leave a lot of things behind when the going got tough." He flashed a grin from behind the helmet's visor. "And it might just be ours for the taking."

That explanation didn't seem to budge Miranda whatsoever, but she heaved a sigh and sought to locate a proper place to land. The HUD and primary sensors pinged with potential locations but most were higher than he'd liked, situated in the highlands. He wanted somewhere a little less wet and with solid foundation beneath his feet.

"There. Appears to be an abandoned bunker, ruins or something."

The vessel snapped across the sky without hesitation. Auxiliary thrusters kicked in and the landing gear activated as the entire ship shifted to lay horizontally as it made contact with the ground. A few confirmation taps to the ship's security systems were enough to satiate his desire for optimum defense. A rifle in hand, sidearm upon his hip, and a small jetpack were among the few things he grabbed before departing.

An overcast sky was the first thing he noticed, along with the sogginess of nearby vegetation, bearing the signs of a recent downpour. Marcus muttered a word of thanks to his armor's environmental system, shouldered the rifle, and started for the building when he caught distinct sound of a blaster rifle going off.

"It came from inside!"

Marcus was already storming for the building before Miranda's warning rang in his ear. An armored shoulder made quick work of the door and his rifle was leveled, scanning the derelict and dank building with impunity. More shouting from the east, and it sounded like... no, it couldn't be.

Two more doors were brought down during his search before a third fell in quick succession. Before his eyes was something he hadn't expected at all. Some uniformed man clad in grey clutched a rifle in his hands while a small girl cried out, falling to the ground with a hand attempting to cover the scorch mark upon her chest. It sizzled and blood slowly oozed from the wound.

The AR-47 snapped into his shoulder instantaneously. It leveled at the man with the rifle.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't fry you right now." Marcus snarled. "What the feth is going on?"

[member="Theta H'darr"], [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]
Nyicon watched the girl hit the ground, a burn mark in her chest. His eyes widened, that was not at all what he had intended to happen when he fired his weapon. It was too late now, he'd have to try and get as much information from her as he could.

As he began walking toward her, he watched as [member="Marcus Itera"] came out of seemingly nowhere, a blaster rifle trained on him. He was told this planet was deserted, where did all these people keep coming from? He ran over to the girl, attempting to grab her.

If he succeeded, he'd use her as a shield, holding her up as he pointed his E-11 at the man. "Because how do you know you'll hit me? This little rat was spying on my associate and I, she tried running away." He was sweating, his uniform reeking. He kept his finger on the trigger, ready to fire.


If he failed to grab her, he would simply move back, both hands on his E-11 as he aimed at the man. "Because if you kill me, you'll never leave this planet alive. There's others out here waiting for me to return. As for the girl, she was spying on my associate and I, she tried running away after we caught on to her presence. Put the gun down, citizen, and let's talk this out." His finger was on the trigger, ready to fire. Sweat dripped down from his head, his breathing heavy.
[member="Theta H'darr"]
[member="Marcus Itera"]

Theta H'darr

ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇssʏ
[member="Marcus Itera"] | [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

Blood. So much Blood. Despite it being a little amount, the rate in which her life blood seeped made her want to throw up. However, hurling in this situation would only make her feel worse. Having a headache and a bleeding wound was bad enough. The little mutt breed attempted to sit up, having to place one of her dark colored hands into her own blood. While performing the heavy task, Theta released a muffled grunt cry of a sort. Get up you little dweeb. she thought threateningly to herself. You of all people are not going to die. Now suck it up and shoot this high almighty gas guzzler.

Now on her knees, Theta looked around her her handblaster. Sadly, it was across the room. In this current situation, getting up and making a run for it was suicide. By now, Theta had acknowledged the mandalorian currently in the room, her eyes growing bigger. As of now, it only made her look more scared.

Her captivation with the new arrival distracted her from the situation at had, for which the officer came at her. As he grabbed for her, Theta swung one of her hands at him. But her efforts to fight back produced no force, making her partially helpless against Nyicon's grasp. Next thing she knew, She was hanging a little bit off the ground, her torso screaming in agony. As the man referred to her as a rat, Theta's face scrunched into a weak offended look. As the situation grew worse on her behalf, Theta attempted to weeze a counterclaim. "I-I didn'-t m-mean t-to." She said, forcing herself to speak. "I-I was-s just passing b-by."
This was going down the drain quickly. The man before him didn't look the short to be roaming supposed ancient and derelict ruins just shooting little girls for fun, but this girl was here for a rather peculiar reason as well. It wasn't really his business anyways but the very way the girl acted and spoke stood out to him more than anything. A certain sincerity coursed through her words and the blood seeping from her chest.

"Help the girl. She's hurt."

Marcus nearly spoke aloud, but his words were silenced with a grim thinning of lips. I know, I know, he thought.

The rifle remained in his grasp, trained upon the frame of the uniformed man without faltering. No swaying, no fidgeting, simply pure steadiness and precision. At this range, there was no doubt in his mind that he could make the shot, but he did not desire to hurt anyone today. It was supposed to be a day of exploration and potential profits to fix a series of subspace transceivers and communications systems aboard the Harlequin.

The Mandalorian took a step forward. "Give me the girl. She's with me." It was a total bluff but there was no way this man knew that, especially from behind the visor of his helmet.

[member="Theta H'darr"], [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

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