Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calum walked around the New Jedi Order temple, inspecting the architecture in awe. Nothing on Corellia was like this since the Sith took that planet. Now he's here, amongst the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order's ranks. As he walked amongst the holo-books in the library, he was sent a notice ona communicator one of the Masters gave him when he joined.

"Finally! A Master approved my training." He smirked. He looked more at the message as it flashed images and words. It showed a picture of Jedi Master [member="Matsu Ike"] and said she was to be his new mentor. She wanted her new Padawan to meet up with her for an introduction and training session as soon as possible. Calum checked his utility belt to make sure he had his Lightsaber. It was there, but so was his blaster and a few non-lethal grenades. This wasn't like Corellia, where Calum had to fight to conceal himself. He quickly stopped at his quarters, putting the weapons he had a feeling he wouldn't need into his personal belongings.

"It's been a few years on my own..." Calum looked at his Lightsaber, gripping the hilt. 'Mother, be with me as I take my first steps into the Light - the things you wanted me to learn. I know that Master Ike will be a great mentor. Hopefully I don't disappoint her... And maybe she's one of those kinds of trainers who will collaborate with others with new Padawans for social bonds.' He thought. He then snapped out of his imaginitive requirements, rushing to where he was requested.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Calum Leon"]

A new padawan was always a way to start, it was less about taking them in she had found then each one taught something new, taught her something about herself and well when you trained throughout the galaxy instead of being in one places you found power and sense within it. FOr now though standing there in the robes Ulic's ghost had given her the jedi master could feel the lightside of the force with her chakram blade on her hip and the two lightsabers opposite it. Her utility belt at the ready while a small satchel was held off her hip with an old tome she had recovered with the one jedi politician looking for their interest while she moved. Gloves hands touching the cirvlet she had for environmental shielding. "There we go, everythign thing should be ready and set up."

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