Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Freak Like Me

City of Haradesh
Tsavong scratched at the bandages around his head feverishly. Red eyes glared through the blood-stained cloth at one of the humans gathered in his hovel. Bare feet felt the sand beneath, crushing the rock and limestone beneath his colossal weight. Opaque tattooes adorned his massive frame, the Yuuzhan Vong breathing in sporadic gasps and fits of coughing as he made his way around the hut's gathering of people. Flakes of skin fell from his face as the beast made his way to another human, carefully inspecting them all. Silence fell upon the small crowd.

"Unworthy," the creature growled, pushing a small boy to the ground as he made his way to another. He leaned in close to a young woman sitting across from him.

He leaned in close, peering into her eyes.

"Leave us," Tsavong spoke, and the crowd began to disperse from the hut. The girl remained. The Yuuzhan Vong stood to his full height, his bandaged head scraping the top of the hut before speaking again. His voice was bone-chilling, like glass scraping against gravel. "Do you seek salvation?"

The girl quickly nodded, and the beast snatched her quickly by her throat. His jaw seemed to dislocate, green ooze beginning to drip between his bottom layer of teeth. Before being able to finish the ritual, his unexpected visitors would soon interrupt.

[member="Smeg"] [member="Artemis Exor"]

All gone.

His title, his kingdom, his food.

It all seemed to coincide with the disappearance of one being. Tsavong. Where the Sith saw him as a pest to be eradicated, he had seen him as something else, something greater. Perhaps not much in the scale of the entire galaxy, but more than any skraal had ever been considered. Which was something.

So when he vanished, so did any status that came with it. The Sith came in, wanting to clean up the pits of Coruscant to re-purpose into their own machine. It didn't take long for the glorious reign of Smeg, The Filth King to come to an end after that and with no smart muscle at his side there was little he could do to prevent it.

Exiled and alone, it wasn't the comfort of the does that he missed, or even the mass amounts of junk food either. It was Tsavong. He who had given him power, he who had given him companionship, he who had given him friendship?

So his life became the game of stowaway. Scavenging food where he could and hoping for rumours of his only friend. It was mostly a fruitless game, the galaxy was a massive place as Smeg had found out, his small mind being blown in the process. Kingly girth was shed, with only meagre rations being devoured in the stead of his old hoard of processed garbage.

Then a rumour. A hope. He wasn't smart enough to dodge the odd goose chase now and then but every time he set out planet side the large rat held hope.

Tera Lush was the latest chase.

Living in the Underworld had made him fairly adept at getting around, he could now fit into gaps that were previously inaccessible, especially with no broken repulsor-lifts to act as a throne. He followed the whispers eagerly, the whispers a creature such as Tsavong Kraal would produce, feeling like this time would be his time, that this time he would find his friend.

And he did.

Smeg watched, stalked from the shadows, waiting to be sure, almost nervous, perhaps even angry at the Yuuzhan Vong. He didn't care about the girl seeking salvation, or the second one that held no fear of the behemoth.

It was him, it had to be.

Gnarled yellow nails scraped and scrabbled against the ground as he moved past those fleeing the hut to confront his vanished companion. Once inside, he stood upon his hind legs, nose twitching, teeth feverishly nibbling at air.



[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Artemis Exor"]
Slavery haunted the young woman's mind, her feet bleeding after countless steps taken across a world whose name never found her ears. The last thing Artemis remembered was the slaver's starship falling from the sky, and crashing into the ground; from its ashes she rose wounded and burnt, with no direction in mind she wandered.

Stumbling as a crowd of people ran through and past her, the Sith slave fell to her knees. An unmistakably, rodent-like creature scurried past and onward towards a shadowy figure stood over a young girl.

"How often must pain seek me out?" She muttered under her breath, teeth grinding under the pressure of a tired jaw. As exhausted as she was, the adrenaline pumping through her veins kept her alive and on her toes. The dark side of the force called out, demanding she embrace those terrors she refuses to unleash. Soon the chains would unbound, but who would uplift her? Who would be willing to grant her the power necessary?

Following in the footsteps of the rat, Artemis crawled on all fours like a begging akk dog towards the being of mystery.

Perhaps here her fate would finally make a turn for the better...

[member="Tsavong Kraal"] | [member="Smeg"] | [member="Thalia Kaia"]
TWD carefully landed his freighter on the dry, desert surface. He came not for bounty, nor revenge, nor salvation. He just came to explore. To expand his knowledge of the universe. As he walked out of the freighter, he looked over at the lone tent in the distance. "Strange" he thought to himself. The droid quickly walked across the dunes over to the tent. He saw a rat creature scurry past along with a mob of people. as he walked upon the tent, his metal staff and stolen armor glistening in the hot sun, TWD saw a large, troll-like creature standing over a girl.
City of Haradesh

Green bile spilled from Tsavong's mouth and onto his helpless victim. The screams began instantly. This one wasn't quite as strong as the Yuuzhan Vong had suspected. She collapsed to the ground, clutching her face, plumes of acidic smoke rising from her body in the tent right before a newcomer walked in unannounced. The beast snapped up, dropping his clutch around the girl's wrist, his red eyes meeting the woman who had entered the tent.

Thalia Kaia said:
she had not ran away instead she walked towards the weird creature "hello."

Tsavong looked from the girl on the ground, then back to the girl who had just entered the tent. Fate was funny, sometimes. The behemoth shrugged his shoulders, lifting his left fist to his jaw to gently punch it back into place. While his hand was near his face, Tsavong gave into the urge to scratch at his bandages before approaching the newcomer.

"...Do you seek salvation?"

The beast narrowed his eyes and took another step towards the newcomer.

Smeg said:
What is happening right now.

Tsavong looked up and saw an all too familiar face, leading a strange figure behind him that seemed to be crawling on all fours ([member="Artemis Exor"]). Tsavong looked back to the girl, then to Smeg, then to the stranger crawling on all fours. His thoughts were interrupted by the whimper of the girl collapsed on the floor, slowly wiping away the remnants of the Vongspawn Virus from her eyes. Then a... droid? (@TWD-73) The Yuuzhan Vong turned his head and spit a black glob of blood on the ground, turning back to Smeg.

"...where have you been?" He asked, addressing Smeg.

For now, he would assume the rat brought company.
Smeg immediately hissed, spraying saliva and portions of old half-masticated food throughout the hut as Tsavong levelled that question towards his scabby bottom.

Where had he been?!

“I iz been lookinz fur yooze dis whole tiemz!” the Skraal snarled, stomping forward in what was hardly an intimidating show given his relatively small stature. Evidently he was one enraged creature, actively still experiencing his first foray into abandonment. At least his own species preferred to eat their young rather than leaving them.

He disregarded the strange assortment gathered in the tent, the fearless girl, the demented one who chose to crawl and the droid. They hadn't come with him, they had simply been drawn to the Yuuzhan Vong like he had first been, all that time ago.

“Yoo 'bandoned Smegz!”


[member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] @TWD-73 @Artemis Exor
[member="Smeg"] [member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Artemis Exor"] [member="TWD-73"]

"I abandoned you?" Tsavong chuckled, ignoring their new visitor and walking past the girl on the floor towards the back of the tent. "You obviously weren't looking in the right places, my friend. Come here," he commanded, to both the rat and the newcomer girl ([member="Thalia Kaia"]). "I have something I want to show you."

On the dais in the back of the tent, erected from broken wood and sand, an old tattered cloth lay upon a slender object. The cloth was patched with what looked like rotting human flesh - the Yuuzhan Vong hadn't even bothered to cure it. He ran his massive hands along the cloth, slowly sliding it off the table and revealing the object beneath.

"I was looking for this," his gravelly voice resumed. "For a long time." He turned to show Smeg with a smile on his face, eager to show the rat what he had found.

[member="Thalia Kaia"] looked like she wasn't moving to the center of the room as Tsavong had commanded.

"I WILL REPLACE YOUR EYES WITH YOUR TEETH IF YOU DO NOT OBEY, GIRL," Tsavong roared. Smiling, he turned back to Smeg.

He brought forth a long massive staff from underneath the cloth to show the rat king. A scepter. Obviously of Yuuzhan Vong heritage.

The Scepter of Power, passed down by all the Supreme Overlords of the Yuuzhan Vong.

"Do you see, Smeg? This is our way back to the top."
TWD stares strangely at the giant troll-like creature, and then at the girl on the ground, and then the weird, small, rat-like creature. And then to the other girl (well, as strange a look as a robot can give). "These where all strange creatures" TWD thought to himself. "Hello, giant, hello, tiny marsupial, hello female humans." He then said aloud.
Artemis hurried to get back up onto her feet, nearly stumbling back in doing so. The rodent's voice scratched at her eardrums, and the vong's roar thundered as whatever drugs the slavers injected into her bloodstream had begun playing on her senses, making even the most timid creature seem gnarly and terrifying.

"Quiet the voices, make them stop!" Each word she spoke was its own quiet plea, loud enough to be heard but not enough to speak over anyone else in the room.

She was going crazy! Or maybe she was crazy? Artemis only wished to get ahold of herself, and forget that any of this had ever happened. Her skin was dirty and covered in bruises and scabs, her eyes bloodshot and lids barely able to remain open. Even the dark locks of her hair were split and knotted. All wrapped in bloodstained cloth, and no shoes to protect her feet made this woman an unseemly sight to behold.

Of course when in the company of those such as [member="Smeg"] or [member="Tsavong Kraal"], the definition of attractive was likely skewed by their own twisted minds.

Even their little conversation was unusual enough to distract the slave for a moment, a moment too long as she finally realized she stood in the presence of strangers. One of them looking particularly dangerous. As long as they weren't Sith, they wouldn't know she was a slave... Yet somehow she had a feeling that wasn't the worst-case scenario by the likes of them.
TWD glanced at the troll ([member="Tsavong Kraal"]) and then the rat ([member="Smeg"]). The droid found itself in an uncomfortable situation. He went over to the girl ([member="Artemis Exor"]) and asked "are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" He then turned towards the troll and rat, saying "What is going on here!?!?"
TWD turned, stick in one hand, blaster in the other. "I don't know who you are, but you are going to stop harming others or I will take voluntary force!" A high pitched whistling sound then came from his speaker, and a huge Akk Dog came pouncing from TWD's freighter and came up right next to him.

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