Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Rainy Night

Planet Nar Shadaa

The night had come quick, but would last forever, the day before, McNeal had just came back to the planet, sober, and now he was drunk, walking the streets as it poured rain onto of it. It was acidic rain from all the crap in the air from the factories, and other buildings producing pollution. How the planet stayed habitatal was beyond him.

He stumbled as he walked, using a wall to keep him up. A bottle of ale in one hand, and a free hand to keep him up, McNeal walked the streets, soaked. His twin repeaters hung in holsters under his arms, and his face needed a shave. His mind raced back to his sister happy on Coruscant, and his father visiting.
"I should have been visiting her too." He spoke inside his head. The only place words could be spoken, and kept secret. The only place he was aloud to speak openly about his feelings, whatever those were. Few people had come to this sector of Nar Shadaa, and he was grateful to that no in saw him in this pitiful state. "What am I doing here?" He asked himself, he stumbled again, but ended up on the ground. He couldn't catch his balance this time. So he sat up straight, and leaned against the wall. He took a gulp of the ale, feeling the sweet, but burning sensation go down his throat. "To the soldiers who fight for us, bunch uh.." he blurred the rest with in slurs not understood. He continued sitting there, sitting in the rain.
After a few hours he raised himself back up, and began walking, more like stumbling down the street, the rain was slightly drizzling now, but his black shirt, red vest were still soaked. His eyes were glazed over from all the alcohol he had consumed. Tomorrow was going to be hell to pay. A major hangover would have to be dealt with. As a mercenary, it was typical to see these kind of people in this state, but he was that small percent that wasn't drinking for fun like most would be, no he was drinking to down sorrows. Sorrows for his brother, and his mother. He was a terrible son, but a damn good aim.

Woman had never been his strong point, a few relationships here, and there, but nothing never stuck. Sometimes it was them, sometimes it was him. He continued down the street, ready to get back to the Madonna, and sleep. "Huh?" He muttered. Someone had spoken to him, but he didn't understand it. He turned around to see who it was. Some guy in fatigues was blabbering at him about disorderly behavior, or some crap. He with quick movement, he pulled out one of his repeater pistols. "What are you sayin?" He questioned the man. The man backed up with his hands up, "Now hold on buddy.." was all he got out.

Ryan shot once, missed big time, it went way off to the left, and the man ran. Who tries to enforce the law on Nar Shadaa?


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
It was fortunate that the droid had so many layers of paint and rust, to be protected from the acidic rain.

Pip turned his old cone-dome to look upon a drunk human.... in some armor. There were so many of those running around on Nar Shadda.... Might as well have been a clone trooper, as far as R3-p1p1 was concerned, but the programming..... It demanded a master to be had. Deep within Pip's core circuits, the program directive drove the little droid to seek out that One Special Bond;To have a master.

Just as surely as he was an astromech, R3-p1p needed a master to serve. Deciding to follow Mcneal, Pip rolled along the rough terrain of the haphazard, uneven pavement after the wobbling man. Now, only time would tell if Pip had chosen wrong in judging good masters from bad masters.
The man stumbled further down the street, only to hear that of wheels coming behind him. "Wha..?" he said turning around. A astromech droid followed nearby. The man studied the droid a little bit, then squated down to its level. "Whatcha need?" He asked. [member="R3-P1P"]


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
"Boop-bwah, Beep-doop-oop buzz" pip said.

Weather or not the man understood him, it would soon become apparent that he had just gained an Astromech droid.... Unless he took to refusing Pip, in a most outrightly manner.

McNeal had picked up a few words, courtesy to being a mechanic few years ago. What he didn't understand was, "Why big guy?" He stepped forward to check out the droid's exterior hull for a model number. As he was searching the rain had nearly stopped, and he had forgotten about the drink.

"P1P huh?" The man said finally said. "Well if you really want to come with me, lets hop to it." He commanded, not in a harsh tone, but more in a uppity partnership way. [member="R3-P1P"]
Kara was walking down the street, coming from the cantina. She was only half drunk, but it took a lot of drinks for even that to happen. She stumbled a bit and tripped, falling into a puddle. Kara looked around, cursing, when she saw a man and an astromech. She managed to get to her feet and walked over to them..
With that said, a woman showed up little ways down the street. Obviously drunk, shown from the tripping. She was making her way towards them. Not sure what to do, he just stood as straight, as straight as a drunken person can, and watched her. [member="Kara Teerah"] [member="R3-P1P"]
When Kara got to them, she smiled. "What a cute little driod!" she said and leaned over to get a good look at @R3-P1P. "I'm Kara by the way, Kara Teerah. Who might you two be?"
What a woman, but the danger this woman could be wasn't hidden by her beauty from McNeal, better to be nice, and polite as possible. "Well this guys [member="R3-P1P"] or just PIP, I just met this guy." He said, laying a hand on top of the droid's head. "McNeal, at your service." He reached his hand out, but the drink was faking over again, and he found himself slowly falling backwards.

The next thing he remembered was laying on his back, looking at a pink woman, and a astromech next to him. "Well, seems I've had enough." He said leaning his head back, and attempted to stand back up. When he finally found his legs, he was back up standing. "What's a lady like you, doing here?" His palms were beginning to sweat, never had the best of luck with woman, why would that change now? [member="Kara Teerah"]
Kara went to shake the man's hand, but he promptly fell on his back. "A lady like me?" Kara laughed and smiled at the man. "A lady like me wanted a few drinks, and was on planet doing a... job. So I had some. Are you okay? You seem to be having trouble standing" she said and put a hand on his back to keep him from falling again.
He knew this woman wasn't just a everyday woman, her eyes said it. "A job huh? Well that's none of my business." Now she helping him stand up, he really needed to shit drinking. "Yeah, yeah...I'm good. Drinking my sorrows away hahah." He attempted to joke. "Thank you." [member="Kara Teerah"]
"I used to do that a lot too, it gets better after a while." She smiled and gestured to the droid. "So this little guy just showed up? Did he say anything?" She was intrigued by the old rusty droid.
The droid? "Yeah, offered to be my droid, more or less. Why?" He stood straight up, he wasn't relatively short, but six feet is only six feet. "It'll be nice having a co pilot for the Madonna." He spoke of his ship. A old ship, but his ship. [member="Kara Teerah"]
"Just wondering, it's not often that you see astromechs go drinking." she said jokingly, smiling. "What kind of ship is yours? I have an old fury class."


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
"Dee-beep bwah boop beep ?" pip asked, swiveling his cone-dome to look at the two of them.

He was wondering what was next; continue living up the night, drinking and gambling(and.... other things ?), or to head back to the ship and see what happens from there. Either choice was fine for pip.

((i want there to be the former choice, that way trouble can happen and pip can show off.))
"Its a Rigger freighter. Nothing fancy. P1P you need to calm down, I know we all just met, and all..but *hiccups* know lets just get to the ship P1P and ill show you. Care to come along?" He said as he turned, and began to walk very slowly to his ship in a landing pad not to far away.


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
Following the other two, Pip trundled along on his 3 treads. After awhile, he began chirping a musical tune;

Yep, Pip was easily amused.
Now the droid was singing, and it was pretty decent to for a whistle. "So ima chance getting shot. What job?" He asked the woman. He was walking very slowly as the world was spinning way to much for his liking. He patted the droid on the head, "That's very nice P1P, ima use you to help me stay up."

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