
Do you hear that?

It was darkness except for the glow of those orange eyes that peered into nothing. The void even now trying to consume light from them, that endless light of those eyes that had now burned too long to remember. There was no sound the voice int he void only boomed in her head what she wouldn't give to hear the own more gargle of a soldier choking on his own blood as he slowly died. What she wouldn't give to see the light slowly fade from his eyes. She could see nothing and hear nothing, but she could feel the cold empty of the void seeping into her bones. The cold had always brought her comfort naturally attuned and adapted to it, but this cold felt like needles being pressed into the skin at every nerve ending on her body.

It's quiet (subtle laughter following)

It was always quiet here, no sound and no taste or smell in the air, just nothing at all. An inky blackness of nothing, a fate worse than death being left to only what is in your mind. There were a great many things in Tegan's mind that torture oneself with. She avoided them whenever she could, thinking of the worlds outside this place. Longing to be there bringing her justice to a Galaxy she felt had mistreated her long ago. To the Galaxy she had to destroy to rebuild it in her perfect image, her thoughts dwell on what she would do once free from this prison not on the things of her past.

They probably didn't hear you through the screams of your victims.
How Many again?

It didn't matter how many, from Byss, Croellia, Lao-mon, Csillia, or the countless other worlds. It was probably in the high billions or trillions at this point of lives that perished because of her or consequences of her choices. It never mattered to her how many had to die, her thoughts always on where it had to end. It had to end with her on the Godly thrown overlooking the Horizon of the new reality she had to create. All means justified her ultimate end game. A villain, barbarian, tyrant, and monster all parts she would play to build a better reality. Those that died on that path sacrifices to build the foundation.

(The Inky black of the void began to ripple and trillions of voices howled back into Tegans head echoing off the walls of her inner skull like the beat of unending drum.)

Tegan dropped to her knees the inky empty blackness and started punching her left fist into her skull to try and get the screams to stop. She tried to scream herself to make it stop but no sound came from her vocal cords. Only the cold emptiness bit at her throat and tongue. She started beating her skull against the empty black platform she was standing on. Blood, black began to trickle down her face, pain shooting through her body. She wanted all the voices to stop, she wanted to be free of this place. It reminded her of the torture she endured by those that had enslaved her. Those that poked and prodded her because they wanted to understand how her eyes glowed orange since birth. How she ripped out her own left eye and threw it at her slave masters in defiance before she murdered them all.

What a masochist (The voice boomed through the screams of those Tegan had killed)

War, Death, Rebirth those were all things she knew long before the Maw. She knew how to fight, kill, and survive that was how she had cheated death so many times though her family curse did help. Rebellion was in her blood; her father was the Rebel Sith a anarchist who fought for his ultimate freedom. She had to fight, she had to survive and make it out of this place. Do what she had always done kill anyone or anything that got in her path.


(Her voice came free of the voids hold and reverberate off its walls)

Maybe, but it will change you! (Maniacal laughter cut through all the screaming voices in her head.)
