Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Night Time Meeting

She started doing an improvised routine, starting of by putting one leg in the air holding the pole with one hand while spinning around touching [member="Marcus Lund"] face briefly before retuning to the pole. Next she polished the roof with the cleavages and hands in a lewd fashion obviously implying somthing naughty before placing the pole behind her keeping hole of it while doing a split jiggaling her breasts for herb viewer.

"Do you watch many pole dances handsome or is this one of your first times". She jumped up to the top of the pole spinning around it with her legs in the air before coming to a test and the bitten sitting down.she rolled over giving him a quick bitty shake before returning to an upright position continueinf the free styled pole dance. It defiantly gave Moreno room to manuver as well as alowing more complicated tricks.
Marcus watch every movement of her body intently, stil smiling widely as he saw her dance, his eyes almost lighting up as she touched his face, he looked at her breast as they jiggled en joying the view immensely.

"i only ever seen a few of my bos's slave girls preform, toug i wans't invited to most shows, those were fore geast and my boss not employees" he grind "toug they didn't hold a candle to you beautiful, your imeserbly more skillful"
He said wel looking her over once more

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
She giggled childlike at he's response " did girls give you a lot of attention or am I a first as well". She lefties her leg against the pole doing a sideways split rubbing her hands up her body and turning around and slapping her but for him swinging it a bit before returning to a beginning postition.

Would you like to see more, since I'm not on work I'm not confined to the rules, also I woun't tell if you don't", she gave a serductive smile before playfully licking the pole followed off by placing a finger in her mouth while looking [member="Marcus Lund"] in the eyes.
Marcus chuckled "i can say your the first who's attention seem genuewen, most of the slaves just saw me as the kindly mad sentience Thad was crazy anof to give a dam to patch up the hurt slaves"
He smiled as she showed of her body and slapped her own but.

He looked her over before looking into her eyes "i would love to see more beautiful, and don't worry i won't tel a soul"
[member="Asheda Tyr"]
She blushed wildly her heart racing she moved her suits sides further apart revealing her 'assets', "well what do you think of the girls", she cooed, returning to the pole, starting another more lewd routine. She continued to dance though her body was becoming more as [member="Marcus Lund"] stared at her,, the excitement, getting to much for her.

She finished another set 'pole polishes' before crouching down on the stage and crawling over to the bed Marcus was sitting on, "you want to get to the main event, or did you have something else in mind hmmm". This might be getting a bit out of hand but she didn't care, as long as the other didn't find out shed be fine. "id like to see what that arm of yours can do".

(OOC we might need to end this thread on the action before the action scene other wise well break the pg13 rule)
Marcus smiled sidly and whistled, wel intently looking at her "wel the girls look absolutely amazing"

He looked her over as she crawled toward him "i, redy fore the main event beauty"
He clenched and unclenshed his fist agien "il be glad to show you wat it can do"

(OOC yeah i geas your right)

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
She grinned widely at the though of what the hand could do, she grabbed the bead sheet from behind as she slowly started to fully unclothe, "oh this will be fun, light out now" She giggled happily as she threw the sheets over her and [member="Marcus Lund"] preparing for the fun night ahead. Being a Jedi was funner then she expected.

(thread end cant go over PG13)

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