Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Family Reunion

Miv walked out to her ship, turned the engine on, and began to takeoff. She activated the blasters, just incase some Techno Union freaks attacked her. She set her navigation course to the large building downtown.

[member="Echo Kora"]
15 Minutes Later...

Miv landed her ship on a landing pad on top of the large building. She then took an elevator down, and finally, ringed the doorbell on [member="Echo Kora"]'s home.
Echo would answer in her pajamas and would make the shhh motion "She is asleep"


[member="Miv Kora"]
Miv looked around, she hoped that one day she could own a home like this. Hopefully she'd earn enough money smuggling for The Republic to buy a house, and if she ever became a Jedi, she'd have an even nicer home.

[member="Echo Kora"]
Miv put down her backpack full of clothes and other items.
"Well, I'm going to go brush my teeth and be off to bed. So, goodnight, [member="Echo Kora"], it was amazing to reunite with you."
Miv brushed her teeth, she was so happy that she had finally found her sister. After she was done, she gurgled mouthwash in her throat and spit it back out. After that, she changed into her pajamas and laid in bed.

[member="Echo Kora"]
Miv was a heavy sleeper. She dreamed about the time she stole her ship. She was blasting First Order stormtroopers into oblivion before finally escaping. What a good day, and a good dream.

[member="Echo Kora"]

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