Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Freak Like Me

Thalia knowing she couldn't beat the beast this way though she was scared she knew if she stayed where she was she would die or her ears would replace her eyes. She looked around trying to figure out what to do and saw but a lone droid charging which did not look good for her chances. She decided that this would be a battle of speed for her not power. Thalia moved very quickly and got behind him and then discharged the blaster into the back of his knee."Not today." She said

[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
OOC: Woah woah whoa. Hold up. I know I'm not supposed to do OOC stuff on this forum, I really do know, but you really need to elaborate your posts, [member="Thalia Kaia"] , and I'm pretty sure your prof. Pic has to be of your character's, not you. Your posts are always only about 1-2 sentences long, and they are always really un detailed. It's like you aren't even trying.
Scurrying up to the dais, Smeg had to bite his tongue regarding looking in the right places, Skraal always found the right places, they were nature's scavenger after all. However, there was no need to tell Tsavong off, for beneath his scabby veneer of annoyance, the former King of Filth was overjoyed that he had found his only friend out in the vast galaxy.

He almost missed the revealing of the sceptre, his nostrils twitching in excitement at the stench of the cloth that had obscured the artefact.

It smelled tasty.

The other creatures and the droid in the hut made their peculiar noises and movements, but they were largely irrelevant to Smeg, all he cared about was Tsavong, this way back to the top and also the rancid cloth. His friend, power and a snack? All in the same place? It further cemented his idea that with Tsavong so rode his fortune.

“Wat duz it d-”

Then chaos broke out. There was a big dog, some blasters and shouting. Madness also seemed to be the companion of the Yuuzhan Vong. Knowing that his friend could very well take care of himself (and also being a comparatively small rodent who didn't perform well in free-for-alls) Smeg decided to do what he thought was best.

He began to eat the meat cloth.


[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Artemis Exor"] [member="TWD-73"] [member="Thalia Kaia"]
The insanity of it all is what got to her the most.

What was going on!?

First the fighting, and now some creature was consuming cloth. All of it; every single event was beginning to crack the fragile nature of the slave's already damaged mind. If only the drugs had begun wearing off, then maybe she'd have a small chance at keeping herself together. Helpless, powerless, and without any idea as to what was going on, the girl collapsed to the floor and looked towards the ground.

The noises around her drowned from her ears, she hypnotically found her vision spinning, black blotches forming in front of her eyes and a sharp, ringing pain growing in the back of her head. Small droplets of blood began dripping from her nostrils as her body struggled to understand what was happening to it.

All the while, this insanity continued...

[member="Tsavong Kraal"] | [member="Smeg"]
From some shrouded o'erhanging eave emerged a polymelic figure, more akin to a primordial ooze than any human shape. A sheen of viscous mucus coated its green obtusity and it floated upon a hover chair. Its many tentacles writhed with sluggish delight as it gazed upon the violence with an octet of eyes, which swiveled to and fro from atop their stalks.

Ah yes. Bal'gul the Iyra had arrived. A recruiter from the Primeval, seeking out hopefuls for the cause.

It wasn't as if the thread could get any weirder.

Or could it?

P̟͉͓h̯̲̳̳͚̱'͓̲̬̤̹̫̼n̘̟gl̲̬̠̟u̲̟̗̲̠̩̳i ̗̹m͖̼̯gl͎͍w̹̱͈̝͕̝̭'̱̥n̰̭̯̰̠͕a̱͔f͇͇̻͉̯h̖̝̗͉̻̦͉ ̲̱C̼̙̟͔̬͇t̻̫̻͔̯h̖̘̱̻̣̗u̥͙̬ḻ̫̱h̯̰̖̜u͎̼͚͓ ͇̩̼̘̭̭R'̰̮̯̰̞͇ͅl͙̯͉y̠̩̙͚̝͔̝e͚̲͚̠͕̱͕h ̥w̰̦̲͚̟g͈͇ah̩'̟͇̦̭̳̟n͔̙͚̺̥̭a͔̱͚̱̣̖̘g̲͍̤̜l͙̟͇̟̠̗ ̳͎͎̤f̦̰̯͇͍̹̗ḫ̙t̤a̳͓͔g͈̖n̤̦͍̱̭͔
After hitting the head of the knocked over troll, TWD turned, and saw a very strange blob floating towards them. "Mother of Kwath! What the hell is that!?!?" The droid fired some lasers from his rifle. And continued beating the troll.
Slasher ran over and attempted to save [member="TWD-73"] and [member="Thalia Kaia"] from the Yuuzhan Vong beast. Unfortunately, the Vuuzhan Vong was already on the floor.

"Let me guess, the beast got a little too close for comfort? Yeah don't worry about Yuuzhan Vongs. They are tough but there are tougher things out there in the Galaxy. Have you ever battled a Rancor?"
[member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Darth Slasher"] [member="TWD-73"] [member="Smeg"]

Tsavong winced from the pain but stood back up, grabbing Smeg by the tail and began helicoptering the rat over his head, attempting to hit everyone surrounding the tough Yuuzhan Vong with the rat's body.
"No, I have never done battle with a rancor." TWD said. "Who are you?" The droid stared at the newcomer, then said, "sith. that's what you are." TWD then pointed his gun at the sith's head. He made another whistle, and Ciph, his Akk dog, turned from the unconscious yuuzhan Vong towards the dark warrior. It turns out that the Yuuzhan Vong was not unconscious, and TWD had Ciph pounce on him again. TWD smacked him in the head again with his metal staff.
Artemis stood up, the slave attempting to regain her composure... Only she did not expect to see the blur of Smeg's body swung her way, his foul mass smashing into her face, knocking Artemis over. Now with blood gushing from her nose, held by her right hand, the woman groaned; rolling around helplessly on the ground.

By this point she was certain she'd die, but somehow a death like this was unexpected...

Truly, would I go like this? Beaten by a rat and mauled by a Vong?
He would have been content to sit back and eat the meat cloth, but that was not to be. Alas tasty snack, it was not to be.


Round and round he went, being spun by his half-tail in what was an adventure that he had not signed up for. His shrill screeching was like a siren for dogs, the high-pitched sound moving as the Skraal did as Tsavong continued to spin him like a disease ridden flail.

There was a sudden eruption of pain as blaster fire rang out, with three instances of blistering pain making itself known across his scabby, matted body.

Still being swung, the squealing creature lurched, maw opening as the Gila Stomach that had been gifted down upon him by Tsavong himself came into action. Vomit began to burst forth from Smeg's mouth, but it wasn't just ordinary bile. No, the bile was a concoction of the Vongspawn Virus and microbial shards of Surge Coral and was capable of vongforming living beings that came into contact with it.

And it was being sprayed all around the room, very much due to the fact that Tsavong was still swinging him around.


[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Artemis Exor"] [member="TWD-73"] [member="Darth Slasher"] [member="Bal'gul"] [member="Thalia Kaia"]

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