Before I said I reject the notions of light and dark and I want to reiterate that I do. I believe the Force is only the Force and what we do with it is what makes us good or evil. The Force itself is not capable of being good or evil, it is merely that which gives life. Only the life it provides can decide what good and evil is and then act in accordance with that decision.

Is it possible for someone who utilizes the "darkside" to do so for good intentions? Yes. Is it possible for someone who utilizes the "lightside" to do so for bad intentions? Yes. These reasons alone are enough to show that there is no light and dark, only abilities which we, people attuned to the Force, can make use of. To say that Sith are inherently evil and Jedi are inherently good is entirely facetious as I have already mentioned.

So why do we do it?

The answer lies in the desire for moral superiority. In a sense, Sith and those like them have a step up because they don't lie about what they are. Many of them are evil, though it isn't the Force that makes them so. The Force is just their means to an ends, like a blaster rifle is a means to an ends for a Stormtrooper. It's nothing more than a tool. Jedi, many of them anyway, lie about what they are. Like Sith, many of them enjoy violence and seek to enploy it without measure. In so doing they cause as much problems as the Sith do. They just hide it behind the guise of "doing good."

Labels. Always labels. Both sides behind labels. Well, I reject their labels. I judge a person based on their actions, not on what they profess. It's easy to say one thing and do another. No label means anything to me. Sith. Jedi. Imperial Knight. Even my own Barrier Knights. All that matters is a persons actions and intentions with them.

For me, life is too precious to spend time destroying it. I carry a lightsaber purely for its use as a tool, not as a weapon. Never will I turn it upon another as a means of doing harm. I won't even use it as a means of self-defense because the risk of causing harm to the person attacking me is too great. There are other ways to defend onesself without harming others and I will employ those instead.

That's why I created the Barrier Knights. Fights need to be stopped, either through diplomacy or through intervention on the battlefield to separate enemies from one another. Killing is not the answer to a problem, its just creates more problems. No solutions come from death, only new beginnings.

All lives are precious and their intrinsic value means I cannot harm them, even if they are the worst person alive. Better that they live in prison than gain new life in death. My life is now dedicated to being the opposite of my father, a murderous psychopath who killed Sith, Dark Jedi, Nightsisters and others in the name of doing good. He was a monster and I will not be him.

I reject that life.