Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A day on Naboo


Theed, Naboo

Kyle sits up on a outward ledge of a building watching over the Marketplace of Theed. Many thoughts going through Kyle's head. Feeling the breeze flap the sides of his Hood. Kyle reaches in a pouch on his belt and takes out what looks like bird seed. He holds out his hand and then a beautiful white owl lands on his arm and starts pecking the seed out of Kyle's hand. Once the owl was finished it made it's way to Kyle's shoulder. Sorry it wasn't a mouse Xena. Kyle would say in a low tone just above a whisper. Kyle looked to his left shoulder and reached his hand up and pet Xena's feathers.

Kyle turned his attention back to the streets. Kyle thought about his parents, their murders. Rage filled him. His mind then switched to the CIS, he was an Obsidian Knight for them, a special forces of force users. It brought him honor, maybe a purpose to release his anger, only maybe. Then his mind went to the woman he met in the streets a few days ago, a woman who brought joy to him. Kyle then begin to feel hungry, it was time to get food. Kyle stood up, as he did this, Xena flew off Kyle's shoulder and circled him. Kyle stuck both arms out to the side and leaped off the building. Kyle flew through the air downward and once he was close and low enough he grabbed the side of another building and scaled down it until his feet were on the ground. The white owl Xena landed on Kyle's shoulder as Kyle walked into the market place. Kyle begin browsing stalls looking for some food that would spark his interest to buy.


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