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A dark cure, and new senator. (New Republic Dominion of Dremulae)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alexandra yawned as she listened to people talking and her hands reached up, combing a lock of silver hair back and over her ear, for the briefest of moments, the change in the light revealing the red hair that lay below the illusion. Alexandra was careful, keeping her Echani appearance intact when acting as a representative and figure for the Republic, her hands coming to rest on the staff now that had been leaning against her body. She was the Former Grandmaster, and with that title came an expectation for the robed woman, her eyes focusing on the daughter of a close friend. Beth was, for all intents and purposes, like family to Alexandra and she smiled as her body moved to walk towards the young woman.

It was different though, seeing the young woman surrounded by what was essentially her people. Alexandra herself was the one that felt rather out of place here and her hand went up to her ear again, fidgeting and looking around for someone she might have met before. It was off to be alone for once, knowing that Noah had gone off on a mission to Had Abaddon, something about a research station going offline.

Alexandra's hand stopped and she saw something that would help keep the edge off, walking over and grabbing a drink as her eyes stared at the liquid inside.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

Had Abaddon:

The Captain stood at her post, watching the dropships take [member="Noah Corek"] and [member="Cedric Grayson"], accompanied by their teams down to the surface. There were a few others of note, several of the Jedi's students. Captain Vaal didn't so much worry about those individuals but her eyes did turn to the second dropship, hands hesitating as she reached up to rub at her nose. On that Dropship was her admiral, the man she had served for over two decades now,

Her hands twisted as she looked at a fellow officer who nodded, scrambling a few fighters and keeping the extra dropships ready for extraction. They were not sure what was going down below but the video they had gotten was something out of a horror film. Nothing had been clear, a few body parts thrown about, people screaming and some kind of... creature appearing for the briefest of moments. The lab had been a pharmaceutical lab, one meant to create cures and help people.

Something told Captain Vaal that that mission, had gone wrong, or had been a coverup for something far worse...

1. Participate in a Social part on the shore of the Sea of Translucency, enjoy the night air, the calming sounds, and listen about the planet's first senatorial election to the New Republic Senate.

2. A vaccine being developed on the planet of Had Abaddon has gone wrong and created a black comm situation, making all contact end with the research station. Your job is to get in there, clear it out, and find survivors. Ensure the virus is wiped out and its hosts exterminated.
Beth smiled as she chatted with the representatives from the various cities of the planet. The City of Dreams representative was one of her favorites – an extremely eccentric man, but someone who had turned the cities economy in the poorer areas into a remarkable growth. Granted, the city had extreme amounts of wealth.

Her other favorite was the very soft-hearted Mandalorian Kira Obso. In all beskar, the woman stood at a meager 5’2”, thin as a rail, and had little interest in the many things going on in the galaxy. The opportunity to join the Republic seemed ideal. It provided a guarantee of democracy, something other nations didn’t have. It also ensured the respect of the large Mandalorian population. Most importantly, it gave the planet a broader representation of the world. Luckily, Beth had been greatly involved in almost every major city, especially as it pertained to Clan Cadera actions.

Beth dazed in between the conversation as she looked over the Sea of Translucency. Beautiful. Serene. She couldn’t help but get lost when she thought about [member="Cleru"]. Her boyfriend and whom she was secretly (perhaps obvious to most) in love with. He was probably doing special ops for the Ascendancy or perhaps just enjoying his day. She made a note to send him a message. Perhaps a picture later, too.

Either way, Beth wore a gorgeous laced white dress to the party. A French braid, wrapped around her head. The celebration of the planets admittance to the Republic & the first Senatorial elections were tremendous. She caught sight of [member="Alexandra Feanor"], who was practically family at this point. She couldn’t imagine life without her, now. “I would love to talk more about how the hospital in the district could better function, but if you'll please excuse me for just a moment,” she said quietly as she stepped over to the bar where Alex went. “How are you doing? Enjoying the party?

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Objective: 2 (steal stuff secretly)
Peps: [member="Noah Corek"]
Equipment: Handgun, gloves

Harley was not a solider, but he was still and Echani and trained to fight and a force user, more over he was a decent scientist and knew a decent deal about medical infection and technology used in such situations. Was it wise for a person of his office to participate in such a mission? Maybe, but it was nothing new, besides the CIS viceroys were always on front lines of fights, the Sith empire, not any different, to be honest it was only the NR that didn't have it's political class engage in war. Besides it was fun, his whole becoming a politician had been just a coincidence after all, being one of the few people left on Nar Hasska in a somewhat powerful position to become a senator after most of the Hutts were 'dealt' with.

In short he was coming on this mission to the nearby barren plains planet of Had Abaddon to help deal with this black comm situation, news of a vaccine and apparently some sort of illness sparking the mans interest, for what reasons? That was his to learn and for no one to find out, a senator has to have certain secrets, wouldn't be much of a politician without a few.
Objective 2
Peps: [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Harley Fenstermacher"]
Equipment: Dark blue lightsaber, sidearm

Solan sat there with his hands crossed in his lap, eyes closed and breath steady. He wondered for a few long moments what to do, wondered what was before them as his soldiers moved to get into position. The Dropships were filled with Republic Rangers, Marines, and the followers of that Jedi crusader, the one that the Republic wanted to keep on their good side. Solan agreed with it, knowing the power of a Jedi against the forces of the dark, even now the death below and darkness gripping at his throat and a cough coming from his body as blood found its way onto his sleeve. The World was one that was a good place, but this research station had something evil inside it, something nefarious.

Solan's hand gripped tightly at the bar to his right, pulling himself up slowly and looking out of the window as the ground became closer. He wanted to know what was to come but there was little he could be sure of as his feet pushed him to the door. His soldiers, the Shadow Legion, remained beside him. These were men he had fought beside for years and Solan gave a sad smile as he leaned against a staff he had borrowed from Alexandra Feanor. It was a simple metal thing, nothing special about it.

He needed it to stable himself these days, atleast without the force and without tearing himself apart inside.

Maybe today would be wrong and everything would be fine, or maybe it would become just what he feared it to be.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Harley Fenstermacher"]

Abadon Station
Clear out the Infestation

I'd fallen in with the Jedi of the Republic it seemed. Weird lot as they were, they had their way.

I found it particularly odd that half of them held positions of power. Never got used to the idea of Force Users in political office, but hey it was a brave new galaxy. I was with Solan Charr today. I'd heard he was a brilliant strategist, and I knew he was well known in the outer rim. Since th days of the Republic Remnant returning to the Core it'd been a rough road for him.

I sensed his darkness.

But I sensed something even more foul afoot. Some kind of creature riddled with the Darkside.

"How do I keep ending up in these messes," I remarked as I swept back my cloak and drew my Sawed off Concussion rifle, holding it at the high ready.

We were at the end of a long hall, and I wasn't so sure I wanted to know what lay beyond.

"Sending out scanner droids."

Two small ball shaped droids popped from my shoulders and raced off down the hallway on single Ion Engines. I was getting a nice readout on my HUD of what was going on down there. Then one veered off down to a sub level and the other went dark. Just before it did I saw a monstrous looking glimpse of something.

"Hmmm. We're not alone. You wanna lead or should I?"

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Objective: 2 (Kills zombies)
Nearby: [member="Beth Cadera"] - [member="Harley Fenstermacher"] - [member="Solan Charr"] - [member="Raze Raxis"]
Equipment: Armor - Sword - Knives - Rifle - Shotgun - Pistols

Noah groaned as he rolled his neck to relieve the stiffness he felt from the shuttle ride down to the surface. He was currently on a datapad typing out a message to his darling wife, [member="Alexandra Feanor"]. Who was currently attending a party with Beth. Oh how Noah wished to be at the party, dancing and drinking with his wife, telling his old war stories and socializing with all the movers and shakers.....well maybe not that last part but the other parts would suit him just fine. But no, some idiot on Had Abbadon had done something well idiotic and now Noah and a operational detachment from the Army Commandos had to help clean up the mess.

Sighing as he sent the message of to his wife Noah stood and popped his joints one last time. "Alright! Listen up, be briefed or be dead! It has been two full rotational cycles since we've lost contact with a scientific outpost on Had Abbadon. They were working on a broad spectrum vaccine to combat many diseases throughout the galaxy. This would give the Republic an edge in biological warfare to help protect our troops and also allow us to distribute aid more efficiently. The Army have a small detachment of a dozen Army Rangers on site to assist with security but they've gone dark as well. Our mission is to roll in and secure our personnel first and foremost. After that we'll gather their research and if need be extract them. We're not expecting contact but keep your weapons ready. Any questions?"

Noah was met by a chorus of negatives to which he smiled to, under his helmet, and nodded. "Thirty seconds!" The pilot informed them of how close they were to their objective. "Stand up!" All fourteen of the detachment stood. "Twenty seconds!" The pilot once again informed them of the destination coming closer. "Check gear!" Upon saying this the Commandos began to check each others gear, making sure everything that need to be secured was secured and everything that needed to be power was power. "Ten seconds!" The pilot called out as the continued to check each others gear. It took a few more seconds but Noah got the okay from all of them. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! GO! GO! GO!"

The Commandos hurried out, guns and heads raised to counter any threat. Noah was of course at the front of them. They were met with nothing but silence and then the roar of the dropships engines as they returned to space. "Move internal! Go go go!" The Commandos quickly stacked up on the door and opened to move inside to face whatever was there.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Objective: 2 Make planet fall with rest of people (steal stuff secretly)
Peps: [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Solan Charr"]
Equipment: Handgun, Gloves, re-breather, Flak Vest

It was interesting to see how the army worked first hand, Noah with the bied pet talk and lingo as the drop ship made their way towards the planet surface, the outpost coming into view, it's structure being quite distinguishable against the barren like plains of the world. For now Harley remained on the back, acting as more a tag along then anything, letting the Commandos do their thing once the thud of touchdown was felt. One thing was for certain, the commandos were very professional, despite the little negative jokes made the moment the mission started, they had all executed their plans flawlessly. Harley could not help but admire their synchronized movements and ready posture, it spoke volumes of what training they went through, quite a nice sight if he had to say so himself.

He wandered behind the main body, keeping a safe distance as they prepared the breach, keeping close to Solan for now, not wanting to be among the first to go in, least the place be not as dead as they thought. "So, what do you think went wrong? I'm thinking experimental mutants, those big green kind with massive arms", he said more or less to himself in a joking manner, grasping his side arm for when he order was given to move out.
Obejctive 1

Lux rubbed the bridge of his nose as he exited his ship, the trip to Dremulae had taken longer than he had expected and the only company that he had was two members of his staff and [member="Finis Piian"] who had been assigned to him for the trip as protection. Naturally none of them were great conversation for him so he spent most of his time sleeping or staring off into space. He was looking forward to having a drink and then seeing what the city had to offer.

"Senator. Senator could we ask you some questions" A light sigh escaped his lips of course that drink had to wait because as soon as he had made it out of the spaceport he was mobbed by members of the press who no doubt wanted a comment on the election.

"If you all can get in an orderly line then yes I will take a few questions, as you all may have noticed I just landed and I would prefer not to have a group of people shouting questions at me."

Once they were organized he pointed to a reporter signaling that he would take his question "Senator Berooken do you a have favorite in the election and what does having a new member of the senate mean to you?"

"I don't think it's my place to comment on another planets domestic elections but I will say that we should all be happy at any exercise in democracy and I think it's a great thing that there are people who want to serve Dremulae and the New Republic as a Senator. Now in regards to what having a new member in the Senate means to me I think that we all win when there are new voices and new ideas in the Senate which I consider to be a market place of ideas, so I'm thrilled"

"Do you have a message for the people of Dremulae?"

"Yes of course I bring greetings of friendship from Sarapin and I looking forward to having a very productive stay on your planet, speaking of which I think that's its time I get on my way plenty of things to do and see you know."

Irielle Decker

Objective 2: Investigate Abaddon Station (Kill Zombies)
Location: Had Abaddon (Abaddon Station)
Peps: @Noah Cerek - [member="Raze Raxis"] - [member="Solan Charr"] - [member="Beth Cadera"] - [member="Harley Fenstermacher"]
Equipment: Phase 2 ARC Trooper Armor, DC-15S Blaster Rifle, Dual DC-17 Hand Blasters, x3 Thermal Grenades

Irielle wondered to himself. What was he doing here? It hadn't been three weeks yet after he woke up from his long cryo sleep and found himself in a New Republic hospital. He needed at least a month to recover. Sure. Irielle rested for a couple of weeks and a half. But after that, he needed some action. And he wasn't getting that while lying in a hospital bed. So after he discharged himself from the hospital, he went to recover his armor and gear and officially join the military.

The boy didn't even think about the fact that the technology was so vastly different from what he was used to. There was also the fact that slugthrowers are back in use now. He still preferred his trusty DC-17 hand blasters though. Eventually, he found himself on his first deployment. To a place called Abaddon Station that was named after the planet Had Abaddon. Apparently they were a New Republic station that was supposed to be dealing with a new vaccine for most diseases. Everything went to feth at some point and the entire place is in black comm.

After the platoon leader of his dropship finished the briefing, everyone prepared their weapons and armor. Irielle was the only one that looked out of place with his outdated tech. When the dropship landed, the platoon leader rushed them out and everyone ran into position. The dropship made a lot of noise as it blasted back into space. Upon touching the ground, Irielle immediately felt something. He couldn't tell what it was and he didn't want to know.

While the platoon scoped out the area, they made their way to the door. The dark, evil feeling he was getting was growing stronger. It almost made hom feel sick in the stomach. Whatever happened on the station, it must have been seriously bad. The platoon met up with General Corek's and they entered the station.
Objective 1

He watched from the shadows as [member="Lux Berooken"] spoke to the reporters the best security details were the ones that weren't seen. While no one was paying him any attention he scanned the crowd with the thermal vison built into his helmet to. Every reporter checked back negative for weapons but he still had his eyes open for anything suspicious, the last thing any soldier in the New Republic wanted on their record was the death of a Senator.

The intel had reported that there were not active plots against Lux or the upcoming election so he left his normal squad back in the barracks didn't want to scare any of the locals, this was a one man show. Other's of his rank would probably be offended transporting a Senator around a friendly planet especially one so young but Finis was a pro and looked at as he did any other important assignment.

As soon Lux finished speaking he was at his side "Senator if your ready I'll escort you to the party"
"Yes I'm ready the sooner we get to this party the sooner I can get about the business of ingratiating with the locals" Turing away from the solider his eyes landed on the two men trailing behind him "Which one of you has the list of guest I going to read over it on the way, I need to know if there's anyone I should be avoiding or I need to talk to"

He took a seat in the backseat of a speeder seconds later a data pad was thrusted into his hand. The list was full of names that he didn't know and if he was being honest with himself didn't matter. The objective was to make sure that he could gain an ally in the Senate and if along the way he had a bit of fun well that was his business.

"Captain Finis I'm curious do you intend to wear your uniform to a party full of civilians I not opposed to the idea In fact I think that It might throw people off, which as you know as a solider that's never a bad thing. I do enjoy the idea of walking in with a armed guard at my side, it sends a certain kind a message."

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