
"The Jedi were supposed to be peace keepers, defenders of the weak and harbingers of justice. Unfortunately, they had strayed from that path, so I strayed from them. Daughter, I encourage you to do the same."

It was high noon. The maple trees lining the edges of the pathway offered little shade from the beating sun. The sun shone brightly upon the world as a lone figure walked the road. Her boots crunched in the white pebbles as her blue robe rippled in the wind. Her kasa hat protected her head from the heat as she approached a small bridge. There, she saw trouble.

Several rough looking people were harassing a togruta woman, who was insisting she had nothing. The approaching figure frowned as she stopped at the bottom of the bridge. As the togruta turned to run, one person drew a concealed pistol from his belt.

Before he could fire, however, the woman spoke, "Robbing and murdering, in broad daylight? In Imperial space? You will not last long as a bandit."

The man froze, unable to shoot as his victim ran. The other two men turned to face her. The apparent leader of the trio, a Rodian, snarled, "Stay out of this, citizen! Or you will suffer the same!"

The woman stood still, her black hair dancing in the breeze. Maple tree leaves fluttered around as she silently reached down and revealed a katana at her hip, under the outer robes. She held the bamboo hilt, using her thumb to slightly dislodge the katana from its scabbard. She entered her position, causing a moment of doubt in the criminals as she reached and grasped the hilt.

That was when the leader realized, "Shoot her!"

The wind died down, leading to a disquiet.

She moved.

Blasters were drawn and fired. Yet, graceful and agile, she dodged every bolt as she rapidly approached. She drew her katana in one, clean sweep. Electricity sparked upon the blade and she cut through two of the men, causing them to drop dead.

The leader stood in shock as she deactivated the electrical charge on her sword. She precisely sheathed it afterwards, before turning to face the leader. The rodian looked down at the fallen men in disbelief, then pointed his blaster at her with shaking hands.

"You-you can't do that! Just who do you think you are! Some kind of Imperial Knight!"

She looked at him, several paces across at the bridge. She silently pulled a smooth lightsaber from its hilt and lifted it before her, entering the shii-cho opening stance.


She activated the white blade, eyes narrowing. The man took several steps back, fear flooding his eyes. "-Wait! No! It wasn't meant to be like this!-"

The imperial frowned, "You chose this path, bandit. Yes chose to harm others for a living. So, you will be punished."

The rodian grimaced, clenching his blaster. As he aimed for her, crying out, "Shut up!"

A blaster bolt was fired. She harmlessly deflected, taking a step forward. He had made his choice. She moved forward, cleanly slicing his blaster in half as she hastily closed the distance. Immediately, she followed up with another cut, slicing his chest. As the sound of lightsaber cutting flesh rang out, he fell upon the bridge.

She was alone now. The lightsaber blade was deactivated and she set it on her hip. She frowned, looking down upon the three bodies.

"I am sorry. You made your choices."

She sighed, adjusting her kasa. The wind picked up once again as she pulled a comlink from her belt. "Sensei, I dispatched the robbers. What shall I do next?"