
We Meet Once Again

It has been quite some time since our last announcement. Rest assured, The Exchange has gone nowhere. Yes, our major allies, the Hutt Space Consortium, have now been abolished, but the Black Sun has rose strongly from its their ashes.

We have experienced some...complications of our own. Tyrannical governing from the Rimward Trade League threatens our way of life, and the Sith Order continue their dastardly march towards Corva Yag every day. This makes it so the planet is no longer safe for us to conducted business on. If you have noticed some lack of transactions within the Black Market, this is why.

But only a fool would have all their resources in one space. Our safeholds are positioned all across the galaxy, building up more resources as we speak. Crime endures, always. As long as these oppressive rulers try to control us, we will continue to conduct our business in any way necessary.

That leads into my next point. With the termination of some many galactic powers, many pieces of tech have been offered up for the taking. My scavengers have been hard at work finding new items that can eventually be provided to you on the Black Market. So be on the lookout for that here soon.

As always, my friends, continue with your rebellious way of living. We notice.

Crime Endures, Always.