Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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11th Incinerator Squad

Sibar Laval

11th Incinerator Squad

Do you like flamethrowers?
Do you like playing as an imperial?
Do you have pyromania or are a socio/psychopath?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are capable of joining the 11th Incinerator Squadron!
Unlike the other ten incinerator squads, the commanders actually don't think (most) of us as expendable! This lovely squad is lead by yours truly, a pyromaniac that has a loving devotion for the First Order. You may be wondering why you would join a squad full of pyscopaths so I made a small list of the ups and downs of this squad.

You get to use a beautiful flamethrower....enough said
We are a brother/sisterhood. We will fight to the death with you.
You are in battle a lot. Command trusts us to devastate infantry
You get to use this bad boy

When we are not in battle we are mostly doing patrols......yay.
Unless you really hate flamethrowers you won't be using the E-11 very much so you have limited range
Only ten members
You have a pyromainac for a leader

So there is the ups and downs. As I said, there are only nine slots are available so hurry up! Any more questions can and will be answered so don't be shy! If you want to join also state that down below and I will make it happen. We belong to the First Order so you will also want to join that faction as well FACTION HERE

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