Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Helping Hand [Kiskla/Republic]

Rosa Gunn

Security had already increased tenfold by the time the Golden Rose had reached Annaxes. With evacuation ships coming in from Coruscant, the traffic about the planet was beyond ridiculous. The warden sounded exhausted by the time he got round to her hails. She had nothing that marked her as a republic ship, nor alliy, so she was of course last in line. "Golden Rose, please state your business." The tone was clipped and Rosa could only smile sympathetically.

"I'm here to see Master [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. Though I'm not sure if she's here."

"Are you serious? Do you know what is going on? I can't tell you if she'd here or not either!"

Rosa winced "I'm fully aware of what's happening. My name is Rosa Mazhar, I used to be a member of the Jedi Order, I'm here to offer my support. If you could just get that to a Jedi, and inform them I'm looking for Master Grayson that would suffice."

There was several moments of static silence in which Rosa found herself chewing the inside of her cheek in anticipation. "Alright Ms Mazhar, i'm sending you a trajectory to follow now. Landing zone 12."

"Thank you."

The docks were utter chaos, as people tried to find other members of their familys. The waves of emeotion made Rosa feel sick, so much so she had to pause, a hand resting on a wall as she drew in several steadying breaths and began the process of blocking them all out. There still remained a pressure around her head but it was bearable. She caught an arm of a passing security officer and asked for directions to the senate. He pointed in a general direction before scuttling away, so Rosa was left wandering for a time before she came across the senate building.

High security meant she couldn't get in without and invite or an escort, despite the fact that she was unarmed. So she was left waiting on the steps while her message passed hands.
Beneath Kiskla’s dark garments, bandages were tightly wound. She was a tenacious fighter, and had fared better than most, so she didn’t complain. Further, apparently people were looking up to her now — and she was already planning a rebuttal to the Sith, hammering them back to the hell-hole they came from and then another 6 feet. And then another. Yeah, she was irritated. Kiskla was like Corellian Whiskey in water — smooth for the most part, but swallow it incorrectly and there would be a bitter bite.

For now, she had been spending a lot time hunched over a blue screen that hovered above a circular table. It wasn’t a position she was used to, creating a tactical offence but she transitioned somewhat easily. This was an attack primarily on the Jedi Temple — the One Sith had been sure to make this known. Anyways, that aside, her brewing thoughts were interrupted by light flooding the otherwise dark room. A silhouette stood in the recently-opened door, a torso expanding and collapsing as they caught their breath.

“Master Grayson,” they began, the words soft on their thin lips “There was a hail for you just a few moments ago — to meet at the senate building. From a Rosa Mazhar. There are no markings on her ship that identify her as The Republic. Please advise with caution...we're..”

“It will be okay. Thank you.” And then followed an appropriate dismissal. “I’ll be right there.”
She’d rejected a few offers of conversation, unless it came from Ben or one of her other counterparts in planning. But Rosa had met her when Kiskla was in a time of need, she would return the favour. She owed the woman for her kindness.

With a slight wince from the movement of her elbow, Kiskla twisted her light hair back in a bun and dusted invisible dirt from her front before making an exodus to the front of the senate building.


A few flights of stairs later, and Kiskla was on the front steps. For some reason, she had an inclination to reach out an hug Rosa. Which was strange because
a.) Kiskla was not a physical person
b.) She really didn’t know Rosa that well.

Either way, she dismissed the thought and made her way down the steps to the former politician and Jedi, doing her best to put forward a genuine smile — despite all the pain et. all that surrounded the planet.

“Rosa,” Kiskla initiated, finally stepping to the other woman’s level “I’m glad to see you well — and I sincerely hope you’re here on good terms. How is the Sanctum?”

Rosa Gunn

"Kiskla" she said softly drawing the woman into a hug. It didn't matter that Rosa barely knew her, she would have hugged a stranger if one had approached her with a smile to try and hide all the pain they felt. You couldn't hide it from Rosa. "I'm so sorry." She continued drawing back eyes glistening with tears.

"The Sanctum is fine." She said brushing the topic aside with a touch of impatience, and pushing back the wavr of emotion that threatened to engulf her. "I was on Coruscant not two days ago, I turned my ship around the minute I heard." She paused, catching the flash of fury that ran through her and taking a deep breath. Her emotion was her downfall, the reason she remained a knight and not a master.

"How bad is it?"

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Kiskla was always apprehensive when people moved to get within her personal space. It wasn't really her fault, it was instinct formed from training. But that initial reservedness was smothered by caring, slender arms that looped around the blonde's torso. There was a look of surprise that took over her --- not so much from [member="Rosa Mazhar"]'s expression, but moreso from her own reaction. She didn't hate hugging as much as she thought she would, and slowly she returned the loop and let a heavy sigh expell; sinking slightly into the woman who had an understanding about what they were facing. It wasn't just a personal threat, it had taken the lives of many civilians and Jedi alike. Many families had been broken by an ancient hatred's manifestation; they'd done what they could to stop the spread but it had been a surprise. Kiskla realized that her fists were clenched behind Rosa's back, and then they both parted; Rosa looking more upset than herself.

Kiskla just wasn't good at the tears thing.

And she didn't need to be an empath (which she wasn't) to notice the potential blame that Knight Mazhar harboured. Her eyes softened and she squeezed Rosa's wrist with this new found compassion. As easy as it seemed right now, it was still totally foreign and unlikely to be displayed again. "Thank you for that." She offered in response to Rosa taking the initiative to return -- that likely meant she intended to do anything. From Mazhar's files, the woman was one of action until she could no longer stand working for an organization that abandoned her. Her being here gave a slight boost of confidence; it wasn't an appearance without action.

"It's," she sighed again as she looked away to think about the numbers that had been updating her hourly. Tolls were going up by the minute. Those who hadn't been slain within the temple ended up choking on the smoke, or being ruined by the explosion. Some on the Manarai district, citizens even, had died from Vong and blaster fire. There was no optimistic, nor cheery way to recite the devastation that Coruscant had suffered. All leaders had been promptly shipped to Anaxes to discuss the next steps, much to Kiskla's protest. "Extensive."

She took a step, indicating that they should walk up the steps. If Rosa was here to take action, her files always indicated she was best at politics; and the Senate was anxious to extend an ear to anyone with a promise of goodwill. They were starved for salvation. "The Temple was the Sith's primary target -- and as you saw on the news, an explosion took out most of the structure, although not the whole thing. That killed many, many despite the evacuation of younglings -- actually, I think there was a birth --" a, something kind of quirkily nice "Others that made it out of the temple either died from the Sith's hand, or choked on the fumes. It...there was so much death." Kiskla finally admitted, the words feeling like bowling balls on her tongue and chest. Heavy and hard to say. "The Manarai beaches and district were also hit by Vong. They were mostly defeated, however. There were citizen deaths there too...relentless attacks with no care for who they slaughtered, so long as lives were taken."
Kiskla didn't use the word casualties. These were not casual deaths -- they had been brutal. It was a topic the Kiffar didn't want to pursue too much, but would should Rosa demand it.

"Pardon the abruptness, as I do appreciate seeing you here, but what can I do for you?"

Rosa Gunn

The temple was gone. The death count uncertain. Rosa tried not to think of those who were left behind. As they ascended the steps and Kiskla gave her an albeit brief breakdown of the damage, Rosa felt a burning anger in the pit of her stomach. She took a deep breath, exhaling in a loud sigh as Kiskla stopped giving details and asked her the question that she imagined she already knew the answer to.

"Nothing. I'm here to help in anyway I can. I might dislike the Republics methods and I am almost certainly not a Jedi anymore, but I grew up in this space, and I'll be damned if im going to sit back and watch the sith desecrate it." There was a fierce light behind those dark eyes, as she turned them momentarilt skyward, Seroth might have likened it to a look befitting an apex predator, but it was gone in an instant, contained in a box for later use. Whatever Rosa files mighy have said about her then, they would find a different woman now.

"Whatever you need," she said looking back at the Jedi Master "I will do my best to help with."

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"The Republic's methods are changing, I'm trying to take our talk to heart." Kiskla offered, continuing to step up the sprawling incline until they were at the mouth of the newly inhabited Senate Building. "Your help is.." she nodded -- it was many things. Appreciated, welcomed, etcetera. "Thank you.

We're going to need all we can get.
The healers are overwhelmed, I don't know how you are with the sick -- both citizens and Jedi are filling the medical facilities. It's crippling the medical staff of both the Jedi and The Republic." Security lifted their eyes to the two women, but recognized they'd already searched Rosa - and Kiskla had just left. Still, they couldn't be too careful and immediately broke out the scanners. Kiskla replied by extending her arms and allowing them to search her, after placing her lightsabers to go through some other scanner away from her. Once that task was accomplished, they handed [member="Rosa Mazhar"] a guest pass.

The conversation continued: "The New Supreme Chancellor, I'm sure you heard his speech, is doing what he can to keep the citizens safe. He's a fairly good politician, aside from being a former crime lord." Her light eyes rolled at the twisted irony of it all. So weird. "I can put you in touch with him, if you'd like. He's here too." Of course he was. They were working together for a counter-attack.

Rosa Gunn

The guards would find her unarmed as they had before. She rarely carried her lightsaber with her these days, not unless she knew she was walking into a fight and even then it wasn't always needed. She was glad to hear Kiskla had not lost faith and was still working tirelessly to turn the Republic around. Maybe she would, with a Chancellor like Popo it was possible, but for Rosa, there was now coming back, not truly. "I trained under Master [member="Boolon Murr"] for a time. I can help with the healing."

She accepted her guest pass with a small smile towards the guards and clipped it to her belt. "I might be able to persuade some of the Levantines to lend a hand, but I'd need to know what we're letting ourselves in for. We offered relief aid to Nar Shadda after the battle there, long before we helped build the Sanctum. It may be we can get some to those still on Coruscant." She smiled about Kiskla's comments about the chancellor.

"A diamond in the rough perhaps? His speech was what the people needed to hear. He's got his head screwed on right, crime lord or not, he might be the answer to the Republic's problems. If he has time to spare for me, I would be more than happy to meet him." she fell silent for a moment, a touch of concern crossing her face. "Do you know if Master Wraith and Master Watts got out ok?" Whatever their history, Rosa still cared for old friends.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
A wave of utter relief washed over the blonde's face, and for a second she didn't look so tired. A genuine smile crossed her full lips and she nodded appreciatively in regard to Rosa's acceptance of a healer's position. The deal sweetened when she mentioned that those of the Levantine Sanctum perhaps too, would extend a helping hand. As Kiskla had said, they needed all the help they could.

"That would be perfect -- I don't think I can thank you enough for your offer. Hopefully The Republic's appreciation will be evidenced." Kiskla rested her hand on her belt for a moment, before removing a communicator device that would send an alerting correspondence to the Supreme Chancellor, [member="Popo"] that he was about to have guests. And should be decent. Or, however decent he could be. Kiskla couldn't tell if he was naked or not -- aliens were strange that way.

When [member="Rosa Mazhar"] and Kiskla entered the lift and began their ascension, she answered Rosa's question.
"Wraith was at the speech Popo delivered. He's fine -- and Master Watts is working with me to find out where these Sith came from. They got out okay."

The lift was surprisingly quick (Anaxes didn't boast the same architecture as Coruscant) and it soon chimed it's second-long song to notify the women that they had reached their destination. Kiskla lead the way to the room she had left earlier, although the lights were now lit.

"Chancellor Popo," Kiskla spoke, a semi- announcement. "Rosa Mazhar, from the Levantine Sanctum has reached out to assist us. She's a formidable healer." Rosa could likely take it from here, because Kiskla didn't want to give away too many things that perhaps couldn't be promised.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo missed the communicator's message tone as he'd been in the adjoining room at the time. Fortunately, the Shell Hutt was decent and was clad in his beskar armor, sans weapons.

Unfortunately, they caught him at the awkward moment of him inserting a foot long meatball and bantha steak hoagie with everything but onions on it into his mouth.

Popo did the only thing he could do and, much to the jealousy of certain individuals, inhaled the sandwich to hide it from sight, relying on his natural biology to shred the huge hoagie.

Hoagie now disposed of, Popo nodded his head to [member="Kiskla Grayson"] and [member="Rosa Mazhar"].

"Hello," he said, his voice slightly muffled by the tail end of the sandwich. "I am Popo. A pleasure to meet you."

Rosa Gunn

Relief washed over her and she felt herself relax knowing thtat her old friends had survived the attack. She missed them both, despite all that had passed.

Entering the office, Rosa supressed a chuckle at the sight of the foot long sandwich disappearing with such speed. "It's an honour, Chancellor." She replied with a small bow of her head. "You have my deepest condolences. This isn't the most pleasant start to your term of office."

She remembered his speech and how well he had handled himself when Simone had started shooting questions at him. The girl was notorious for trying to trip people up. "I'm here to help in anyway I can. The Sanctun does not operate like most powers. I do not speak for all of them, but I should be able to get a select few together to help with relief."

[member="Popo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
"No, no it isn't," Popo agreed solemnly to the simple statement of hard times. "But we'll bounce back. We always have. We always will. Democracy will always flourish, even in the darkest of times. As for any help you or your Sanctum can offer, even the smallest gesture will make great waves in our efforts."

As he spoke, Popo felt the sandwich hit his belly and realized two things. First, he was greatly saddened he'd missed out on tasting his lunch. Second, this had to come out eventually and he'd not fully chewed or shredded the sandwich. This could only end in terrible things.

He made a mental note to have the janitorial staff swing by later.

[member="Rosa Mazhar"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Aaralyn wave off another Medical droid as it approached her, making a motion to a wounded Republic Soldier who was being unloaded from the shuttle she had just arrived on. Her face was matted with blood and dirt, her left eye was bloodshot from possibly crying or perhaps exhaustion. Her right though was not as fortunate, it appeared to have a slash over it, just above her nose going down over the eye and to her cheekbone. This caused her eye to be closed, out of fear of getting dirt or other debris in her eye, as annoying and nauseating as it felt to walk with one eye open, she had gotten used to the feeling at this point. Pieces of her jumpsuit were torn with dried blood crusting the edges of the fiberweave. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stared out the open Hangar Bay into the Anaxes sunset.

It was hard to believe the Sith had attacked the way they did, she remembered reading in the Codex of Tython something similar except when they proved their point they signed a treaty with the Republic. Speaking of the Codex, she needed to bring it before the Grandmaster and have her take before someone else tried their luck getting it from her. She turned to look at the Medical droid sounding a brief alarm to alert human Medical personnel about the condition of a patient he was checking on, but it was too late by the time the human personnel had arrived. She turned back to view the sunset once more, a deep sigh escaping her lips, causing her to cringe. Ah yes, the very painful bruise around her throat cause by the amphistaff.

~The damned Vong...~ Since she had arrived, she had experienced enough of the Vong to be done with them. She had also read about the invasion and the select few Yuuzhan Vong who had done dirty work prior to invading the Galaxy just a few years after her Force Nexus issue which brought her here. The vessel descriptions matched the ones she remembered seeing that day, but it didn't matter, the New Republic had won and the Yuuzhan Vong had lost. Perhaps it was a driving force for her to dislike and distrust the Vong even more so than normal.

Aaralyn heard the familiar sound of beeps and loud drawn out tones coming up before her, her eyes rolled as she listened to the droid communicate in it's own coded language causing her to turn and face it, her hand coming up swiftly. ".....I" She tried to talk to Rowdy but had a hard time causing the droid to beep loudly and draw out a lower tone of concern. She patted him on the dome and held up her hand once more, her index finger extending. Her body turned and ran quickly over to a table full of empty datapads waiting to be used for patient information as she snatched one up, she heard someone yell causing her to turn and make gestures with her hands and mouth the words. ~I'm sorry~ She quickly turned back to her droid who was attempting to meet her halfway, sliding to a halt quickly before she ran into him, her boots making a slightly obnoxious screeching noise. She was haunched over the droid, nearly having toppled up and over him in the collision. A disappointing growl from her caused Rowdy to let off a deep beep and then a few beeps that sounded like something confident.

~Why can't you just sit still...~ Both hands came down on the dome of the droid, painfully she pushed herself off, clenching onto the datapad. Her teeth biting down on her lower lip as she took a seat infront of him, she held up the datapad with her hands and closed her one good eye. She managed to mouth the words ~Ok, we use this.~The droid beeped a few times, sounding very confident, rocking a bit back and forth in excitement as Aaralyn opened her eye and brought the pad down in her lap and began pulling up some information. She then typed something.

=Where is Destiny?=

Rowdy responded with a few beeps and leaned down to the datapad, his scomp arm extending and the small adapter plugging into the datapad. The droid replied...

=Orbit, with the Codex onboard. What happened to you?=

Aaralyn groaned and smacked Rowdy right in the primary sensor causing the droid to warble at her.

=Don't worry about it. I need the ship prepped with a tank and the Codex ready for transport.=

Rowdy beeped a few times and let out an obnoxious warble.

=Do I look like your servant? Besides, you have a message with an attached frequency. Secure channel.=

Aaralyn jerked the datapad free from Rowdy's scomp arm causing the droid to let out a loud wail, she then took the datapad upside his dome before rising to her feet with a curious look on her face. ~A message...from who?~ It didn't matter, she needed to return to her ship and retrieve the Codex for Master Grayson as it was, and while she was up there she would find out who these secret message was from. How would they be able to get those frequencies to transmit to her vessel? Everything had been upgraded had it not?

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
Kiskla intervened, as the Chancellor seemed to have other things on his mind. The nature of such things was beyond her comprehension however; a hoagie horror was the last of her ideas. [member="Popo"] and [member="Rosa Mazhar"] had been introduced, and he was made aware of the Levantine Sanctum perhaps offering their assistance.

"I'll take Rosa to the medical bay to assist the staff then." The blonde nodded, and turned after the introductions had been made. A sweeping gesture indicated that the Knight should follow her. Once they were in the hallways once more, the blonde spoke her mind again.
"When the timing isn't so pressed, I'd like to see if that offer to speak with the Levantines is still on the table. From what I've heard, they host admiral former Jedi. I don't want The Order's name to be continually tarnished, and I'd like to lead them in a direction that gives each Jedi the opportunity to evidence the honour of their past." Inside the lift now, the doors closed and began taking the two back where they had come from, but now Rosa had the Chancellor's blessing and a treaty of sorts could be further discussed; and Levantine vessels could be cleared for the inbound. "I'd need help though."
It was a new chapter in the youth's life. She'd never requested help before, but this was bigger than her. She needed to earn the trust of everyone who had turned their backs on the Order from other's actions; she needed to rectify the situation -- but not alone.

"Is there anything I can get for you now, to help with the medical situation?" Perhaps Rosa would even see the pacifist healer, [member="Boolon Murr"] extending his hand in aid.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

"Hey, kid." The armoured figure in the message removed his mask. It wasn't the same armour he'd worn the last time they met -- vastly less generic, as much Witch as Mandalorian -- but the face was the same. "Whether or not you woke up grumpy from your spacetime warpnap, there's some things you need to know. I've attached a set of files, everything I have on the best and the worst. Everything from the old treason bounty on Master Syn of the Council to Matsu Ike's war crimes charges to Selena Halcyon's Jedi Shadow lawbreaking files that got released to Republic prosecutors when she got kicked out of the Order. And that's just the Jedi side of things. Got files in there on suspected Sith taking refuge in Fringe space, suspected Sith taking refuge in Confederate space, and every member of the One Sith and the New Order I can get anything on. Republic's too focused on the people that just bloodied their knuckles. New Order's my target. They say there's facilities working on mind-control chips for every citizen. If you find yourself in the Outer Rim, kid, I'm bound for a world in the Parthovian Cluster. Take care of yourself, and watch your back: There's paragons of righteousness around, and I've met precious few of those that had any integrity at all.

"Oh, and I'm your father. If you're grown up enough to run with fanatics and fools, you're grown up enough to know that."

Thus ended the message.
~Wait...what?~ She said to herself confused, a whirlwind of information being thrown at her, contained within the memory banks of Rowdy. The final part that Ember had hit her with, had hit her in the gut really hard. ~My father, what the hell is he talking about?~

She walked away from Rowdy looking a bit stunned, her mouth slightly hung open, her hands open as well, palms facing up. Her right index finger was gripped with her left thumb and index finger, pinching tightly in thought. She walked like she was zoned out and lost. ~How? Wouldn't I have known or remembered?~ Soon the shock turned towards anger, sending harsh ripples of negative energy coursing through the flow of the Force. ~How could he do this to me!?~ She turned to face her R9 unit, her facial expression going grim. Her eyes narrowing and her brows furrowing. ~He told me he didn't know who my mother or father was, why?~

~I need to see Master Grayson...about all of this...~ It proved to be alot to swallow, every bit of it. Her gaze shifted to Rowdy as she made a motion for her little droid to follow, and follow he did as they made their way deeper into the Hanger Bay towards the main part of where the Republic had set up command.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
He had felt the large and rippling disturbance in the Force when Coruscant had fallen, in stages, within one day... all the way in Levantine Space, he had felt it. His utter openness to the Force in his daily meditations - often as much as five times daily, much like prayer, circumstances allowing - left him open to many things, a particular intimacy with its ebbs and flows, with the rise and fall of life and death. Every spike, every drop. He knew the escapees of what he held in his heart of hearts as his home-world would need so much assistance. And assistance was well within the purpose of his life to give. He had been rather hot on the tail of [member="Rosa Mazhar"] in coming to this place, the fortress world of Anaxes, and sought her out to join up with her intentions the moment he had disengaged from landing his modest craft. One that, with much care, was one of less than ten vessels he had possession of in his lifetime.

He sought her out rather simply, for once the ginger Jedi met an individual, the feel of their presence, the look of their face, their aura, and more besides were forever imprinted in his memory. A man had asked him if he needed help, but with assurances, Ilias 'sniffed' the other Levantine out by his own lead, coming upon her position as she walked with an as-yet unfamiliar blonde woman ([member="Kiskla Grayson"]) who felt - according to his own precisely attuned sense - as if she were a master.

Quietly, calmly, he came up on the other side of Rosa, and matched their pace. He was a practical man, and wasted no time before getting down to business.

"I came as quickly as I could... rather, I followed you, Knight Mazhar," he admitted, "And to answer your question..."

He looked towards Kiskla as they walked.

"...would you be able to give some idea as to the extent of the injuries we may be dealing with? It will help us be more efficient to know rather than to assume. If not, then that is alright. I might also request some water for drinking. Healing puts quite the thirst in me."

Rosa Gunn

Rosa smiled slightly, her dark eyes settling on Kiskla. She remembered a time when Boolon had asked for help in restoring the worth back into the Order from the inside. She had offered her voice, but nothing more. Her heart had still been dark then, the loss at Roche to fresh to bare thinking about. Now though? the darkness was still there, it alwasy would be, it was that darkness that allowed her to tap into skills she wouldn't otherwise have, but it did not consume her, nor control her. She could help the Order, but she would never be a part of it again, nor did she want to be. She let out a sigh eyes dropping to the floor of the turbo lift for a moment, before coming back up. "I will see what I can do to help you."

The turbo lift doors slid open and they started down the corridor. [member="Ilias Nytrau"] appeared at her other side and she relaxed slightly, realising for the first time how tense she was here. It was good to see another face from the Levantines. "Master Ilias Nytrau, Master [member="Kiskla Grayson"]," she said introducing them quickly "Ilias is a healer also." She smiled at him "It's good to see you." She let Kiskla respond to Ilia's request before adding her own to it.

"It has nothing to do with the healing now, but I'm going to need it if you want our help in all of this. I need to see the latest reports on the state of Coruscant, in terms of the One Sith's defences and locations of any cries for help." If Rosa was going to get to the planets surface with help then she would need to know what she was up against before she pitched the idea to her fellow Levantines and the Chancellor himself.
Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry.

Kiskla nodded, the movement was small but it embodied her acquiesce. "Yes, of course." Rosa's request would be met with the assets she required.

A slight sigh touched the lips of the young blonde, and she brushed away some loose strands of blonde that insisted on slipping from their elastic.

"Your outreach means a lot, Rosa and Ilias. Thank you. It's a shame it took a shake like this to bring us together like this." Kiskla paused.

"I want The Order to be as united as it once was. Many are scattered throughout the galaxy and establishing their own organizations." A small flicker if bemusement struck her mouth and she tried to look amused, for her next comment wasn't meant as an insult "It seems the Sanctum has started quite the trend.

I do remember what you and Seroth told me, however. I want to use that information to unite and redeem. Those are my goals; then we can truly meet this opponent and all others with strength and keep the galaxy in the peaceful state it deserves."

But the galaxy was a cruel place. It didn't deserve peace--- but to think that way did not mirror her Jedi teachings.

[member="Rosa Mazhar"] | [member="Ilias Nytrau"]

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