Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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2.0 Me!!!

Rose could hear the crushing of her ship and all that wen't though her head was what she made for her master was on that ship and well no it was just part of a cruised body. Rose for was panicking. "The the virus isn't stopping!" She yelled "Whats wrong! It should of stopped." Rose tried to get up onto her feet but a shock wave shot her back from her current spot and knocking her unconscious. As rose was knocked out the troop were now getting back up and grabbing their weapons once again.

She picked the ball up and focused as she started hearing it to a molten level making sure if anything was working it would not work again"

After which she spread it out so it stuck to anything around her"you will know what I do to traitors"she said as she drew her blades"

[member="Rose Blade"]
The troops who had seen rose before the fleet had jump into the airspace had finally woken. The commander saw rose unconscious star about to kill every living thing in sight and white knight troops about to attack rose and star. Him and his team relized what was happening well partially of what was happening and they got up grabbing their gun loading them and pointing them at the other troops as the commander yelled. "Sequence omega, beta ,charlie ,Alpha." locking all the troopers suits in place. He then looked up as what was left of white castle was falling to the ground as lava. He then sat down and going over what he was going to say to the commander so he doesn't die.

She panted and fell to one knee as she stood slowly and looked around"it is done.... She looked over to the commander and picked him up so he stood"you are still on the job don't set around..tend to rose...I need to set"she said as she walked to a log and say down as she shook "I've never had to go that even use my powers
[member="Rose Blade"]
The commander felt someone pick him up he almost had a heart attack until her heard what she said he nodded and ran over to rose checking her vitals to make sure she even lived what just happened. He signaled over his team and said. " You two see if a comms system is still working in one of the drop ship and you six go take the weapons away from those soldiers. And you stay here and check everything is fine with rose while i go check on the commander. The medical unit nodded and started everything they would do in a regular procedure. As the commander walked over to star handing her food and water "You ok commander? You seem. Well you seem like you have never gone that far from the judgement from you face."

She kept her head down and looked up as she felt someone approavh"oh it is you"she said taking the food and started eating the rations"yea I am OK just almost over exerted my power hmm something I've not done in awhile"she said and kept saying and drinking

Better question if your OK

[member="Rose Blade"]
The commander smiled then took off his helmet and held it to his side. "But you didn't have to do any of that." As he looked up seeing the lava. "Well did what ever you did do." he then sat down next to her even though he was passing his boundary. I'm not suppose to give this to you until certain circumstances happen. That's why we can here in the first place." He handed her the USB that contained a message that would even make a sith cry. He then stood back up and put his helmet back on and i'll be ok. Well i'll be better then you if you watch and read whats on that." he then walked over to rose to make sure she was still ok and put her on a stretcher. Then dropships were starting do descend flashing their green light at them.

Once a drop ship came for rose and star rose's personal doctors hand grabbed her and put he onto the drop ship and allowing star to get on before taking off back to one of the cruisers. Once they reached the ship troopers had guns pointed as star. They didn't want to but she had just take out a freighter and melted it. A commander approached star and said you have two choices star with rose or you will be taken to her quarters were you will stay till we either get back to LC-2 or until justice justice gets you and you will have to stay in the room till one of those things happen.


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