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A Change of Pace [CIS Dominion of Nar Kaaga]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="CC-114 Una"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]

His thoughts turned to things he didn't entirely understand. He didn't know why she gave him butterflies and he didn't know why she made him feel so warm inside. He didn't even understand why she made his pulse race and his face redden, but he knew it was called love.

He didn't know if it was built in or just another of the many mistakes his makers had made. Maybe it was the Mandalorian blood that cried out for family but what ever it was he didn't care. His thoughts became muddled again and he heard music in his ears.

He looked at Calico and smiled he took the treat and gave the clone commander a Big hug.

"Vore, buir." He said not really sure why but it was the first thing that came to mind. The music in his head kept playing and an idea popped into his broken mind.

After fatty with friends who had all of the talent finished with his self promotion. Oryuken did the unthinkable. He looked at una and then to Calico and smiled. He didn't know how to say the words he wanted to say to Una but he had the idea to try.

"Ah'll bee right back." He said as he kissed Una's forehead.

He walked straight to the stage and the band leader then began to whisper in his ear.

The band stopped and the big slightly damaged clone walked up to the microphone.

"I have a song for someone special to me." He said scared out of his mind.

And it sounded like this.

[media]That's All by Michael Buble:[/media]

After the song he walked off the stage and shyly back to Una.

"Ah don't know a lot." He said "but I know how you make me feel."
The hug was crushing, but Calico could take it. He was a tough man who caught bullets with his teeth and fought Jedi with wooden toy swords. He slapped the larger man on the back as his voice strained from the might of the hug. "I love you too, son." He grunted, jokingly, yet, he meant it. It was time he got to formally adopting these boys.

Then, the young man went up a made song tribute. Calico couldn't help but brim with pride. This was living, as it should be, his boys having a generally good time of themselves and taking advantage of the opportunities Calico never had the chance to even think about. He clipped Una gently on the shoulder and walked off to give them a moment.

One figure really caught his eye--a young clone all by his lonesome. Now that simply wouldn't do. Calico strode up to the young man, and pulled up a seat next to him, another bag of sugar-coated nuts jingling in his hand. "Not one for festivities, ad'ika? You alright?"

@[member="CC-848 Jon"]
With but the gentlest of touches, Isabet set Abel's world spinning. Ever since awakening from their drunken evening, they had not shared that many kisses...but this one took the cake. It was so sweet and spontaneous that it caused the blush that captured Abel's cheeks to spread all the way to his ears! His fingers instinctively curled about hers and he leaned into the kiss, moving his lips against hers just as affectionately. When she departed from him, he remained; looking up at her with those pleading eyes. Now she had addicted him, but he wouldn't push his luck. "Alright Isa'ika, hurry back...and if you feel like it, could you grab me a slice of cake or something? I need some sugar from my sugar." Yes, that line had more cheese stacked on it than the snack table, but he hoped that she would find it amusing. With a hint of reluctance, he relinquished her hands and gave her a wink before leaning forward...

Just in time for Serian to leap into his skull.

"Well no poodoo." He replied mentally, folding his arms across his chest. "And here I thought you'd do your homework...You don't know the first thing about the Templars, do you?" He then filled Serian's skull with a sigh, but also waves of earnest reassurance. Continuing on, Abel put it simply. "The Templars don't care what alignment you use, but they do care about philosophy. You can be a Templar and shoot lightning, you can't be a Templar and be a Sith. You've got nothing to worry about Serian, these guys aren't your old buddies from your old life. This I can assure you. Relax."

@[member="Serian Loria"], @[member="Isabet Kote"].

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Abel Denko"] @[member="Isabet Kote"]

"Kark me sideways!" Ruusan said in one of her rare soft moments. "Hey stud look! I will give you a cigar and my credits if you'll just take that girl and dance with her. She didn't suffer that dress for you to sit here with me!"

Ruusan folded her hand and pushed her credits away. As she downed her third glass of Corellia's finest. She smiled at the girl.

"Sometimes you gotta just lay it down for them, hon." She told Isabet "they can be dense."

Ruusan smiled and walked away to look for a clone boy to mess with. She was up to roll dem bones anyway.

@[member="CC-848 Jon"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="CC-308 Maverick"]
Either the crimson-eyed man truly was hungry, which was highly unlikely, or the Mandalorian had managed to arouse a reaction from him. Good. He fully anticipated that the enigmatic man with blood-hued eyes would then return and they could have a true conversation. However, the "dance" would have to commence first, and Isley simply played along. "By all means, Serian, please go have your fill. I hope that you enjoy your meal and that we can speak more later." With that said, the Mandalorian regarded him with a polite, and respectful, inclination of his head before returning his attention to his peers; namely the Bothan and his sibling. "Food...actually sounds like an amazing idea right now. I'm going to grab something, you're both free to join me." he said, striding off in the direction of the tables. He first clipped his helmet onto his belt so that he might serve himself with both hands and then took a plate...options...options...

@[member="Serian Loria"], @[member="Strask Ak'lya"], @[member="Devorah Verd"].
These idiots were singing, while his prized film was showing! What animals! Norge ran on up to Oryuken, his big gray sweatpants threatening to fall down to his ankles. "You are G-canon!" He squealed, refrencing the canon system often used for the Blarg Trek films.

The fat drunkard wobbled his way on up to @[member="Isley Verd"], and pointed a chubby sausage finger back at the screen, which now showed Nar-Nar Kinks and his lover, Islectia having a touching moment over a fireplace. "That is A-canon! Your G-canon cronies are blocking my art!"
Una smiled at their commander, nodding her head in thanks for the sweet nuts. It was a little bit of home, just like Oryuken was. She was half way through popping a sweet treat into her mouth when she felt his kiss on her forehead. Then she watched him walk straight to the stage. Una was frozen, she wasn't sure what he was doing or if she should stop it. Then the music began to play. Her heart melted and she was entirely swept away. Una could do nothing but blush, despite the tone of her skin it was all to obvious.

Oryuken returned to her side and was immediately greeted with the weight of Una hanging off his neck. "You're such a sweetheart.." She pulled away from his neck, pressing her lips to his firmly. Their first passionate kiss. She hoped that it would display her emotion to him just as much as he did to her. Una was completely oblivious to anyone around her, she was were she wanted to be, wrapped in his arms.

@[member="Oryuken CC-128P"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Raising an eyebrow, the Mandalorian watched as the drunken film director made his way over. He had, up until this moment, ignored the kark out of the movie that was playing. The reason being? Apparently the Hutt and his wife were huge fans of the man's work...which blew Isley's mind. However, the drunkard had basically picked the wrong tree to bark up and the Mandalorian faced him. "Listen, if you don't shut up, I'm going to B-Canon your face in." He growled, before piling up his plate. He selected a duo of fried chicken drumsticks, a slice of fresh watermelon, rice tipped with black beans, collard greens, and some baked macaroni and cheese to top it off. Now, he began the hunt for hot sauce. "Karking drunk..." He muttered to himself, striding away from he chubby man.

@[member="Norge Rucras"], @[member="Phoebe Verd"]

CC-848 Jon

Calico, the commander of the Dread Guard. The "Big Daddy" if you will, decided to sit down beside Jon. Surprisingly fathers paid attention to their least favourites. Jon sat up as a sign of mutual respect and placed his elbows on the table, the visor covering his eyes. However it was obvious he was staring at Calico. "No, I hate this place. I don't know why Isley didn't just send me to steal some childs candy for the hours we are here. He knows I'm best at that kind of morbid thing." Jon sighed and allowed his body to relax as he crossed his arms across the table and allowed his head to sit on his wrist. "Look at all these people, so fat and luxurious. Ignorant to the reality of the harsh cold world, look at their smiles. They don't even know the value of what they have, they take it for granted. This place sickens me Commander."

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Norge wasn't tolerating none of this bo-shizz. No, Norge was a Film Director. He was famous, and B-CANON WAS NOT A THING. He waddled his way up up to the Mandalorian, scooped up a bottle of...well, whatever the hell liquid osik was, and started to chug. It burned, but he loved the pain. A little known fact, Norge was a masochist.

"Woah bro, woah." Norge pulled at Isley's butt cape as the movie cut to Nar Nar and Neeve Rerd having their secret love scene. Norge liked love scenes. "Bro, bro...bro. B-CANON IS NOT A THING! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE CANON SYSTEM WORKS?! HAVE YOU EVEN LOOKED INTO THE COMPLEXITIES OF MY UNIVERSE?!

At this point, the Hutt was having a ball. Both with the raunchy, inappropriate movie, and its director's drunken antics.

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
Isabet grinned a little, letting out a rather out of character laugh. It was sweet and long, filling the silence between Ruusan's words and her own. "Vor'e. You're very kind but I don't dance." She stroked the back of her finger tips against Abel's cheek before departing from the table. There were so many things they still needed to discuss. Her displays of affection thus far had been involuntary and she was rather confused about the whole situation. Was he taking this marriage seriously? Was she taking this marriage seriously? Isabet decided to push the topic to the back of her mind for now. She would enjoy the moment.

The buffet was incredible and the wide range of alcohol seemed more then appealing right now. She stood there for a moment, taking her pick rather indecisively. His cheesy line had left a permanent smile on her face, or at least while she was with company. After a while of her fingers dancing over the variation of food, she finally made up her mind. She slid the plate from the table, curling her fingers around the glass filled with clear, white Tihaar. Her usual drink.

Isabet scanned the room for some form of escape, finding it in a door that led outside. Without a moments thought she pushed it open a little further and slipped from view. The clunk of the door shutting soon followed. But she wasn't alone. The figure standing in front of her had almost scared the living kark out of Isabet. But her composure remained as she cleared her throat, addressing his back. "I apologise, I didn't realise anyone was out here. Excuse me for the interruption."

@[member="Abel Denko"] @Serian Loria
"Actually, I haven't bothered. I don't watch crappy movies. Now if you'll excuse me." With that said, the Mandalorian decided to resist the urge to bludgeon the drunk's skull in with his plate. Instead, he turned on his heel and began to stride away from the portly man; much to the chagrin of the Hutt. They would have loved nothing more than to see a brawl break out, but Isley wasn't that sort of entertainer. Now, if someone gave him a bass and let him loose on a stage? Now that...that would be legendary. Of course, those were skills he did not get to display often. "I wish Phoebe was here." He muttered, taking a seat at one of the tables. He then procured for himself another glass of wine and indulged in a hearty sip before commencing his meal.

@[member="Phoebe Verd"], @Ser B-Canon
Calico let a soft sigh escape him. He set a hand on the lad's shoulder, and stared at the man's visor like he was looking him in the eye. He understood what Jon meant, the thoughts were on Calico's mind everyday.

I used to be him.

"I understand you son. Believe me, I do." He slid the bag of nuts over to Jon, just because he could. "I'm not a fan of grandeur or the social scene. It's very difficult for me to get up and talk to the mongrels." The term wasn't an insult, it was simply the name for non-clones. "But, at the same time son, you can't look at life through that harsh lense at all times. Reserve it for the battlefield, not when you're off. It makes life a shoddy thing, it makes you do things that you might regret."

Calico leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to a whisper so only Jon could hear. "Fighting for the sake of fighting is no way to live. That's what they tried to program into you, but it isn't true. You're a free man, and these di'kuts are shoving free food and pretty women at you. Take advantage of the idiots when you get the chance, or you become those idiots, and you look back on those wasted opportunities when you're older--you wonder why you didn't do it."

@[member="CC-848 Jon"]
Phoebe was always tardy to parties but normally nobody minded because she was the party. Well, at least that was how it worked in her past life. This was totally different and this party had nothing to do with her which was a breath of fresh air in Phoebe's opinion. She always hated being the center of attention and sometimes just wished to relax like now.

After scanning for her husband and not seeing any sign of him Phoebe decided to go wander the castle away from the party for further quiet time.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="CC-114 Una"]

The big guy smiled as she wrapped her self around his neck and hugged him. When she pulled away and kissed him it was like falling into a lake and being cut off from anything but what was right in front of you. His dark eyes closed as he put his hands around her waste. It was more than he could have ever imagined. when he was in training they didn't even allow then to have names. It was the Mando training sergeants that had given them names. He looked at her and couldn't bring himself to let go.

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Cyar'ika," he said his thoughts and feeling in one of those rare moments of clarity.

'Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde' he said to himself as nerves held back his voice.

Maybe it wasn't the time, he could die tomorrow on another world what other time would there be. Maybe he should ask @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] what he should do first. He simply held her for now and smiled he would just enjoy the moment while he had her.

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
No, he hadn’t bothered to look, he had more than enough on his plate and poking into information on the varying factions weren’t high on it. I’ve no interest in losing my freedom Abel, I sacrificed everything I had in my past to leave, so no, I don’t give a bloody petch about any of the factions swimming in the twisting nether. Besides, I was counting on you to warn me, this is your area of expertise, not mine. Its still strong in me and what happened between us nearly broke my control.

He straightened up and sighed pulling the medallion from around his neck looking down from it. I’m sorry Abel…

The man would catch an image of a woman, willowy and lithe, with sapphire blue eyes, long auburn hair pulled back in a braid, holding out a box to him. You told me once that you’ve never celebrated your life-day nor received a gift, lover...its time to undo such a travesty, when you wear this you’ll think of me. Think of it as you taking a piece of me with you, I like the idea of being the one person who fills your mind…

The image would fade as the touch on his mind did, when next he felt that same mind-touch all earlier upset was gone. So, who is the woman? The look on your face speaks of deep feeling.

There was a trace of wistfulness in his mind-voice, but also curiosity, he wouldn’t ask to meet her however he wouldn’t be against it either.

He heard footsteps behind him and a woman’s voice, when he turned he was met with the very presence of his Apprentice’s company, though from the looks of it the man was not with her. He smiled and shook his head “No, its fine, I’d like the company, so please...stay.” He offered his hand “My name is Serian Loria, may I have yours?

He hoped Abel wouldn’t mind.

@[member="Abel Denko"] @[member="Isabet Kote"]
This was more bo-shizz than Norge's bo-shizz meter could take. It was throbbing, fit to burst. He continued to stride after Isley, hands on his hips like an angry house wife. "You...think my movies..are crap?" The man's voice wavered between a hiss and a yes. His cheeky face was bright red with anger.

Tears began to well in his eyes.

He toppled over.

Unto Isley's plate.

Vomit shot from the man's throat all over Isley's food.

His stubby feet whirred around and kicked Isley right in the ear.


He rolled like a disabled Nerf off the table, rolling in his own tears and vomit as Nar Nar and his lover cut to a very, very explicit scene shown only in the special edition. Isley would want to cover Ginnie's eyes.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Norge Rucras"]

She was on her way to make a shameless pass at the clone Commander when the fat pig boy's mouth caught her attention.

'God didn't they ever shut these people up proper.' she thought

She raised a hand in a waive at Isley and smiled.

"Hey Ner Vod!" she said as she pulled back a booted foot and sent it straight at fatty no talents cubby jowls. "Get somathat Kark for brains."
Oh, hell no.

"Oi, ye' frothy fire mained beotch!" He paused to projectile vomit all over the floor. The hutts were rumbling with laughter.

Norge brought up his stubby pig fists, and readied for a rumble. "You've never seen bear style!"

Just like that, Norge charged, arms pumping, crying, he'd pissed his pants, and vomit dribbled out of his mouth. The man was a force for poor Ruusan to reckon with.

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
A short, forced smile was place on her face as the man addressed her. Though she had never seen him before, he seemed to know her. At least from the look in his eye. "I'm Isabet Ko-.." She paused mid-sentence. Was she still Kote? She closed her eyes, a more genuine smile making itself apparent now. "I'm Isabet Denko. It's a pleasure to meet you Serian. Who are you here with?" Though she wasn't entirely sure this marriage was what she wanted, it gave her a small thrill to say his last name. Like it belong to her. It did in a way, but Isabet wasn't sure it was permanent. There was some small part of her that hoped it was.

Isabet assumed this was an invitation to join him, so she walked a little closer. Setting her plate down beside his, she took a short sip of her drink. Though the burning liquid offered comfort, there was no way she was going to get too drunk. She would have hated to embarrass Abel.

@[member="Serian Loria"]

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