

The former capital of the Sith has long remained a symbol of the oppression of the innocent, but through blood and fire, it has finally been brought to heel. With the help of their allies, the Ashlan Crusade have taken the planet, crushing the remnants of the old regime. Statues have been torn down, tomes burned, and buildings destroyed. In the following days, tedious rituals were carried out, effectively negating the dark nexus that once affected the planet itself. In the wake of the destruction, the planet will arise anew, washed clean by Ashla's Light.


Thanks to everyone that showed up to the fight! This one was really fun. Since you all absolutely killed it, here's some new flair for you!

First up, for the Crusade and the allied forces that helped take the planet.


Second, for the Sith and Mawites that gave us a great fight.


And third, for everyone involved (especially all of you crazy warposters that love a good mosh pit).


Thanks again to everyone that came out to participate in the battle for Dromund Kaas!
