Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Generation Born from the Dark.

Vader's Castle Mustafar
Kyrel was in a deep sleep in now what used to be Vader's Personal Quarters, ever since taking Mustafar he had used the former Dark Lord's Castle as his own personal retreat, choosing to spend less time at the Bastion and more time here, he had walked every inch of the place feeling the tremendous power of the dark side as he did. It was within every wall, every door, and hallway, It was everywhere within and without the castle. He had trained with the Sith training droids to up his lightsaber skills, and had even ventured into the Sith Archives within the temple below to learn new knowledge of the dark side.
He had been undergoing terrible dreams, some of his past some of the present, and some of the future. He saw visions of himself as a child struggling to survive on the streets of Avalonia before it even became an Avalonia when it was just a run down city where it's people were dying from starvation and disease. Crime was also rampant. He saw pictures of the present of which he suffered and how he underwent the painful process of being reborn as nothing but a mechanical monstrosity. He saw his future which remained uncertain but the mere thought in many ways terrified him as he had no way of explaining it.
He awoke somehow screaming as the metal casket of his bed opened, and he emerged. He walked to his meditation chamber slowly and sighed to himself as he sat within the chamber able to spend time without his respirator. He sighed, even more, wishing to not be bothered with memories of his past, he then pressed a button, which brought the helmet down. It sealed with a hiss as now his regular vision was replaced with a red hue. He then remembered what he was going to do he sent a message to all of the promising force sensitives he had encountered along his journies. If they were truly become Ren than they would come here and train. In the message, he sent them the coordinates to Mustafar and told them to come to the Castle if they wished for their destiny to begin. Kyrel silently sat there meditating on the dark side and waited for those who were worthy to arrive.
[member="Cyril Ren"]
[member="Jack Napier"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
Virgillia, Bastion of Ren

After she had and the other disciple had finished telling their desires, the man nodded and left. Sensing he was tired, she went back to her room to go to sleep as well. Several boring days passed, when one morning someone came to her room. "Hello, I bring a message from Kyrel Ren, your new master." The man said before leaving the room. Picking up the letter, Cyril read that she was to come to Mustafar if she wanted to start her training. [Just about time. This will be interesting.] She contemplated as she read the coordinates for Mustafar. "Hmm, I know the planet, I have the coordinates, but how do I get there?" Cyril thought out loud. After getting dressed Cyril walked out of the room. Heading to the outside of the building to access the landing pad, Cyril was wondering how she would be able to get a ship. Let alone fly it. Seeing someone in the immediate area, she quickly went up to him. "Hey, I need to be able to get to Mustafar, but I don't have a ship. Heck, I don't even know how to fly a ship! Can you help me?" Cyril pleadingly asked the man. "What for?" He grumpily replied. "To start my training as a Disciple of Ren." Cyril replied, annoyed. Mumbling his complaints, the man sighed and said, "Fine, I'll fly you there." He then proceeded to lead her to his ship. After punching in the coordinates, he activated the hyperdrive. Soon, they had arrived on Mustafar.

Vader's Castle, Mustafar

Luckily the man had dropped her off at Vader's Castle before flying away back to Virgillia. Cyril stopped to look at the building. Walking in, she began to look for Kyrel Ren.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Jack Napier"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
Virgillia, Bastion of Ren

Having told Kyrel his desires along with [member="Cyril Ren"], Kyrel responded by nodding his head. Jack went to explore the building one last time as he knew it was time to leave to start his training. Coming to the cafeteria, he bought blue milk as he was thirsty. Sitting down at one of the tables, he remembered the time when he put confetti in the salad. It had made it look like it was part of the salad, but when you put it in your mouth all you would taste is paper. Everyone had gotten mad, while he just laughed at the prank. [Yeah, I can't believe I'm leaving this place. But, at least I get to start my training.] Jack thought, the moment bittersweet. After he just went to his room. As some days went by, he spent the rest of the time reliving the memories he had made there. Suddenly, one day when he had finally made it to the memory of him meeting [member="Kyrel Ren"], someone came up to him. The man didn't talk, and only handed him what seemed to be a letter. Immediately snatching it out of the man's hands, he began to open it. It stated that he was to come to Vader's Castle on Mustafar, and gave the coordinates for the planet. [Yes! I get to finally start training.] Jack thought excitedly. He would no longer waste time reliving memories, it was time to start a new chapter. Running out to the landing pad as fast as he could, he stopped when he arrived to catch his breath. Looking around the area, seemingly to find his ship, he realized he didn't have one. Seeing that there was a T.I.E. Fighter closest to him, he got in. Starting to mess with the controls, he finally figured out how to work the vehicle. Entering the coordinates, he engaged the hyperdrive.

Vader's Castle, Mustafar

Arriving at the Castle, Jack tried to land the T.I.E. In the process, he accidentally bumped into a nearby rock, but he was able to land the vehicle. Getting out, he rushed into Vader's Castle. He saw the outline of his new Master, who was apparently named Kyrel Ren. Starting to see he was meditating, Jack calmed down and slowly walked up as so not to startle Kyrel.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
Factory Judge
The First Order was new to me. A place where the Government was head, and the Knights of Ren, or the Force organization of the First Order, acted as another military unit. One that was answered only to the Supreme Ruler. At least, that's what I knew of it so far. As well as that many of the members of this Ren unit, took that as a sir name. Almost as though Ren was a title of those who deserved it, much like the title of Darth was given to the Sith who had earned it. Only, the name Ren was used for a much different reason. The name change was to forget the past, but it allowed the person to work further into the future, and to better the cause of the First order.

This is what I had to learn to become a member of the First Order. While I myself am a Master of the force, I had not learned what it was to be a Knight of Ren. Thus, here I am to learn of these people. To discover more, and to eventually become a Master of Ren. Then, or even before that time, I could use the influence to find my mother. Yes, while the entire premise about the Knights of Ren was to work together to serve the greater purpose, Sometimes, one had to discover, or better themselves to not be the weakest link in the chain.

This is why I am here. On Darth Vaders old citadel, and home away from home where a man had offered to teach me more about the Knights of Ren, and maybe a little bit in the force, as I knew little of it, yet surpassed all in strength with what I did know.

Joining in the room with this Knight, I saw others there, who would also be learning how to become Knights of Ren.

[member="Jack Napier"], [member="Cyril Ren"], [member="Kyrel Ren"],
Kyrel turned his chair within the meditation chamber around, he had sensed two already within the room, and a third that was searching. He wondered why they were so eager, this would not be an easy task. He would make them hate it as through the power of the dark side one does not gain power without a price. He had learned this through being defeated in multiple battles in the war against the Galactic Alliance. He almost died many times but emerged stronger than ever, always filled with hate to outway the pain that was deep within him. He never had a Master himself as he had to fight and claw his way to being worthy of being called a Knight of Ren. He would break them and show them what power was as he had been taught. He had turned his expressionless glare staring at them as for a moment all you could hear was breathing. He just gazed at their faces, before standing up his shadow almost made him look as if he was death himself, the armor of Lord Vader drove fear into many people, Kyrel would bring such fear back into the galaxy again. He stepped forward slowly until he started to speak, his tone sounded cold as he had said through his vocabulater. "Greetings. I know some of you wish to become my apprentices. Today we shall begin, and trust me this day you will learn the nature of the dark side. That I assure you, as you must be strong in your loyalty to our Supreme Leader." He emphasized his point by raising his gloved hand up and squeezing it into a fist.

[member="Anora Shaw"]
[member="Jack Napier"]
[member="Cyril Ren"]
Cyril watched as the chair turned around and she could see it was Kyrel. He sat there, breathing, staring at her. There was another in the room, she turned to face him and saw it was the disciple from before on Virgillia. Turning back towards her new Master, Cyril eagerly waited for what he was about to say. And then, he spoke. Taking it all in, she nodded, ready to accept whatever would be thrown at her. Cyril watched as he continued to curl his hand into a fist. Waiting because she sensed he would say more, knowing that he wasn't waiting for them to respond, she started standing there breathing intensely. With her face waiting, in an almost saddened and angry way. Considering her background she would pledge her allegiance to the Supreme Leader, and join him on his side as a Knight of Ren. That is, after she's completed her training of course. Somewhat holding in her breath, Cyril was thrilled and scared to hear what he had to say next.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
[member="Jack Napier"]
Almost as soon as he got in the room, Kyrel immediately turned around in his chair to look at Jack. This somewhat spooked Jack, but he calmed down as soon as Kyrel had started to get up. Jack had been waiting all his life to be officially taught in the dark side of the force, and now he has that oppurtunity. Finally he would actually learn real techniques and abilities. Kyrel continued to stare at them breathing, as if waiting for someone who was just around the corner. Eventually, he spoke and Jack took it all in. Knowing he would deal with the power of the dark side, he also took a note of the fact that he would have to be loyal to the Supreme Leader. Otherwise, who knows what the Supreme Leader would do to him. Urgently waiting for him to continue on, he kept sneaking glances between the door, Cyril, and Kyrel Ren. He eventually stopped and put his full attention on Kyrel Ren. A little bit calmer now, he impatiently waited for Kyrel to continue on.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Cyril Ren"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
Factory Judge
Learn of the Dark Side? Nah. The force was the force. There was a balance to take with each end. In order to know sadness, you must know of elation. To feel soft, you must know of coarse. As such, This rehash of Darth Vader was the only one currently who would take me on to teach me of the Knights of Ren. While I am sure I could simply use him as a stepping stone to find new heights within the First Order and eventually make it high enough to find my mother, Kyrel Ren was a stepping stone in a line of events for me.

It was with this in mind that the Darth Vader Idolizer mentioned us as apprentices. Too bad I am not one such. I knew the force. I knew parts of it. Yes, there was much I still had to learn, I could outduel my father who was one of the best lightsaber duelists of his time. Aiding Ashin Varanin in becoming Empress of the Old Sith Empire, and creating the CIS before leaving to find more of himself.

It was time to make a name for myself, with the aid of my father's legacy.

"Apprentices, or Disciples? If you feel so low of me to call me as an apprentice, then we may have more problems on our hands than simply teaching of the Knights of Ren."

[member="Jack Napier"], [member="Cyril Ren"], [member="Kyrel Ren"],
Kyrel did not take to well to the tone of [member="Anora Shaw"] and he knew little of her knowing that she was very gifted in the force yes, and so this time he misspoke. He walked forward looking at the three. He had pondered what he would say next, and decided to speak now that he had something come to his mind. "Today we will discuss what the Ren are as this is the first lesson. The Ren are as you know Force Sensitives that serve the will of the Supreme Leader. By serving him we carry out his best interests and in return the Best interests of our Empire. Long ago the First Order was founded, and long ago we had our chance to take over the galaxy. But after we were beaten we were sent back into the Unknown Regions and waited for 800 years to take our place in the Galaxy, and now we will do that. We have emerged stronger and superior to our first incarnation. The Ren are by far a secret. No one knows you, you are nothing but a mere whisper a mystic in the eyes of the common Imperial. We are something far different than the Jedi, far different than the Sith. Something stronger and more powerful. You have the path to either become an adherent of the Light or Dark Sides but you will always remain loyal to the Supreme Leader. As his strength is our strength. His will is our will, and that is how it is. But just because we operate in shadow and mysticism doesn't mean that we are not known as even in times of War if you commit a war crime you are held responsible. This is who we are. Jedi nor Sith. But stronger deadly, we are Ren."

[member="Jack Napier"]
[member="Cyril Ren"]
Beginning to notice that [member="Anora Shaw"] was there, Cyril watched her to see her reaction. Then, she listened as Anora responded, annoyed that she had been called an apprentice. Cyril had stood there, wondering why she would complain to a person such as [member="Kyrel Ren"]. Luckily, he hadn't responded angrily to her. Then, Kyrel had gone on with their lesson. Hearing him talk about how they would serve the Supreme Leader, she nodded her head. She would make sure she didn't get Kyrel or the Supreme Leader angry. She had liked as Kyrel described that despite being unable to take over the galaxy before, they could begin to do it now. She had understood the weight of their secrecy. Cyril knew she would be a great legend though, as she normally isn't social. Wondering how they were different from Jedi or Sith, she had shrugged it off. But, then it clicked in her mind. They were a new brand of force users. She made a note to try not to commit any war crimes. As he came to a close on the lesson, she felt pride in that she would soon be a Knight of Ren. She was ready to dedicate herself to the Supreme Leader.
Hearing [member="Anora Shaw"]'s response to [member="Kyrel Ren"], he didn't really care. Disciple was a title, not a rank, but he could understand why she would be annoyed. Watching as Kyrel stared at them, seeming to think, he was anticipating Kyrel's response. And then, he started the lesson. As soon as Kyrel had started talking Jack was immediately excited. As Kyrel explained how they would serve the Supreme Leader he thought that wasn't that important, as he would obviously try to listen to the Supreme Leader. Knowing they had emerged stronger and could more easily take over the galaxy, Jack was filled wit delight. Liking how they were so much as a myth, Jack found pleasure from being seen as mysterious. He could possibly be able to get away with some things under the guise of a legend, being a legend. He liked how they were completely different from Sith or Jedi, and how they would be more powerful as such. They would definitely spread chaos around the galaxy. He didn't like how you could choose to follow the light side, because it's much harder to take to when you're filled with ambition and hate. For goodness' sake, they're taking over the galaxy not meditating! Lucky that he would be taught under the dark side of the force. Of course he was sure he would never commit a war crime. As Kyrel ended up the lesson, Jack got happy chills down his back. He tightly held a hand to his mouth to stop from laughing. Jack immediately regretted that though as it left his mouth sore. It was time to start his path to greatness.
Factory Judge
Shadows and working within the Imperial Order of the First Order. The Ren themselves were treated like spooks. Only, with much more discretion. They were the dagger behind the Supreme Leader's back. Used only when needed, and was sharper than a scalpel. A weapon with precision, yet could also be as deadly as any other weapon.

Learning to become a Ren would require me to learn more about the First Order in general. As well as the aspect of having to be discrete. While I have done things in secret in the past, it would be hard for me to act as though I didn't have the force or was part of the Knights of Ren. When not on the job, I was another Imperial. Thats how it seemed to be, and would be as long as I was here.

The little history lesson is nice, and while I would rather just start working or having the "ritualistic" ceremonies be done and overwith, I knew that I would have to do so much more to actually become a Knight of Ren. I was so tempted to retort to making snide comments, and to continue with my snarky attitude, but I kept my mouth shut. Why? I wanted to learn. And Kyrel was an up-and-coming person who seemed to have all their ducks in a line and having much more ready and prepared than others.

Thats why I went with him. Now its time for him to teach, and for me to learn. Later on, I might be the teacher. However, instead, to try and learn more, and keep the conversation going, I asked a question.

"With your cloak and dagger tactics, I am sure that some among you prefer to not be known as a Ren, correct?"

I had that first question, and it was valid. I am sure that some didn't want to be known that way, and would avoid being noticed as such for various reasons. Playing the long game to act as someone they are not. Or they have/had a life before becoming a Knight of Ren and wish to keep some ensemble of it alive. Ergo my second question.

"If this is so, then are all Ren taught not just how to be discrete, but also skills and abilities on how to further this idea, or will your teaching us be more basic and on our own we will discover our own fields of expertise?"

[member="Jack Napier"], [member="Cyril Ren"], [member="Kyrel Ren"],
Kyrel had looked to the three that was before him. The one known as Shaw as far as he knew was strong in the Force as it is. She knew her fair share of skills, and so training her would be easy as with her it would be of the ideology of the Ren. For the other two, however, would be the discovery of their core Force abilities. His training would be brutal but knew, in the end, all three would become fantastic Ren worthy of the Supreme Leader.

For now he let Shaw speaking asking any questions she maybe. So far their relationship was a bit rocky, but he was certain that in the end they would rely and come to trust one another. He had listened closely, and when she was finished he answered her coldly. "Correct, we operate in the shadows as the Supreme Leader's eyes, ears, and the extension to his will. No one is to know of our existence and if people do know of us, then they associate us misguidedly as Dark Jedi, or Sith. We do not stop such conclusions as long as our true nature isn't found out."

He then listened to her second question and answered it. "My teaching will be basic in the ways of the dark side, I may show you the way but in the end, it's up to you three to walk that path. You will find what suits you best. Even I do not know everything of the Force. If you are always willing to learn, I have taken the liberty to restoring the Sith Archives that is underneath the Castle. Now any more questions from the three of you?"

[member="Anora Shaw"]
[member="Jack Napier"]
[member="Cyril Ren"]
Cyril stood, intensely taking in Anora's questions. She began to think of her own questions but couldn't really come up with much. As Kyrel answered Anora's first question, Cyril realized that it might be a challenge for her to be a Ren. Sure, she could stay in the shadows just fine, but if anyone found out that she was actually a Ren, that could spell trouble more than just for her. Then came Anora's next question. [member="Anora Shaw"] had asked a follow-up question to the one she had just asked. It seemed like the answer [member="Kyrel Ren"] gave wasn't as sastifying as Anora hoped. Cyril had been expecting he would talk about techniques of how to be stealthy, not about the dark side of the force.

Trying to come up with a question it finally hit her. "If the Sith Archives are restored, when will we be able to access them?" Which had prompted another question. "Also, if you do restore it, would we go as a class to study some of the information or would we just have to go on our own?" Cyril added, hoping to find some time to study on her own.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]
Everything seemed to be going smoothly for Jack, until [member="Anora Shaw"] started asking some questions. The first one had stated that maybe some of the Ren didn't want to be known as a Ren. As [member="Kyrel Ren"] responded that they were not to be known as Ren this kind of disappointed Jack. But thinking about it, it had started to make sense to him. If anyone knew who or what they were, they would be a much bigger target, and it'd be easier for their enemies to find them. Just as Jack thought the girl was done, she had asked another question.

This question was more to Jack's tastes than the last one. He found it extremely interesting as it made him think that they would be trained like spies. Of course he knew that wasn't possible as they were force-users not a member of the military, but he still hoped for something like that anyway. Kyrel of course answered that his training would only be basic. When he had proposed that he could restore the Sith Archives so that they could learn on their own Jack quietly scoffed. He would probably never go down there even if [member="Kyrel Ren"] had opened it. I mean, that's the whole reason he was training under him in the first place, so that he wouldn't need to use books to learn.

Kyrel had asked if anyone had anymore questions, and boy did Jack have a lot. He started to go with the more practical questions he knew wouldn't anger the Ren. He had started to come up with a question proposing that if the Supreme Leader issued an order to attack during a war that it would be considered a war crime. He immediately scrapped the question before asking it as he knew it wasn't a crime. Instead he chose to ask, "What are the kind of things we would do as a Ren?" and left it at that.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Anora Shaw"]

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