The Assassin continued to observe his “student’s” efforts through the Force, smiling as her presence started to grow weaker and weaker. It was still possible to sense her though; the lack of practice showed, making Taeli visible in the sea of the Force. The menacing Sith Lady radiating power became an inexperienced Acolyte though, at least according to the Force. A huge progress in such a short time, but then again, the woman was far from being a beginner. Large leaps had to be expected and if she trained and practiced every day… she might as well master the techniques in a few years.
Avreet decided to give her a little taste of things she’d be able to do once she mastered this and a few other abilities. The Mon Cal sitting in front of her became transparent until completely vanishing. “Excellent work,” came from behind the woman as the familiar Mon Calamari Sith approached her from behind, his signature identifying him as real Veles. He stopped by the Sith Lady’s right side, just when his identical twin appeared out of nowhere; bearing the same voice and signature.
“I can still feel you though,” this newcomer informed the Sith Lady, “It takes practice to completely vanish from the Force. As of right now, if others know of you and search specifically for your presence and signature, they will most likely discover you. Masters, I mean. Knights and Padawans… those will not feel you. Unless you count the Miralukas.” Avreet said and walked to the woman’s left side.
“Once you master the ability to hide yourself from the Force though, they will be unable to feel you. Given their usual lack of sight…,” a soft chuckle escaped from the mouth of another Avreet that walked out of the shadows right in front of Darth Arcanix. “You will not exist for them.”
The one on her right continued. “Once you get better at Force stealth, you will find the state of having your presence hidden quite natural. It is not a taxing ability.”
The Avreets next to the Sith lady vanished, leaving only the one in front of her, who knelt down in the place he had sat before.
"Force cloak, also known as Cloak of shadows or Force concealment, is the ability to bend light and manipulate sound waves to render one virtually invisible and inaudible. It is indeed a very powerful ability to possess, which could mean the difference between life or death. Also, it is an alternative to fighting when secrecy is the best course of action. In the beginning you will manage to do this in short bursts, but over time, you will be able to hold this form for longer periods. As I have said, it is exhausting to your body, mind, and the Force that resonates inside you. Until you are completley in tune with this ability, I suggest not using on missions unless your life is in danger and there is no other way to escape for the exception of fighting. Also, with this ability you can sneak past rivals, guards, or others without alerting your presence to them. Keep in mind that when you bend sounds so others could not hear you, you also won’t be able to hear the outside world."
The Sith Assassin bent light around himself, doing it slowly so Lady Arcanix could see and feel how he did it. First, he became slightly transparent, looking like a ghost, before disappearing completely. He remained like that for a while before slowly becoming visible again. Then it was time for the presentation of bending sound, so he soundlessly turned on his lightsaber, waving it around without it producing its signature humming sound. The Mon Calamari ultimately demonstrated the full potential of this ability by bending light covering his body, becoming both invisible and soundless. Unfortunately, bending sounds also meant he could not talk to his wonderful Sith Lady, so he stopped the technique, materializing in front of her very eyes.
"As before, I’ll use the metaphor of water to teach you this technique. Imagine yourself underwater. The water all around you is the light and sound. To disappear, think of not allowing the water touch you, push it away. It is hard, but there is no need to rush. You have as much time as you need. Bend the water so it would not touch you. Once you get a hang on it, it will become slightly easier. Do not stress yourself if you fail, just try again until you get it right." Veles said and fell silent. This power required focus and concentration upon being learned, and talking would disturb those. The Sith watched the student as she attempted to perform the technique, excited to see her potential.
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