
A transmission cuts across all major networks, a public message relayed by the Ashlan Crusade to the citizens of the galaxy. A hologram of Cardinal Pietro Demici displays itself as he sends a message to all that will hear his words.

"Citizens of the galaxy, a troubling message has been sent across the stars, alluding to a terrible event that has not yet come to pass. Many of you may see the Crusade as simple zealots, blinded by faith and lost within dogma. No matter what you may think, I am here to tell you that we are ready and willing to stand against the coming storm. Darth Solipsis would have you see the Light as shackles waiting to be broken, but I say it is he that is chained. Chained to the yoke of darkness, locked within a cage of his own making."

The words are followed by a montage of footage taken from each of the major Mawite attacks, including Csilla, Coruscant, Noris, Cato Neimoidia, and more.

"This is the future the Maw seeks to bestow upon us all. These so-called river-breakers are naught but barbarous heathens, wishing death and enslavement upon every living soul not willing to cater to their diabolic ideals. Today, I ask for the powers of the galaxy to come together to put an end to Solipsis and his ilk, and to close this galactic chapter that has been tainted by their destruction."

Another cut, this time to footage of a massive mobilization of Ashlan forces. The knights among the ranks can be heard chanting their oath as they sojourn forth toward the great battle ahead.

There is no fear;
There is courage.

There is no doubt;
There is faith.

There is no surrender;
There is duty.

There is no darkness;

There is the Light.

"We will be the bastion of the Light within the coming darkness. It is on Tython that we will defy the will of this tyrannical madman, and it is on Tython that we will make our stand. All that we ask is that you stand with us."

A brief pause...

"You will pay for your crimes, Solipsis. We will draw you as one draws poison from a wound. And when you call out to your unholy idols of darkness, you will only be met by the Light. ASHLA WILLS IT!"
