Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Death Watch Crusade

Some Mandalorians are Mercenaries or Bounty Hunters. Others, seek to serve a higher purpose. We, the Death Watch, are that higher purpose. Mandalorian Crusaders, Forgemasters, Freelancers, Shipmasters, and more will find themselves welcome here.

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The Rebellion of Mandalore

March 20th to April 3rd - DWC's Rebellion of the recalled MU's Mandalore hex. The IC thread will be posted sometime on the 20th, once we get closer to the date, I'll have more information as to when. There are still a few more details left to sort out.


Event date

Event begin
Mar 20, 2021 at 5:52 PM
Event end
Apr 3, 2021 at 6:52 PM
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