(Camera focuses on the Black Knight standing in front of captured Jedi Knight's, surrounded by people hiding their faces under Dark Green Robes)

(Darth Xiphos turns to the camera)

Xiphos: These Jedi you see before you were captured by my forces at Ziost. For reasons all their own, they chose to help The NIO, so desperate to at last see a pointless, meaningless justice against the Sith. All of these people laughed at the idea that the Bryn'adul are a greater threat. Even now, they operate under the delusion that all evils are equal, and must be resisted equally. I swear to become a hazard to any Jedi that dares help the NIO in any capacity.

(The Green Robes Force Users surround the captured Jedi, who have all been tied up and fitted with Neural Disruptors)

Xiphos: I'm not going to kill them. I have something much worse in mind for these Sith Obsessed sorts. Dead People cannot mourn lost connections. Dead People cannot suffer from having what is most precious to them torn away. Dead People cannot suffer from memories of when they were able to make a difference. Dead People cannot suffer the humiliation of being reduced to ordinary. All that these Jedi, who so desperately wanted Victory over the Sith, they threw millions to the Bryn'adul to taste it, shall suffer through living. They sold their souls for victory over the Sith. Now it's time to cut off their ability to get it back.

(Camera pans back, over fifty Jedi shown)

(Chanting starts, and a massive pillar of Force Light rains down on them, The Jedi began screaming in pain and horror as their connection to the Force is likely permanently severed. It's over after a few minutes, all victims heavily disoriented, but otherwise unharmed)

Xiphos: You can have them back now, for all the good they can do you. And heads up: Any Jedi who dares to work with The Ashlan Crusade or NIO faces this outcome if they fall into my clutches. You'll find these men on an old prison ship in the Coruscant system soon. I warned you there would be consequences.

(Camera Feed cuts)