Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle Plans

Somewhere in the jungles of Lao-mon...

While it was deemed too dangerous to travel during the day, the Shi’ido made good use of the night. Taking the forms of small nocturnal creatures, they left behind animal tracks in the mud, blending in with the wildlife of the jungle. Though they were disguised as prey, neither man nor animal bothered them. Nimdok suspected his escorts were beastmasters, able to direct the minds of predators into choosing an easier meal.

At last, they reached the rebel camp. To Nimdok's eyes, there appeared no obvious signs of civilization. The ground sloped inward toward a muddy watering hole formed from river runoff, at the center of which a half-drowned tree grew, its branches twining in all directions through the forest canopy overhead. Intuition told him the trees and rocks around him were not as they seemed, but surely there were more Shi'ido than could be accounted for in such a small patch of jungle...

<He’s in there,> one of the escorts informed him telepathically, inclining their head toward the hefty branches of the waterlogged tree. <Stay in animal form. It’s safer that way.>

Nimdok offered a slight nod, then waded out into the water. It stank like a swamp, reeking of putrefaction and the gases produced by decomposition. His paw pads found purchase on the tree trunk, and he dug his claws into the bark, climbing up.

The higher he went, the dryer the wood became. Eventually he reached a nest occupied by a female hor’ib. Nimdok froze, one paw raised, and watched it. The lizardlike creature raised its head, and in the Force he felt the being’s true identity revealed.


Tammuz Hoole raised a wing, gesturing with a talon toward something behind Nimdok. He turned and saw a hammock had been hung from another branch. In it there lay a pale and delicate humanoid with white hair and one milky eye that shone in the darkness. Pygar, the escaped Sithspawn who had come to Lao-mon seeking sanctuary from his creator's wrath, looked much the same as he had when Nimdok first met him nearly seven years ago, only not so young and not so cheerful anymore. His right leg was stretched out in front of him and held stiffly by a makeshift splint.

<How did he break his leg?> Nimdok asked Tammuz.

<He was shot. I've put him to work as my spy. Since he isn't one of us and can't fall prey to our weaknesses, he can go undercover as a slave or even as one of them.>

<Isn't that dangerous? He used to be a Sith.> Turning toward Pygar, Nimdok spoke as quietly as he could, his mouth shifting grotesquely in order to properly form the words. “You know, Pygar, there’s a growing sanctuary for Sithspawn on Coruscant now. Perhaps you should join them.”

“Why would I go to Coruscant when I could kill Sith here?” Pygar’s tone was cool, almost lethargic as he swung gently in the hammock. A shiver fled down Nimdok’s spine despite the tropical heat.

<You shouldn't have said anything.> Tammuz's voice was like thunder in his mind. <As a member of my family, this is as much his fight as it is ours.>

Nimdok's eyes widened. <You adopted him?>

<Yes. He is Pygar Hoole, son of Tammuz and Lilith. You have come with news from the Jedi?>

Clearly the subject was off-limits for the time being. Nimdok composed himself as quickly as he could. <The Silver Jedi are going to invade Lao-mon, aided by the forces of the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperial Order.>

Hor’ib do not have eyes, or else Tammuz might have turned his gaze heavenward in silent thanks. <Then all hope is not lost.>

Nimdok hesitated, wondering how best to phrase his next question. <Have things gotten any better since I left?>

<No.> Tammuz’s answer was flat. <We were scattered and isolated from one another when you were here. We are semi-organized now, but it is an almost insurmountable task getting so many clans to work together. No matter how many we mobilize or what we do, we are no match for the cultists on our own.> He nodded his huge scaly head soberly. <If the Jedi and their allies attack from one front, we will attack from the other. You are here to discuss battle plans, no? Then let us discuss.>
About author
Jacen Nimdok
Me love fiction. Me want to be writer. No get published yet - but will someday.


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Jacen Nimdok
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