Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Concerned Touch

"Go ahead, get cleaned up and changed so we can get you to the infirmary."

She watched Kairon head off towards his cabin, just her and Jarrick left in the cockpit as he seemed to be going through system checklists. The cockpit was larger than Gracie's and the space was well utilized so that the crew would not be tripping over each other in order to operate the ship. She walked slowly around the consoles, looking them over for signs of wear and tear or refits. The mods done on some of these old birds was impressive. They should have been collecting rust somewhere but they were still around to catch stardust.

She looked over at Jarrick, stealing herself against her nerves and trying to draw on her experiences in command to push her through strange awkward exchanges.

"Is there anything you guys can fix yourselves? Maybe Rusty and I can lend a hand? Or is she too far gone for light repairs?"
[member="Malia Afredane"]

Jarrick sighed and ran a hand over his closely shaven head. "If you guys have some time we could start dismantling some of the systems around the power grid. Truth be told we need to get her in a dry dock. Engine system needs dismantling, lots of the hull plating removed. These old things are made to be modular, but not the power grid. Not even sure where its burned out and how many systems have been affected. Feth it." he gave an exaggerated shrug and sat down. "To be honest, we mostly need to move out stuff out," he added, looking forlorn.

Where Kairon had the trading experience for the operation, Jarrick had a meticulous attention to detail that kept their operation running. He also did a good grumpy face when Kairon's polite negotiating skills started to falter. Having such uncertainty, and knowing that events were now out of his hands, perturbed to ex-marine.

"Make sure he does actually go the infirmary please?" he asked, looking over at Mal. Despite his ability to zone out of events on that Union ship, he vividly recalled her recoiling from his tirade. Kairon had admitted she still held some misgivings over that. "I'm sorry I shouted at you," he added simply, holding her gaze.

There was a clatter from down back in the bowels of the ship, followed by some colourful language. "I did tell him emergency lights only," Jarrick said.
Mal nodded in silence looking through the halls of the ship, the flickering lights of faltering systems bringing back memories of barely making it in during some drops during the war. She didn't talk about flying combat missions, it tended to make people think you were a hero. Mal was not a hero. She was the bus driver. The poor sods who fought the OS, they were the heroes. She turned back to Jarrick, nodding at his wandering thoughts.

"He'll get to the infirmary, kicking and screaming if that's what it comes to."

She leaned on the bulkhead, crossing one foot over the other.

"Don't apologize. You were right about part of it. For a card shark, I can read bluffs but I'm feth with emotions and people. My closest companion is a hunk of rock for force sakes."

She was about to continue when she heard the commotion and chuckled at Jarrick.

"Stubborn as a mule that one. Listen, if you're cool, we're cool. Kairon and I are trying to figure this stuff out as we go, but I'll try my best to make sure it doesn't affect the Quin crew."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]

“Stubborn, hah!” Jarrick exclaimed. For a moment he was about to make further comment on his captain's nature, before decided that was probably not appropriate. “I'm glad,” he said with a short nod. “No ill effects to speak of so far on your account,” he reported, his tone making clear he was not planning on being serious. “The face he's been pulling whilst moping about for the last two weeks hasn't been that offputting.”

What was the name of her ship again… ah! “How did the Wicked Grace fare?”

As he asked, Asmus appeared at the threshold of the cockpit. He looked remarkably chipper given how much he'd been drinking the night before, but the little bastard always did.

“Hey have you… Oh hey Mal!” he said with a genuine smile. Jarrick noted something in his expression. The boy was plotting something. This concerned the second in command greatly. In the background, the sound of the running water came to a halt.
"A couple bumps, nothing major, except Rusty fell off the hull in hyperspace because he wanted to try some fool thing with Gertrude like he was a damn turret or something. I swear he's crazier than I am most of the time."

She turned to regard Asmus as he entered, an incredulous look on her features as she recalled his behavior in the mess the night before. The young rogue was trying his lines on everyone girl he saw and nothing seemed to slow him down. She wondered if Jarrick had drug him back to the ship or if he had managed to win over a young lady with his charms. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted the answer to that question.

"Morning Asmus. You're looking chipper this morning."

She heard the water cut off, and waited for the crash of Kairon bumbling around in the dark some more.

[member="Kairon Rees"]
Disappointingly the Starchaser girl whilst seemingly keen hadn't picked up on any of his hints. He hadn't expected someone fighting the Final Order to have seemed to.. sheltered. The worst thing about a gathering of smugglers, was that no one was impressed you were a smuggler.

“Kaia, who was flying with you yesterday…” he started slowly. Out of the corner of his vision he saw Jarrick roll his eyes. The old men didn't understand anyway. He simply couldn't believe his uncle has actually started seeing someone. He'd assumed once you got to that age you just gave up if you were single.

“...was she Alliance?” he asked tentatively.

Before Mal could answer there was another crash and a round of swearing, followed by a distinctly feminine snicker.

Kairon appeared where a new pair of trousers, a towel wrapped across his shoulders, his long hair still wet. “Well I learned two things. Turns out cathar can see exceptionally well in the dark, and also Mai can move furniture in complete silence.”
"You know, between flying a dangerous mission, shooting it out with a couple squads of stormtroopers on what should have been a deserted ship and then hightailing it out of there before we were blown to smithereens, there wasn't much time for small talk."

She leveled the boy with a serious look.

"Besides, she's not my type."

She winked as she looked over at Kairon, admiring the view briefly.

"I'll have to remember that trick. Come on, we need to get you to the infirmary."
[member="Malia Afredane"]

Kairon's smirk was barely concealed as Mal summarily halted his nephew's line of questioning. Asmus stood blinking for a moment before laughing once and heading out of the cockpit. Probably to scavenge for food, Kairon surmised. His appetite was seemingly without limit.

It seemed the tour of the Quintessence was off the cards. When she was back together, running smoothly and - more importantly - well lit he would show Mal around. As they headed back towards the exit he unravelled his shirt, revealing a familiar green bottle. He passed it over before pulling his top over his head.

“Couldn't leave this in my cabin if they're unloading everything from her,” he explained with a smile. He had a quick check of the dressing as they walked. A little damp in places and those patches now stung fiercely. Damn near impossible to shower whilst keeping one arm dry.

“By the way,” he decided to explain when he thought they were far enough from the freighter. “I do talk about trying to dump Mai from the ship quite often, but you should know it's never entirely serious. Never hired her, she just stowed aboard one time. Turns out she spent much of the first part of her life a slave. Got no where else to go. She doesn't cost me much and when it hits the fan she takes up arms on our account,” he explained seriously. Kairon wasn't even certain if he'd explained this because of how Mal might perceive his frequent threats or whether she was considering hiring them on for a time and needed the clear picture. Probably both.
She accepted the bottle carefully, tucking it under her arm while they headed to get him looked at.

"Yeah, I figured. You play grumpy well, but I think you collect the ones who have been kicked and give them a home and purpose. Nothing wrong with that, love."

The doc on duty at the infirmary wanted to try some kind of procedure on the wounded skin so while Kairon was arguing and losing that fight with him, Mal headed back to the Grace, got showered, left the Whyren's, talked with Rusty and was still back in time to catch the end of a tirade from Kairon about the need for more bacta patches after his arm had been submerged in the junk for an hour.

He looked a little better but the burns would take a while to heal and he was going to be in some pain until they scabbed over. She gave him a kiss on the cheek as she curled into his side, walking back to the bay where the Quin was. For the most part, the crew of the Hope left them alone as they walked through the vessel; they had been briefed about the presence of civilians on board. Mal was more than happy to get by unnoticed as they were walking through the hangar. The bay door was open and she lead him over to where you could see the surface of Sullust below, the light of the sun shining off the water features below, making them look like meandering pools of gold.

"I talked to Rusty. If you want to fly with us until Quin is ready, you are welcome. I'll match whatever you pay them. At least you'll all still be working rather than sitting around waiting on the Alliance. If you want."

She wanted him close, she wanted to not miss him. The long distance thing just didn't cut it for her and she found herself hanging on the pause as he thought about it more.

[member="Kairon Rees"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]

Watching the dark, glassy orb turning beneath them, he thought back to that missed booking at a renowned restaurant. The more painful memories from that Union ship it evoked had started to fade over time, enveloped in the recollections of the amazing time he had spent with Mal since then. He idly wondered if – as heroes of the Alliance – someone could arrange a table for them. He’d quite liked the idea of fine dining in a transparent bubble suspended in a magma flow. The Galaxy was full of marvels, and one of the most amazing parts of his work was being able to travel to the infinitely varied locations of the Galaxy. His nephew, who rarely got further than the nearest bar, was missing out. Right now, however, the centre of his Galaxy was leaning against his side.

Kairon’s eyes lit up as he realised that this time they wouldn’t be going their separate ways at the end of a brief encounter. They would be leaving on the same ship. “Brilliant,” he said, making no attempt to hide his smile. “Oh loading droids!” he said suddenly. “The Warden is a big ship, do you have any loaders? You’ve not met The Twins. I’ve got a pair of heavy lifters, they’re quirky and old, but can shift some serious weight all day long. Odd model, when they’re together they have two personalities and one brain, when they’re apart they each have one personality and half a brain. They're in our modular cargo bays on one of the Alliance space stations.” The pain down one arm was forgotten as he spoke excitedly. He paused for breath, realising he was jabbering on.

He thought back to something she’d said back when they’d met for that ill-fated second job together. “Are you looking forward to having some more company for a while?” he asked. Part of his mind had drifted off to think on how some of those lonely hours could be spent during long trips, but the question had been asked genuinely.
"No, no we don't have any loaders. We don't have anything yet, except the Warden and some leads on a job or two. But Rusty and I can't crew her alone."

He seemed really excited about the loaders and she had to suppress a chuckle at his expense for a moment as he told her about them. She had seen them on Togoria but had not made their acquaintance. From the way he described it, it was sure to be an experience.

She nodded a little absently as he asked if she wanted some more company, her mind thinking about the conversations she and Rusty had been having. In truth, they were terrified of the what-ifs. Mal had not commanded a crew since her days in the Navy and that didn't pan out so well. Her crew didn't know that she was skimming the cargo, but they had been court-martialed with her. They had all been acquitted eventually but the damage to their records had been done. They were on a ship with a thief and never noticed their CO was cheating the Republic. Most had to take desk jobs afterwards because no one wanted them on their ships.

Mal had been in prison for 5 years and learned the hard way that you didn't get to pick your visitors. She had been visited by every one of them. Disappoint, scorn and disgust cutting her more deeply than the prison sentence. They had trusted her and she had thrown it back in their faces. They were good men who didn't deserve what she did to them. After that, she flew alone. If she got in trouble, it was no one's ass but hers. Now it was hers and Rusty's. She feared the consequences of her actions again.

"I would love to see more of you. As often as a I can."

She wrapped her arms around him, stepping in front of him and gingerly trying to not touch his burned side. She looked into his eyes, and in her mahogany ones, there was fear and doubt.

"It's been a long time since I commanded anyone, and the last time didn't go so well. I'm scared about the consequences of my choices and actions screwing things up for others. I just wanna do right by people and maybe make up for the feth I did before."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]

As he looked into her eyes, the scale of the journey they were about to embark on struck him. Not only was he about to start being employed on a day-to-day basis by Captain Afredane, he was essentially moving in with his girlfriend Mal. At least he hoped she wasn’t planning on keeping him at the very far end of the ship in his own room. They’d only spent three nights together so far, it was a big step. Almost immediately, he decided he was ready to take it. Now wasn’t the time for discussing any of his own insecurities.

“You’ll do right by us,” he affirmed, his good hand giving her a gentle squeeze. “The fact that I know you really mean that, makes you stand apart from most smugglers I’ve known. It doesn’t take long for anyone to realise you know your own mind, know your trade and can make the calls. I’ll probably tell you if I disagree - when it’s appropriate - but you just tell me if you need me to do something and I’ll get it done,” he said, ending on almost a whisper. Kairon knew he was saying this because he felt she needed to hear it, but that made it no less true. Sincerity in his voice and expression should have been clear.

The last time he’d carried out every order passed down from his ship’s captain he’d had to carry out appalling acts. There were no parallels between that situation and now. However, he had become used to getting his own way. Could he be the model crew member given how stubborn he often was? He would have to be. Not just so that the ship ran harmoniously, but for the sake of their newfound relationship that they had barely given the time to take shape yet.

“Someone I respect very much recently told me that you have to care about who you are now. Or something to that effect. Focus on what you have to do right, not what you could do wrong,” Kairon said, tilting his head to one side and smiling to her.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

She smiled as he threw her advice back at her. It was hard to let yourself off the hook for the things you had done wrong, but if she was ever to let it go and truly be free of her guilt, she couldn't avoid captaining a crew for the rest of her life. The fact that she and Rusty had a backup plan should things prove to be too much certainly helped.

"I'm not going to make decisions for you while we do this. The Quin are yours and you get just as much a say in what we pick up as Rusty and I. I didn't mention anything to them, figured you would want to."

She opened her stance again, to look down at the planet below. She leaned her head on his shoulder on the good side.

"We have a few days before we have to leave for Zeltros. Or we can leave for Zeltros a little early and have some R&R there. I think Jarrick and Mai would like that, but Asmus might get lost in the crowds and never be heard from again."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]

His mouth opened and closed a few times as conflicting thoughts crossed his mind. She was perfectly correct, if they took Asmus to Zeltros and didn’t leave him chained to something, there was a reasonable chance of him getting into trouble. On the other hand a few days in one of the vacation resorts would more than make up for that Naboo retreat they never saw. Even if they got caught up in the lingering pheromones and never left their room.

“I’d never be able to explain that one to my sister,” he said with a deep chuckle. “Then again, I think keeping them holed up on an Alliance cruiser or on Sullust might be a bit mean. Let’s get the Quin cleared out, I’ll talk to them and we can ship out to Zeltros in the morning? Oh and can we sleep somewhere a little roomier tonight? Not that I don’t like being close an all…”

“But going back a second, if you need to tell me to do something if we’re in a pinch or similar, you do it yeah?”
"Don't worry, I don't think I'll have a problem bossing you around on my own boat."

She gave him a tender kiss, and pulled back to look at him, captivated by his blues for a moment before she whispered at him.

"You're too good for me, Kai. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and this is going to be some mind kark from that..." she paused as though she couldn't even admit their captor was even a sentient being "...that thing on the TU ship. Every bit I get to spend with you was worth every minute of pain."

There was a fleeting panic behind her features for a moment then peace settled her once again. The Jedi healer had not completely removed the memories, only softened them so that she could manage them in time.

"Come on, let's go get your crew sorted. Then we can go down to the surface and get a room for a night until we head to Zeltros."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
For an instant Kairon's expression mirrored Mal's as his mind decided she could be speaking through truth and his subconscious played out that scenario. The discomfort didn't leave his face quickly and he looked to his feet. A long slow breath in and out settled his nerves. He had flat out refused to let another Force User into his mind, so had taken the slow path of counselling. During those dark days he had swung between a numb, emotionless state and sudden fits of rage. He didn't want Mal to ever see him lose his temper irrationally like that.

“Hell Mal, don't say that,” he said under his breath. He looked up and met her gaze again, a smile back on his features as his guts slowly unravelled. “Sorry,” he said more clearly. He'd seen the expression in her face too, knew she'd managed to dredge up some memories herself by saying it. Zeltros, think of Zeltros.

“Yeah, let's go grab them,” he said, leading them inside the Quin. He gathered the group to explain what was happening. They sat around the table in the galley, as they always did for discussing important events. Jarrick nodded along, seeing the sense in the plan. Asmus seemed positively overjoyed to be off on more adventures and not stuck on a military ship. Though Jarrick would later reveal the boy had met a very junior male officer for lunch. The lad wasn't fussy in that respect. Only Mai looking increasingly agitated about the whole affair.

“This ship's going to be in dry dock,” Kairon explained. We can't stay aboard, we can stay together this way and not just on an Alliance base.” He looked to Jarrick, eyes flicking to the cathar. A slight nod shared understanding. Damn how had he ended up here? Acting like a real person, caring about the misfits on his boat. Kark, moving in with a girl. There had been looks of respect in his direction after the battle. Not born of fear, just plain respect.

“We're all going to have to pitch in to make this work,” he added, this time his eyes turning to Asmus who feigned shock.

“Anything you'd like to add?” he said, turning to Mal.
"No matter who's calling the orders on the Warden, you are Kairon's folk, not mine. So Kairon gets equal decision in any jobs we take. I'm paying on par with what you have been getting on the Quin. And when she's done, you all go back to the Quin. This is not permanent. This is just until the Warden is crewed and your ship is repaired. No more than a few months. If you'd rather not, there are no hard feelings and you can stay here in the barracks until the Alliance is done. I figured rather than being bored, you guys might like to keep getting a paycheck."

She spoke pretty straight with them, giving Mai plenty of eye contact to let her know that the Warden would be a safe space. However, if any of them objected, she wasn't going to force them aboard. They all still had their free will and if they wanted to pursue another avenue, then she wouldn't begrudge them.

"If you are gonna be under my command, we will have to establish a command chain. We haven't worked that out yet, but I'm sure we'll get it squared away."

She looked back to Kairon, her hands in her back pockets, elbows popped out but shaking her head.

"That's all I've got. The Warden is on Zeltros so we're gonna be heading that way tomorrow. The Alliance will help you guys pack a cargo crate with your stuff and Rusty will bring it on Gracie to meet up with us on Zeltros. The twins can stay in the hold on Gracie."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
Asmus raised his hand slowly. “So I turn nineteen in two weeks, would I get a payrise?”

Jarrick groaned and dropped his head into his hands. Kairon felt his face flush as he narrowed his eyes dangerously. “That could be discussed I'm sure,” he said slowly. “I guess it would depend on whether what you think of as hard graft lives up to Mal's expectations.”

Oh this was just the start wasn't it? Having Asmus on the same ship as Mal was going to end up with him having to airlock himself in shame. Fortunately there seemed to be no more immediate questions. Someone had laid out some portable lights through the ship, so perhaps he could find his quarters with a part of his body other than the shin bone this time.

The last captain of Harlequin - as she had been in those days - had expanded the already large quarters into another cabin. Kairon's room was now roughly the size of three of the regular rooms on the ventral floor of the Quin. A thick polished wooden desk was solidly fixed to one wall. The adjoining wall was entirely taken up by a glass display cabinet, with appropriate fixings for a ship. Most of it was filled with books, but there was a wine cabinet and a secure safe as well.

One corner of the room was partitioned off and contained a hot water shower. A luxury on ships. Whilst that had also been installed by the precious captain, the whole room hacked back to his roots as a wealthy merchant. That was a conscious decision. One of the first things he had done upon being steered down this course by his nephew, was remove the experience of flying a smuggler ship as far as he could from his days on the Bad Karma.

“Well, this is home,” he said to Mal. If he hadn't been in near darkness earlier, he probably would have tidied away the small pile of clothes next to the bed. “The safe has a few data crystals with lesser known back roads, we should probably take some copies. I don't tend to keep them in the databanks,” he explained. It was paranoid, but those routes were probably worth a tidy sum and he didn't want them stolen. “Grab some of the books if you want,” he offered, heading for the cupboard with his clean clothes and sliding the pile of dirt clothes under the bed with his foot when she wasn't looking.
Compared to her quarters on Gracie, his were lavish. Polished wood, glass and rare vintages of wines, books that most certainly did not feature scantily clad damsels nor graphic descriptions of succumbing to passion and desire in the most inopportune of places. Mal read trashy romance novels and watched soap operas in her sweats while drinking beers. That familiar lump of feeling not good enough rose in her throat again.

"That's alright, I'm sure I won't have much time for reading. Plenty to get acquainted with on the Warden, you know."

She hoped to the Force he wouldn't figure out she was a blithering idiot anytime soon. It dawned on her then that in close quarters, he would know exactly what she did in her off time. Binge watching entire seasons of that sleazy Serennese soap were definitely postponed until she could be assured of being alone. Dang it all. It was just getting good.

"You know, I think I'm just in your way. You grab what you want and I'll sit here out from under foot."

She lay down across the end of his bed, grabbing a pillow and tugging it towards her. She hadn't slept well either, her half lidded eyes watching him collect his belongings for the trip off world. It was a quiet for a minute or two when she grinned a little bit.

"If you want, I can run Asmus like an ensign fresh outta the gate. I've taken the shine off a fair few in my day."

She giggled a little bit.

"Just a thought."

[member="Kairon Rees"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]

Kairon yawned as he started packing some clothes. Mostly drab spacer gear, but there was the odd touch of colour from the more formal clothing typically worn by Eriadu merchants.

Then she made her suggestion about Asmus. Blue eyes sparked as his mind went to a happy place. In his happy place Asmus was dutifully – and silently - pushing a mop across a hangar deck, Mal watching his every move. Asmus looked up to Kairon with sad eyes, and happy-place-Kairon simply laughed.

“You know, that sounds good. Very good.”

He paused in his packing, placing his hands on his hips. “Mmm,” he made a small noise in the back of his throat. Despite how tired he was, the last few weeks had dragged out and several ideas crossed his mind. However, they all ended with the pair exhausted, falling fast asleep and one of the crew tentatively knocking on the door in an hour or so to find out what had happened to them. Instead he walked to a side table and grabbed a datapad.

“Do you have any ideas on where to stay, or want to have a look whilst I pack?” he offered. “Somewhere with room service,” he added quietly with a mischievous look. There were more important things to discuss, such as ensuring Mai settled on the new ship, but sometimes business came second.

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