Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Galaxy Gone Dark OOC/Sign ups

The Galaxy has gone Dark​
A cataclysmic event has left the galaxy without any power. All electronics, no matter the type, have fallen dead. Without power the worlds have lost contact with one another, without ships there is travel between worlds. People fear for their safety as satellites and ships fall from the sky, as food and water become rationed, as they realize how dependent they were on the machines. As riots begin, worlds fall to anarchy, while others rise into peace.

People no longer ask how this happened, they only want to know how to survive. Bartering only goes so far, especially when the rarest and most coveted items are spare electrical parts that survived. Militaries fight to control this commodity to reinstate their governments while anarchists want nothing more than to destroy every last part.

A decade from then and things have begun to calm down. Worlds are trying to figure out how to continue, preparing their first interstellar starships since the event, or are locked in a dooming war.

What happens now is anyone's guess. The future is bright but surrounded by destruction. No one wants to return to the darkness of before. Step into the present and set the future in motion.

What will be? Are you an ex-smuggler trying to survive on the front lines of a war that you couldn't care less about? A Jedi fortunate enough to have enough spare parts to rebuild your lightsaber? A civilian on the slowly starving world of Coruscant, scrambling with thousands of others to build a starship to get supplies? A revolutionary bent on the destruction of a world's government and willing to do anything to prove it? A Sith trapped on a world quickly realizing its freedom, beginning to fight against your tyranny? A pilot for one of the first interstellar ships in almost ten years, preparing to lift off on the first missions of interplanetary diplomacy? Perhaps a bounty hunter who lost everything and is now trying to scrape together a living as a farmer? Maybe a business man caught up in events, taking part in a hair-brained scheme to reactivate a generator? Or a Spacer trapped on a starship, surviving through your wits and strict rationing of what resources are left? A Soldier with a repaired blaster, holding back rioting citizens?


OOC: This story takes place about fifteen or so years in the future, where some unknown event has caused all electronics in the galaxy to fail with no way of repairing aside from reconstruction/replacement of those components.

The story would be free form, not really any antagonist or enemy to fight other than those you make and the dangers of the galaxy as it is. People can start their own threads about their own character's story through these events or in the aftermath, one central thread will follow the role of those fate brought together for some reason that will be discovered as they find clues as to what may have started all this and perhaps a way to fix it.

What happened to your character after the cataclysm? How will they end up? Would they still be alive?

Who is interested? I am figuring about five slots and more will be opened if there is a lot of interest.


I like this. And with Krest being a cyborg, it would be fun to see how he copes with loosing an arm and a leg.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Those are just examples or ideas, Ghorua does not need to be a farmer. He can be just about anything that you believe he would be in this future.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Krest"] [member="Rylan Thatcher"] [member="Adali Renning"]
Alright. Glad to have you all aboard, I will start the thread later today, there will be a bit more explanation of what happened since the event, not too much just enough to give a more complete idea.

@Xiarr Sair
Perhaps there will be more stories like this, if this one is successful.
So I plan the first post to be basically telling where everyone is and what happened to them, or you can just jump in how and where you see fit. After that I will begin Ultimatum's story which will start on Hoth, you can join in the story or just play around in this alternate future. Choice is up to you guys. You don't have to start on a particular world or under a certain situation, you're free to do as you will and play out a meeting with each other or coming across Ultimatum.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Krest"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Rylan Thatcher"] [member="Adali Renning"]

[member="Audren Sykes"] will do.
You can still join, perhaps one of those few who had their electronics repaired with spare parts.

That would make him a very coveted asset for governments and just about anyone really.

[member="Razel Kolt"]

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