
Derix Tirall's thoughts swirled like a tempest within him as he stood amidst the serene beauty of the gardens in Dromund Kaas, preparing himself to address the faithful of the former Church of the Dark Side. The dark aura of the former Sith capital seemed to seep into his very being, lending an eerie intensity to his gaze. As he looked upon the flourishing vegetation, defiant in the face of darkness, he knew he had to channel their resilience in his words.

With an air of quiet confidence, he approached the gathering, the weight of his past accomplishments and betrayals hidden behind a veil of determination. He cleared his throat, and the crowd fell silent, awaiting his powerful voice. "Brothers and Sisters," his tone was authoritative, every word measured, and yet it carried the fervor of unwavering belief. "Today, we stand united, bound by the unyielding dream of establishing a True Order across the galaxy."

His eyes glinted with a fierce intensity as he drew inspiration from the declaration of Emperor Palpatine. "In the face of adversity, we shall not falter. The recent events have tested us, but let them only serve to strengthen our resolve. We denounce the treacherous actions of the Tsis'Kaar, who dared to challenge the might of our revered Emperor. But fear not, for we are the guardians of the dark side, and our loyalty to our Emperor knows no bounds."

The crowd listened with rapt attention as he skillfully intertwined his own political ambitions with promises of a brighter future, where their allegiance to him would be rewarded with power, influence, and the fulfillment of their deepest desires. Each word he spoke seemed to stoke the fires of loyalty and devotion among his followers, and they hung on to his every syllable, eager to be led by a leader who knew no bounds in his pursuit of dominance and supremacy . "As we mourn the loss of our fallen brethren, we find ourselves at a turning point, an opportunity to claim our place in the annals of history. The void left by their demise calls upon us to rise, to step into the mantle of their legacy and forge a new destiny for the True Order."

His voice crescendoed with fervor, and his eyes blazed with zeal. "Together, as one, we shall embrace the shadows, wielding the Force with unwavering purpose. We shall sow the seeds of unity and dominance, spreading our influence to every corner of the galaxy. Fear not the trials that await us, for we are the chosen ones, destined to reshape the very fabric of the cosmos!"

"In the name of Darth Empyrean and all those who have fallen in our cause, let us march onward, united in our purpose, towards the glory of our True Order!" With those final words, the crowd erupted in applause, their fervor matched only by the passion in Derix Tirall's heart. The fervent dream of a True Order blazed within him, igniting a determination that would either lead them to greatness, their influence echoing throughout the galaxy for eternity, or see him perish in the unwavering pursuit of his ambition.