Retrieved from Pinterest.
Retrieved from Pinterest.
Name: Oorlog
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Touveluch
Language: Orogoli [use Afrikaans translator]
Average height of adults: 1.5m
Skin color: blues and greys; older Oorlog tend to have purplish skin
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type I, though some have been recorded as being able to breathe Type II for a limited time; all breathe underwater
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Touveluch
Language: Orogoli [use Afrikaans translator]
Average height of adults: 1.5m
Skin color: blues and greys; older Oorlog tend to have purplish skin
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type I, though some have been recorded as being able to breathe Type II for a limited time; all breathe underwater
Speed/Agility: The Oorlogs remarkable speed and agility displayed while in the water is not, surprisingly, hindered when on land. Yes, it is a bit more difficult for them to walk and such, but it is such a minor inconvenience that it can be ignored.
Adaptability: The Oorlog have exhibited the ability to adapt to many situations, if not actual environment. This is part of the reason why the Tsawa had such difficulties fending off the amphibians; any tricks would be taken in stride, and it is unlikely that the same trick would work again (unless all Oorlog present were killed). This same trait also shows up with technology -- the only thing stopping them from kicking out the colonists is the sheer might of the humans' power. That, and the fact that the colonists have strict control on who gets what tech.
Force Dead: For some inexplicable reason, every member of the Oorlog species is Force dead. As such, it is not only easier to mask their true intentions/hide from Force Users, but things such as mind tricks, telepathy, etc will not work against them.
Strength: Being quick and agile, and being able to swim quickly, means that the Oorlogs are incapable of becoming stronger than, say, the average human. Similarly, one strong blow might very well be enough to knock them out -- sometimes, for good.
Arid Climates: The Tsawa's saving grace is the simple fact that, despite adaptability displayed elsewhere, the Oorlog are incapable of living or even staying in arid climates for very long. The dryness of the air causes their skin and the moist areas (such as their eyes) to dry out and eventually shrivel up. Then their body will shrivel up to almost 2/3 of their original size. That's pretty small! Thus, those who dwell in mountains or deserts are safe from the warlust of these people.
Force Dead: While there are some perks to being Force Dead, one of the bad things is that anyone who attempts to use the Force to heal an Oorlog will cause an allergic reaction to occur: their cells will begin to burst all over their body, organs will fail, and blood will break out of their vessels. Pretty gross, amiright? In any case, the only way to fix such a reaction is to apply copious amounts of natural healing remedies, such as kolto, bacta, etc.
Eyes: The placement of Oorlog's eyes (side note: the eye "stalks" become longer as they mature. Hence, younger Oorlog have a more "humanistic" look than the others) allows them to see at greater angles than most other species; in fact, each eye has a 170[sup]o[/sup] range, with approximately 10[sup]o[/sup] being invisible to them (located in the back). Even so, it is very difficult to sneak up on a matured Oorlog.
Sensory Organs: Oorlogs have a range of sensory organs which are divided into two categories, based on what they do.
- Vibrasi Ampullae: These sensory organs are responsible for allowing the Oorlog to sense vibrations in the air. A few of the human scientists believe that this ability is what caused the Tsawa's ability to lower their own body vibrations.
- Lorenzi Ampullae: These particular organs are a curious adaptation of the Oorlog. The Lorenzi Ampullae allow the Oorlog to sense the Force Energies exuded by Force Sensitives. The little bit of study that the colonists have been able to do on Oorlogs has led to a proposed theory: the Ampullae were originally meant to simply sense the electrical fields surrounding species, but contact with the Tsawa (who, before the wars and the Kufai Plague, were plentiful with their Force Users) might have initiated an evolution so that, while the Oorlog themselves were Force Dead, they could sense the Forceful presence of others.
Average Lifespan: 90 standard years. Typically, though, they don't even last 60 years because of all the fighting.
The Oorlog have a belief that an individual should be defined by what they do, not where they come from. Thus, they always refuse to give labels to the Oorlog who live in the freshwater swamps and rivers, and the Oorlog who live in saltier waters. That, coupled with the fact that the Oorlog can adapt to either water type with little difficulty means they have no use for "dividing terms" when it comes to origins. Selective breeding has also led to little variation in their skin colour, since it's a pretty simple thing: young Oorlog are blue and grey, while old Oorlog are more purply. The only differences are skin pattern and voice pitch.
Estimated Population: There are no Oorlog in desert or mountainous regions, and very few seek to mingle with the colonists. However, anywhere else that was not laid claim to by the colonists has become rife with these warmongering amphibians, and it is not uncommon to at least see a handful when walking or swimming in the more remote waters.
Diet: Fish and red meat, particularly Tsawa meat. Yes, they do eat their slaves. Except for algae and seaweed, plants are indigestible.
Communication: Primarily verbal, but they have also developed a sort of "code" amongst the warriors that consists of a specific mixture of thumps and hums, sort of like Morse code.
War: War is at the centre of the Oorlog pantheon, so much so that their name literally translates to war in Orogoli. In their culture, there is no peace -- only "not war", aka "nierlog" (those who have been exiled, and anyone who is not an Oorlog [which, in their minds, are the same thing] are called "Neiorlog").
The Oorlog have also based their form of "government" on the concept of war and fighting. Scattered around their territories are settlements (i.e. "outer territories" or, more commonly, "B.G.", from the Oorlog translation "buitenste gebiede") containing poor/farm families and individuals who can no longer lend their services to the military, but are not distinguished enough to earn an honourable retirement in the inner cities. It is here that much of the food source comes, since the farmers are typically the ones to raise the animals which are feasted upon. While later on, the farmers were replaced by Tsawa slaves it is still not uncommon to find them out there, cracking the whip.
There are also soldiers who stay in the outer settlements, protecting the people and ensuring the slaves don't revolt or escape. However, they also serve another purpose: scouting. If there is a young Oorlog, male or female, whom the sergeant of the squad believes has potential, then he or she is pulled out of the B.G. and sent into the middle territories, or the training grounds.
In each area, the training grounds are different. Nonetheless, they stand between the Inner City (I.e. the strongest part) and the B.G. (the weakest part). It is here that the true face of the government begins to show -- for the Oorlog operate purely on a meritocracy. As the young Oorlog train (the males are trained for heavy duty combat, while the females are trained in more specialised areas, such as assassination and scouting. This was because, while sometimes lacking in strength when compared to the males, the females more than made up for it in their stealth and ability to get in and out of places quickly), their achievements are noted by the supervisors and, when training is completed, the end amount of merit decides where they go in their military (their military is very similar to the Republic's, because they copied it from the humans).
Those who make it to the true military begin a long journey of warmongering, merit gaining, and sometimes political powerplays. The ultimate goal is to become Head Chief who, in the eyes of every Oorlog, is seen as the avatar or Chosen One of their chief god
Oorgol, the patron of war, bloodlust, and warriors. The Head Chief is the best of the best, and can only change hands when the former one dies of old age (highly unlikely) or is taken out (much more common). He or she commands all, and his or her word is law.
Ironically, those who fail to displace the Head Chief are sentenced to death.
The Head Chief is housed in THE Inner City, the true metropolis of the Oorlog (it's called Grootstad). However, the other Inner Cities all house those of high merit and their families.
Even the Oorlog are wise enough to see the value in medical personnel. All Oorlog go through basic training so that they know how to fight. However, those who are squeamish or suffer from some ailment which prevents them from fighting may choose to become medics instead. But while there is honour in being the backbone of the military, many Oorlog hold medics in contempt and may even refuse treatment, preferring to take what they believe Oorgol has decreed for them rather than be healed by "cowards". The patron of medicine and healing is Genese.Marriage: Polygamy is a big thing among the Oorlog, but it is born more out of necessity than anything else. Despite the attempts of medics, the Oorlog population is still rather precarious. As such, males will take many different wives. But, there is a method to the marrying madness.
For instance, the greater merit a male has, the more attractive he is to the females. However, a male may only take a female who is equal to his status at the time. They may not court females of higher merit (since the male has not yet proven himself to be capable of equalling them), and they may not take females of lower merit (as they are seen as having poor genes). Similarly, the higher merit a male has, the more wives he can take. This is done so as to ensure only "good" genes are passed on with greater proficiency than the "bad" genes.
If a female does something to cause her disgrace, then she and children she gave birth to who have yet to surpass her merit status are killed, to prevent her "bad" genes from continuing on. Sometimes, allowances are made, but not often. If a male falls to disgrace, then not only does he die but any children of his who have not surpassed him, including not-yet-born children, are killed. If the mothers refuse to allow it, then she is killed as well. However, if there a chance of the child falling to disgrace, most mothers don't resist.
In any case, there has arisen a patron of marriages, to whom the married individuals pray to prevent them from falling to disgrace. The deity's name is Venotska.
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History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]
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