Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Reign

    Approved NPC  Lady Shadow

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give Darth Reign both a daughter and apprentice as listed in his character history, as well as an NPC “commander” for The Diarchy faction. Image Credit: myself via deep AI Role: this character is Darth Reign’s younger daughter and second apprentice. She...
  2. Darth Cryptis

    Character  Darth Cryptis

    DARTH CRYPTIS Age 34 Species Echani Gender Female Height 2 meters Weight 75 kilograms Force Sensitive Force Sensitive (Dark Side) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Identical twin of Arla Susni/Rodarch, but constantly conceals her face behind a Sith mask, or other facial covering. Will often...
  3. Yol Kan

    Character  Yol Kan

    Yol Kan Age 40 Species Nagai Gender Male Height 1.78 meters Weight 68 kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Very pale skin, dark hair, goatee. A lean and muscular build. Dark brown, nearly black eyes. Often wearing traditional Nagai clothing or battle armor. Often...
  4. Eris Genen Zhenlian

    Character  Eris Genen ZhenLian - Disciple of the Master of Foresight

    Eris Genen ZhenLian Age 23 years old Species Human Gender Intersexed (primarily Feminine in appearance) Height 5ft 8inches / 1.7272 meters Weight 127 pounds / 57.6062 Kilograms Force Sensitive Yes, and has extensive practise and experience using it PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Eris...
  5. Jasper Kai'el

    Character  Jasper Kai'el, Grey Eyed Duelist

    JASPER KAI'EL, GREY EYED DUELIST NAME: Jasper Kai'el FACTION: Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order RANK: Knight, Jedi Council: Sentinel of Harmony SPECIES: Human Clone with partial Anzat DNA AGE: Early 20s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT: 175lbs EYES: Gray HAIR: Blonde SKIN: White...
  6. Jand Talo

    Character  Jand Talo

    NAME: Jand Talo SPECIES: Nagai HOMEWORLD: Saijo AGE: Adult SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 185 lbs EYES: Gray HAIR: Black SKIN: Pale CLAN: Talo CLAN STATUS: 1st Circle LANGUAGES: Binary, Galactic Basic, Nagaian (native) STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: ▲ Nagai societal martial training...
  7. Kascalion Giedfield

    Approved Tech  SC-2c Duelist

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the Force User Dueling armor of the Shades of Stygan Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kascalion Giedfield | Warlords of the Sith Engineering Affiliation: The Shades of...
  8. K

    Approved Tech  Prudence

    Intent: Create a functional and very specialized dueling lightsaber for Kreus Image Source: HERE Lightsaber effect edit done by me Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Exar Kuns lightsaber, Dual Phase lightsaber Manufacturer: Kreus Affiliation: Kreus Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  9. H3xle

    Morgana Prior

    NAME: Morgana Prior FACTION: N/A RANK: Knight SPECIES: Echani AGE: Prime SEX: Female HEIGHT: 167 cm Build: Lithely Muscled, Gymnast EYES: Amber HAIR: White SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  10. Darth Amortarus

    Darth Amortarus “the Immutable”

    DARTH AMORTARUS “THE IMMUTABLE” NAME: Jerdu FACTION: The Sith Empire RANK: Famous lightsaber collector/trader SPECIES: Gen'Dai AGE: 5,438 standard years, though this is not physically apparent even without his armor due to his bizarre and constantly regenerating physiology SEX: Male...
  11. The Omnirealm Sixtus

    Darth Amortarus “the Immutable”

    DARTH AMORTARUS “THE IMMUTABLE” NAME: Jerdu FACTION: The Sith Empire RANK: Famous lightsaber collector/trader SPECIES: Gen'Dai AGE: 5,438 standard years, though this is not physically apparent even without his armor due to his bizarre and constantly regenerating physiology SEX: Male...
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