Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Jaqu'n Boiv
Heya! Didn't get my sleep fixed, but I'll regret that later at lunchtime lol. I already poured over some of the general information pages on the Alliance, and was looking to get involved with SIA with our Dark Operator boyo here. How would I need to go about getting that process of getting involved started?
Valery Noble
Valery Noble
Hey there!

This link might help a little if you haven't seen it already:

But it comes down to having your character made and just jumping into our stories with us :) I also recommend joining us on discord to coordinate! We have a chat there for the SIA and it's where we set up channels for our ongoing threads too
Jaqu'n Boiv
Jaqu'n Boiv
Yeah, that was one of the first things I read, but I'll gloss over it again just in case! Discord works for sure, would be a lot easier for people to reach out to me and vice versa on there haha. I'd imagine it'd also be alot easier in figuring out how to get Boiv a proper intro or whatnot

Is the link to it public? Scratch that question, just now noticing the super obvious icon now, unless that's supposed to be the link for the general website overall. Still getting the grasp of things while I'm getting myself around, haha
Jaqu'n Boiv
Jaqu'n Boiv
Thanks! I'll give it a read when I can while I'm joining the Discord
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