So boys we all know why I’m here today. While at the gym I check out the board and what do I find besides an update to the rules. By none other than Tefka, which after updating the rules before allowing people to comment on it he locked it. For those not aware of the rule change and thread here you go.

Now onto my issue with this, does this word need to be used on the board? Not really no, because it doesn’t even fit into the world of Star Wars. So I’ll give Tefka that. But the moment you go about deciding who can and can’t say the word in discord text, voice, ect… Is where the line needs to be drawn, who are you to decide something like that? I’m pretty sure as a black man I didn’t die and ask for you to come up here trying to talk for me. Now did I Tefka Tefka ? Did any of the colored people in the community do such a thing? That includes the other races such as Asians, Hispanics, circles, whathaveyou. You trying to tell a black person they can’t use a word, is just as bad as Kaine using it against Gil!

Now let's think on this, you admitted to making a mistake by letting Kaine go after what he said before, and then finally gave him a 1 week ban. Whatever happened to staying on the back end or your whole blog post about burying your head in the sand and trying to ignore it? Get out of here. Now you want to take a stand on something and be just as bad using the argument “I keep the lights on so do as I say or leave.” How far does that little bit of “power” go Tefka? It certainly doesn’t extend past Chaos. If you thought you were right you would’ve left that announcement thread open and heard what others had to say. Couldn’t allow that though, because then you’d have people questioning you. It's almost as cowardly as the contract you have Major Faction owners sign to not question Admins in public threads or discords. If you do something wrong, take your lumps instead of fearing the backlash of how you messed up.


There's no pleasant way to bring up this topic.

That's why it almost never gets brought up. No Admin, RPJ, or member ever wants to be in this position - a breadth away from bias, a post away from racist.

This is not a matter of skin color or race. You are all avatars to me of a world and immersion in a galaxy far, far away. I try to keep those subjects of discussion as far as I can hold them, in the context of this community.

But this is the way forward that I am dictating, like it, hate it, or laugh react it. Members are always welcome to find or create a Star Wars RP forum that proudly drops N-bombs everywhere. It will not be here, it will not be in our Major Factions, and it will not be in our roleplays.

This is yet another crux of the issue. You say you see us as nothing but avatars. How much time have you taken to get to know others in this community? You fly in with kneejerk decisions and hot takes while being completely unaware of how a majority do feel.

Let's diverge from that topic a little on to the topic of the other admins who allowed this to go through without thinking about the longer-term consequences. If you did question or stand up to Tefka on this thank you, but if you folded because he’s the owner and crap like that, how are you helping the community? You’re supposed to be here to listen to the writers and take their interests into account, not sit idly by while someone who is known for taking instant reactions that end up being a mess to have his way. Which is now in turn silencing the colored voices in the community through his actions.

If I get banned for my opinion, for speaking out on what is obvious BS on The Owners/Admins part cool. It won’t stop me from succeeding in life, and it won’t stretch to ruining the relationships I’ve made with others on the site. I'll still be playing games with the boys, still helping the community by guiding people and giving advice in working out. I always say peoples conceived power ends where chaos ends, and that includes the admins, and the owner.

Keep it classy Chaos.

~The one, the only, Waddles the Quaddaddy
