


In the ancient chambers of the Grand Jedi Temple, young Braze had undergone training unlike any other. Under the guidance of Jedi Master Iris, he was taught the sacred technique of seeing without sight—a method of connecting deeply with the Force. The temple had been a sanctuary, a safe space where he wore a blindfold day and night, performing daily tasks, navigating hallways, and facing training simulations with nothing but the Force as his guide. There, the margin for error was minimal, the risks low. But now, outside those hallowed walls, in the hidden caverns of Lothal, the stakes were significantly higher.

In the temple, Braze had navigated corridors and open spaces, but now he faced the unpredictability of a complex obstacle course of his own design. The cavern's damp walls echoed his every step, its chilly breeze contrasting the warm embrace of the temple. This wasn't the safe, controlled environment he had been used to. This was real, and the challenges were palpable.

In the temple, he was reminded of the bits of wisdom he picked up in regard to this type of training.

'Your sight is a gift, but it can also be a crutch. To truly see, one must feel, sense, and trust the Force.'

Armed with this wisdom and the lessons from his time in the temple, Braze was now going to hone this skill further, to push beyond what he thought possible.​

Week One

Day 1:

In the hidden recesses of Lothal's caverns, Braze stands alone, his hands holding a black satin sash. He's here to face the formidable obstacle course he created, but this time, it's a challenge like never before: he plans to navigate it blindfolded. Sure, he's fought with a blindfold against training droids and even sparred with some of his peers, but maneuvering through an intricate physical course is a different ballgame. His aim is clear—to heighten his reliance on the Force by curtailing one of his most dominant senses.

On the first day, memories of the Grand Jedi Temple flooded back as Braze tied the satin sash around his eyes. The comforting recollections of Master Iris's guidance gave him an initial boost of confidence as well. But as he stumbled on the first rock ledge, he quickly realized that this was no temple training exercise. Droids fired, challenges mounted, and the very earth seemed to conspire against him. The safety of the temple felt a world away, but Braze was not one to give in easily.

Day 2:

With the events of the previous day still lingering in his mind, Braze entered the cavern with a newfound sense of purpose. There was a weight to his stride—a blend of determination fueled by yesterday's challenges and a touch of apprehension. This cavern was proving to be a masterclass in unpredictability, and while Braze was well-versed in handling surprises on a battlefield, this was an entirely different arena.

With practiced precision, he secured the black satin sash over his eyes, submerging himself in darkness. He inhaled deeply, drawing on the Force to guide his first few steps, trying to recall the layout of the obstacle course. He remembered the protrusions, the droids, the swinging log, but the mud pit? That was a gross oversight.

As his foot descended into the gooey mess, a feeling of disbelief washed over him. The muck seeped through his boots, squelching loudly, the cold, wet sensation pulling a grunt of surprise from him. As he tried to retract his foot, the mud seemed to create a vacuum, making it difficult. With a strong pull, he freed his leg, losing his balance in the process and falling squarely into the pit.

Mud splattered everywhere, coating him from head to toe, some even managing to find its way inside the blindfold. As he pushed himself up from the sludge, he felt the weight of the dampness clinging to his robes. The mud had a distinct scent, earthy and pungent, and Braze couldn't help but wrinkle his nose in mild disgust.

Pulling out his lightsaber, he activated it, using the soft glow to inspect the extent of the mess. The once polished metal hilt was now covered in grime. He carefully wiped it clean, its familiar hum offering a touch of solace amidst the chaos. "Okay, fine, we're doing it this way, are we?" He couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, his voice echoing slightly in the vastness of the cavern.

Determined not to let the setback deter him, Braze took a moment to center himself. He listened intently to the sounds of the cavern, the distant hums of the droids, the steady drip of water, and even the subtle squelches of the mud beneath his feet. With renewed vigor, he set forth, using the Force to guide him, not just around obstacles, but through them.

While the rest of the day presented its own set of challenges, the mud pit incident served as a reminder that humility was just as important as skill.

Day 3:
The memories of the past two days' misadventures were still fresh in Braze's mind as he stepped into the cavern for the third time. Determined to avoid a repeat of yesterday's mud debacle, he took extra care, mapping out his initial steps in his mind and reaching out with the Force to detect any hidden pitfalls.

However, just as he thought he was getting the hang of things, a gust of wind from a hidden vent unexpectedly blew across the cavern. The sudden disturbance caught him off guard, causing him to lose his balance and stumble sideways. To make matters worse, he inadvertently triggered a nearby trap, releasing a barrage of soft foam darts.

The darts pelted him relentlessly, sticking to his robes and leaving him looking like a pin cushion. An unexpected challenge, but Braze tried to use the situation to his advantage. Focusing on the sensation of the darts striking him, he tried to anticipate their trajectory, deflecting several with his lightsaber.

However, as he tried to regain his bearings, one particular dart found its way to the back of his neck. Yanking it off, Braze couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Really? A dart to the neck? That's a new one."

After clearing the darts and regaining his composure, he continued through the course, making more progress than the day before. While there were still plenty of stumbles and falls, he could feel himself becoming more in tune with his surroundings.

Day 4:

Daylight filtered into the cavern as Braze entered for the fourth consecutive day, each scar and bruise from the previous days becoming badges of honor on his journey. With a newfound confidence, he swiftly tied the black satin sash around his eyes. The once intimidating weight of darkness felt more familiar now, like an old adversary he'd grown accustomed to.

For a moment, he let himself relish in his recent victories—no more mud splashes and a heightened sense of spatial awareness. He could almost feel the cavern and its numerous traps pulsating around him, a living, breathing entity he was slowly taming.

Breathing deeply, he channeled the Force and set off with a brisk pace. The rope nets which had once been a tangled mess now posed little challenge. His fingers moved with precision, pulling and pushing, weaving through the gaps with an almost graceful agility. The swinging log came next. With a precise jump and a calculated roll, he evaded it, feeling the rush of wind as it missed him by mere inches.

The wall of protrusions was where he truly felt the challenge ramp up. Every outcrop felt different under his fingers—smooth, jagged, rounded, or sharp. Using the Force, he discerned the best holds, propelling himself upwards with a dancer's elegance. Every hand and foot placement was deliberate, a harmonious rhythm between body, mind, and the Force.

But even with the Force as his guide, there were moments of sheer unpredictability. Just as he neared the midpoint, a misjudged grip caused his foot to slip. The descent was swift. Time seemed to slow as he felt the weightlessness of the fall, each second stretching on. Fortunately, the plush safety mats below cushioned his landing, absorbing the brunt of the impact.

Braze lay there for a moment, catching his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. The initial shock was replaced with a chuckle that echoed through the cavern. "Halfway is better than no way," he said with a grin.

Gathering himself, he stood, brushing off the remnants of the fall.

Day 5:
The fifth day sees Braze full of renewed hope. He has started to sense the energy of the rocks and ropes, even if he's not entirely sure what to do with that information yet. He attempts a daring leap over a trap only to find himself tangled in a net hanging from above. Swinging there, he chuckles to himself. "Well, at least I avoided the ground this time."

Day 6:

By the sixth day, the struggle is still real, but the failures are becoming more nuanced. He manages to get through two-thirds of the obstacle course, avoiding pits, dodging droids, and even scaling the dreaded wall. However, just as he begins to celebrate his newfound skill, he misjudges a simple jump and lands flat on his face. As he peels himself off the mat, he can't help but laugh. "Okay, okay, you win this round," he says to the obstacle course as if it were a sentient entity mocking him.

Day 7:
The end of the first week is a comedy of errors—but errors that are progressively getting smaller and fewer. Braze has now made it to the last stretch of the course several times. Yet, each time, it's as if the universe conspires to remind him that he's not quite there yet. One moment he's dodging blaster fire like a pro, the next he's tripping over a root he could swear wasn't there before, tumbling into a heap of nets and ropes.
As he untangles himself, he can't help but smile. "Well," he says, "at least I'm failing forward."

And so, as the first week draws to a close, Braze is beaten but not bowed. His body is a patchwork of minor scrapes and bruises, his ego has taken a few hits, but his connection to the Force is slowly, almost imperceptibly, deepening. And for that, all the comic missteps seem like a small price to pay.

Week Two

As days turn into a week and then into a second week, Braze doesn't relent. Every day he returns to the cavern, tying the satin sash around his eyes and taking a moment to center himself. Each day, he lasts a little longer on the course. His movements become a bit more assured, his reliance on the Force growing.
He begins to feel the subtle shifts in the air when a droid raises its blaster arm, sensing the balance and weight of the swinging logs as they teeter underfoot. The obstacle course transforms in his mind from a physical space to a pattern of energy.

Day 8:

At the dawn of the second week, Braze decides to approach his challenge with a different mindset. He spends the early hours meditating, sinking deep into the Force. When he feels ready, he ties the black satin sash around his eyes, stepping cautiously onto the course. He listens intently to the sounds echoing through the cavern - the low hum of the droids, the distant drip of water. The first few obstacles are handled with more finesse than before, hinting at the progress he's making.

Day 9:

By the ninth day, Braze has developed a technique: to pause and 'visualize' the next segment of the obstacle course before attempting it. It's not a foolproof method, but it's helping him anticipate the challenges that lay ahead. He manages to clear three-quarters of the course, a record for him.

Day 10:

Day ten throws Braze a curveball. He enters the cavern to find the layout of the obstacle course altered. This disrupts his established rhythm. After a few stumbles, he readjusts, relying on the Force to guide him through unfamiliar territory. While he doesn't make it as far as he'd hoped, it's a valuable lesson in adaptability.

Day 11:

Braze is visibly more confident now. He not only senses the obstacles in his path but has started to feel the intentions of the droids around him. A shot fires, and he deflects it without hesitation. Another shoots, and he ducks, letting it whiz harmlessly past. It's not perfect, but he's beginning to anticipate and react in real-time.

Day 12:

Using a combination of his newfound techniques and abilities, Braze manages to entirely complete the obstacle course for the first time, albeit with a few minor missteps. It's a significant morale boost, and he allows himself a moment of celebration.

Day 13:

On the penultimate day, Braze attempts the obstacle course multiple times, trying to refine his technique and improve his speed. He's fast becoming a force to be reckoned with, moving with a fluidity and assurance that belies the fact he can't see.

Day 14:

The final day of the second week arrives, and with it, a sense of anticipation. With the knowledge and experience of the past thirteen days behind him, Braze approaches the challenge with an unwavering focus. The result? He glides through the obstacle course with a precision and grace that is almost poetic.

Week Two ends with a sense of triumph for Braze. And as Braze stands tall in the heart of the cavern, he knows that this is just the beginning.

As he unties the sash and gazes around the cavern, it's as if he's seeing it for the first time—though in truth, he's been "seeing" it more vividly than ever these past weeks, just in a different way. And for Braze, the world—both seen and unseen—feels infinitely richer.