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Kal's (Unofficial) Netherwordly Bestiary


"Spirits? It's not just spirits, especially not after the recent shakeups."
Welcome one, welcome all, to Kal's (Unofficial) Netherwordly Bestiary, a collection of some of the varied beings that call that realm home. It is neither complete nor claiming to be complete - in fact, I can't be bothered to add anything I haven't personally made unless you literally hand me a pitch in the comments that does most of my work for me. I'm that lazy. Cheers.

P.S. Even if I do add others, only mine will get to be bold.

Spirits (Mind > Matter)
  • The Shadows - Admirable, beneficent beings of wit and character known for bringing civilisation to parts of the Netherworld, honouring their debts, and possessing only the willing. None in the whole realm are as trustworthy as they.​
    • Warders of the Ways - Noble paragons of justice and protectors of the meek. Obey their orders.​
  • The Shrouds - Crude, simple-minded beings obsessed with devouring life in every form. Can be controlled, not befriended.​
  • Phantom Hounds - Ghost dogs that take after their owners; equally able to be Light, Dark, or Neutral. Pretty bad at fetch.​
Flesh and Corpses
  • The Varzigs - Voracious and adaptable, you never quite know what you get with a Varzig. It might discuss its latest studies with you, rip you to shreds, or ask you for your lunch. Expect nothing and everything and you won't be disappointed.​
  • The Hadeans - Pretty civilised, for desiccated corpses. Don't bother them and they generally won't bother you. The Ferrymen's services are quite valuable, if you know what to do with them - having Obols on hand is better than bartering empty-handed, mind you.​
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