Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private War Time Temptations

Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

He'd only ditched the jacket and casual clothes a mere few weeks ago, and already he was back in them. They didn't feel like an old suit, like people always monologued about. He might have looked sharp in red leather, but looking in a mirror was like looking at the past he was so ashamed of, and it made him ache in a way he couldn't put into words. Already he missed the dark cloak and robes he'd taken to wearing after Midvintir. He felt more like a Jedi in his newer attire.

This jacket made him feel like a scoundrel again, and that gnawed at him. Unfortunately, that was the role he was playing today.

Coruscant was under threat of an invasion by the Dark Empire, entire worlds in the Core had been evacuated, and what were the lowlifes doing? Smuggling in spice at such a ludicrous degree that drug related arrests on Coruscant had increased by fifteen percent. Considering the trillions of people who lived on the world, Gatz couldn't even imagine what the number of actual people recently incarcerated for spice possession was.

It was such a staggering leap that local law enforcement had turned the matter over to the Jedi, and so here he and Valery were: on the lowest levels of Coruscant posing as smuggling partners, all so that they could follow up on the one lead they had. Which was nothing more than a location of some nightclub, all the way down here in the rotten bowels of the center of galactic civilization.

It was only marginally nicer than Nar Shaddaa.

"Better hope this pans out," Gatz whispered quietly, walking down rusted streets, "if it doesn't, we're back to square one."



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

"Have faith," Valery said with a confident grin, "I have a feeling we're on the right track." She looked around the dark street and drew in a deeper breath. Spice trade and other forms of crime in the Coruscant underworld happened in the Shadows. Somewhere law enforcement and even the Jedi had trouble finding it. But having lived in these shadows for many years, Valery's senses were practically attracted to it.

Given his past, she had a feeling Gatz picked up on the little signs as well.

"Besides, we look the part, too. They'll have to come out for us." She flashed him a grin and looked down at her own outfit. It had been a random one she had bought some time ago, but she quite liked the look. It was different enough from her usual clothing and it drew the right amount of attention.

"...wherever they are."


Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I have a feeling we're on the right track."

"That usually ends with me in the infirmary," Gatz snorted, "so I hope you won't be particularly offended if I hope you're wrong."

Gatz might have been a little more positive if he had his lightsaber, but smugglers didn't carry those. He might have been a little more positive if he had a blaster, but his had been destroyed many months ago by the same alien tiger that had ripped his intestines out. A Jedi was never defenseless, not when they had the Force to call upon, but he was still a lot more defenseless than Valery Noble was—even if he could crush durasteel with his mind.

Or strip the life out of people, but even the memory of that still made him nauseous.

Unfortunately, Valery was right: Gatz was pretty sure they were drawing close to the source—or a source—of spice. He could hear the nightclub long before they turned the corner to spot it. It was all neon lights, and heavy bass. Women stood on the sidewalk, advertising the club in the way of sultry flirtations and skimpy dress.

Gatz had never been to a nightclub where drugs weren't dealt. Maybe he was stereotyping clubs, or maybe he had lived on Nar Shaddaa long enough to know. Either way, he held out a hand to stop Valery.

"Val, if we're right and this is the place, we're walking into the lion's den here," Gatz warned, "and this time, I don't know anything about the spice peddlers we're dealing with. I stayed out of the Core."

It was hard to admit that his knowledge was ultimately useless to her. The one good thing about his seven year stint as a smuggler was that he knew the game, knew the people, and knew the routes. But he didn't, not here on Coruscant, and so he was as useless to her as ever.

"I... I know you asked for my help because of my experience with this side of the law... but I'm lacking this time. I'm sorry."



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

"I don't think we're going to be of much use without going into the Lion's Den," she said with a soft sigh. Valery knew she was bringing him along into another dangerous mission again, but this was at least familiar territory to him. It was to her as well, so she doubted they would read the room wrong and make beginner mistakes that'd expose them as Jedi.

Now, they just needed to be careful and not become prey within this den.

Valery squinted at the women outside for a moment, just to keep them away. She knew they lurked to bring people into the clubs, where they would get drugged willingly or unwillingly and spend far too many of their credits. She had no interest dealing with them and kept them at bay with a death glare alone.

"You're not lacking. You understand these people and this environment. We both do, and that's why we're here. We can get in troublesome situations, but if the wrong Jedi takes this assignment, it'd be suicide." She turned to him, full of confidence, and dipped her head. They could do this.

"Ready to head inside?"


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"You're not lacking. You understand these people and this environment. We both do, and that's why we're here. We can get in troublesome situations, but if the wrong Jedi takes this assignment, it'd be suicide."

"Yeah," Gatz agreed, "I know. I just... I should have more to offer you. Hoth, Onderon, Nar Shaddaa... I can never do right by you, and I'm not sure I ever will."

He let out a sigh, ashamed. Always ashamed when it came to trying to help Val. She may not have understood him, but she always helped him as best she knew how. And yet, Gatz couldn't say the same in return. Too often he'd let his pain get in the way of doing what was needed. Even now, here, he could feel it: that self-hatred threatening to drown him, telling him that was exactly what he deserved for being just like the criminals they were hunting.

"Let's go," Gatz agreed, "hesitating helps no one."

Gatz spotted their first obstacle immediately: the bouncer at the door. A Besalisk man holding a datapad, vetting names in line, refusing some entrance and allowing others in. He and Valery were most certainly not on that list. As they stepped up to him, next in line, his mind was scrambling for a way past the doorman.


Hands tucked into his pocket, Gatz pressed into the man's mind, his obscured fingers tracing a straight line against the lining of his jacket.

"We're on the list."

"You're.... on the list."

"Head inside."

"Head... inside."

The Besalisk, slow and confused, pressed one of his many hands against the door, swinging it open for the two of them. Gatz held his breath until he and Valery had passed through the doorframe. But when the door swung shut behind them, he let out a nervous sigh.

"Shit, I thought we were busted at the gate."



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

"I can decide for myself if my mission partners do right by me, and you've been doing just fine." Even if certain missions had been rough, she kept asking him along for a reason. Gatz had a unique perspective among the Jedi, and whenever he really set his mind to something, he could do fantastic things. With time and experience - both of which she was helping him gain - he would not only be a great a great Padawan, but a promising Jedi Knight as well.

But one step at a time. For now, Valery focused herself on the mission.

"Agreed, let's head inside." As soon as the two approached to do just that, Gatz found himself in the first situation that allowed him to prove her right. The bouncer of the club, tall and strong, was about to deny them entrance when he acted quickly and used a Jedi Mind Trick.

Valery smirked, as the man frozen and repeated after Gatz. It was such a simple trick, but so very effective in these circumstances, "Good thinking," Valery said with a smile. She then gave him a quick nudge and started heading into the establishment.

"Let's hope the music isn't too loud here "


Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Gatz kept quiet. He didn't see his contributions the same way Valery did, but who was he to argue with the grandmaster herself? He'd learned long ago that little came of butting heads with her... and honestly, it was nice that someone actually believed in him, even if he couldn't quite understand why. He didn't think he'd shown any promise in anything, not when he was constantly getting hurt or derailing missions but...

Focus. He chided himself, or you'll get hurt on this one too.

"Good thinking,"

"I had absolutely no idea that I could do that," Gatz admitted, "I've never tried that before."

Luck of the draw, he supposed. Gatz had seen Inanna do that trick exactly twice, and it had only worked once. Trying at all had been rash. But even his fortune couldn't be bad all the time.

Valery hoped the music wasn't loud... but they were in a nightclub. Gatz swung the second set of doors open, and they were assailed by bass and treble. The floor was dark, lit by neon lights and the occasional spot light. The ruckus of the crowd was almost as bad as the music, and Gatz was suddenly very appreciative of telepathy. At this rate, it was the only way he'd be able to communicate with Valery.

<Our dealer is supposedly in one of the private booths in the back,> Gatz's eyes scanned, searching, <and our informant is one of the bartenders... so, split up?>

It wasn't his favorite suggestion, but he didn't need Valery's help ordering a drink. And he was reasonable certain she could handle their dealer and his hired muscle with both of her hands tied behind her back. She, after all, was the one who was actually armed.



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

"You have to be careful with that one," Valery added, "Some species are immune to it, and strong-minded people are more resistant." A situation could get awkward very fast if you tried a Mind trick when someone was either immune or able to resist. More often than not, it'd make a tense situation go hostile.

But as long as he knew, he'd be fine.

The two Jedi then pushed into the nightclub, and Valery immediately cringed. Not only was the music loud, but the people who ran this place had a horrible taste. Tunes with melodies that repeated over and over again, and each song followed the exact same structure. Most people here were wasted or drugged out of their minds, though, so she supposed the choice of music mattered very little, as long as they could dance to it.

Looking around, Valery spent a moment taking in the interior of the place. From the booths to the bar, but escape routes and windows as well. Anything that could be important later.

<We'll split up, yes.> Valery looked at him and dipped her head. "See you soon." She gave him a confident smile, turned on her heels, and began to walk along the booths. She wouldn't immediately approach anybody, just because it'd look far too suspicious. No, she made her pass, stole some glances, and settled in a booth alone first.

From there, she could observe her target and tempt him into wanting her attention.


Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valery's warning about strong-minded individuals made a lot of sense. It put what had happened on Tython into context. Perhaps his master's mind trick had failed because the officer had the mental acuity to resist it. And, he guessed most Force Sensitives would immediately know their mind was being touched. So, most likely, it was something to use on grunts, thugs, and generally those of lower learning and wisdom.

So, generally speaking, it should only be used on people like him. Gatz was only mildly insulted with himself for arriving to that conclusion.

"Wish me luck. I haven't flirted with a bartender in, like, a year and a half."

The front half of the bottom floor of the nightclub was dominated by the dance floor. That left Valery's destination—the booths—at the rear of the building. They were simple things, build into alcoves in the wall in a half circle, with a table in the center. The booths like Valery's, closer to the dance floor, were open and unveiled. But the booths on the very back wall had thick privacy curtains.

It was likely those booths where clandestine activities were carried out.

It wasn't long after Valery settled into her booth, that a white furred Lupos man strode past her briskly, growling angrily into his commlink.

"—I don't care why he's late! I need a shipment flown out tonight! Find me another cargo hold for my product, or I'll gut you next time I come by the warehouse!"

He seemingly took no notice of Valery, enveloped in his 'business' dealings. The man practically tore open the privacy shade to one of the booths at the back, and pointed a sharp claw toward the dance floor.

"You two, out!" There was a dangerous rumbling in his chest, "and you two, stay! We have a problem to discuss."

Two humans scrambled out of the booth, pale as a ghost. The Lupos stepped into the booth, seemingly with two other individuals still in there, and pulled the curtains tight.



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

"Don't flirt too much and let me know if you learn anything new."

With that, Valery separated and headed into the area of the club with booths. A place where people should be going to drink, wind down and catch their breaths after a dance, but she knew it was so much more than that. It didn't take long for her to notice that the booths further back had privacy curtains. It was a painfully obvious sign that any illegal business was being conducted there. But the people inside these booths knew that as well. All around the area, Valery spotted people who seemingly just stood around, but they weren't random patrons. These people were paid to be there, and kept a close eye on anybody within their domain.

If she was too obvious about her interests, they would know.

With her back against her seat, Valery cross one leg over the other and relaxed. Her gaze shifted away from the private booths, but her senses were alert to anything happening there. She'd look, but only if she knew there was something worth watching.

She didn't have to wait very long.

"—I don't care why he's late! I need a shipment flown out tonight! Find me another cargo hold for my product, or I'll gut you next time I come by the warehouse!"

The corners of her lips tugged into a grin, but it got even better. She overheard what the Lupo told those within the booth, and finally saw her chance to enter herself into the equation. With a few quick steps and a wink for one of the guards watching them, Valery appeared on the entrance of the booth and casually leaned against the inside of the entrance. She ran a hand through her hair, purely to show them how relaxed she was, and flashed them a grin.

"Gentlemen" Valery began, as she quickly looked at the faces inside the booth. A Lupo who ran this business, but there was a Zeltron and a Trandoshan as well. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're in dire need of a cargo hold." She looked each person in the eyes and tapped the side of her hip, "Perhaps I can cover your shipment."


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Perhaps I can cover your shipment."

Valery parted the curtains to three men reaching for their blasters. It was her words that halted their hands in their tracks, but their eyes—tracing her form—told a different story: one as old as the galaxy itself might be. The Lupo still growled, the Trandoshan hissed, but it was the Zeltron who seemed to see opportunity when it struck.

"Hold on now boss, maybe she's right." His words were calm, yet almost sultry, and they charged the air of the small, veiled booth, "you are in need of a smuggler."

The white Lupo eyed her, interested yet wary. Still, his clawed hand returned to the table, no longer reaching for a weapon to shoot her with. Nails tapped the table while the boss thought, eyes narrowed.

"If I hired every dimwit with a ship that crossed my path, I'd be broke and without product." He growled, "for all I know, the second my shipment touches your cargo hold, no one will ever see it again."

"He'ssss right," came a reptilian hiss, "what hasss ssshe done to earn our trusssst?"

"Valid concerns," the Zeltron leaned back in the booth, seemingly at ease, "but you've yet to give her the chance to persuade us."

Gatz, meanwhile, was one drink in at the bar. He had, embarrassingly, flirted with the wrong bartender. Now he was stuck sweet-talking a woman in her fifties with a failing marriage, who was worn down enough that she was looking for any and all positive attention. And she was a pleasant enough person, but the woman he really needed to be talking to was working the opposite end of the bar.

He was still figuring out how to excuse himself from his current conversation, and find his way down to where he needed to be. Without looking like an ass... but chatting up a bartender after previously chatting up another bartender was going to make him look like a sleazebag no matter what.

Old habits die hard, I suppose. Gatz grimaced as he took a swig of his drink.



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

Their reactions were to be expected — the way they drew their weapons the moment she stepped into their booth and the way they looked at her. Valery didn't budge or seemed to care, and kept her body language open and relaxed. She didn't want them to feel threatened and knew they'd be interested in at least giving her a chance. They had sounded far too desperate earlier to turn her away, and scum like this always had a hard time turning away a pretty woman.

She could wrap them around her fingers.

"I know you're looking for someone and you don't have much time to find someone else. I have a ship, skill, and the confidence to get myself through anything in my way." She pushed herself off from the booth wall and stepped directly into the center. A show of attitude often worked on these people.

"If you really want me to persuade you, give me a task. But the longer you wait and the more time you waste, the more difficult it'll be for me, and the more it'll cost you."


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Another fifteen minutes later, and Gatz still hadn't made any headway. It was frustrating: he was here to help, and yet he'd struck out with both the wrong bartender and the right one. He found himself gritting his teeth, both at his inability to gain any kind of intel, and at the ridiculously loud music that was being played. Had there really been a time when he liked scenes like this?

Seven years of empirical evidence said, yes. Places like this were where he'd scored jobs and one-night stands. Gatz wished he could go back in time and kick that man in the teeth.

Or just save everyone the trouble and shoot past him dead.

<Tell me you have something,> Gatz sounded exasperated, even telepathically, <because I've struck out.>

Gatz had lost track of Valery, but he presumed she was still near the back of the club. Their crime boss, reportedly, worked out of this club after all. Frankly, he hoped she'd figured out how to get some information out him, because Gatz was more than done with this shady nightclub. He never thought he'd yearn for a quiet night, away from booze and noise, but here he was: chomping at the bit to leave.

That, and he hoped to prove more useful once they raided the warehouse. Gatz was, as much as he hated to admit it, eager to prove himself. He was getting sick and tired of being carried by the Jedi around him. Eventually, he had to be worthy. He had to be useful.

He had expectations to live up to. Valery hadn't spent all this time on him just so that he could stay an eternal Padawan.



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

<I've got something.>

Valery stepped out of the booth and rolled her shoulders. With just a little bit of persuading and magic, she had gotten what she wanted. The crime boss was going to let her run the shipment, which meant she had evidence against him, but also a lead to unravel more of this organization. Wherever she was going to be sent with the shipment, she doubted that it was the client. These people moved their wares between distribution points on various planets, and used cheap labor to sell it.

But she wasn't going to cover too much in here, just in case they were watching her.

<Meet me back outside? I think it's safer if we talk somewhere else.>

Valery began walking towards the entrance of the club, where she waited for Gatz to arrive. If someone was watching, they'd have seen the two entering together as well or would find out somehow. So hiding it wasn't a good idea — she'd just have them believe that Gatz was her partner in crime.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

<Meet me back outside? I think it's safer if we talk somewhere else.>

<How far away is the warehouse? I can always have Tin Can pick us up, and we can talk safely on my ship.>

Two steps away from the bar, and Gatz stumbled. His head felt fuzzy. That couldn't be right... he'd only had two drinks, right? Sure it was strong stuff, but no stronger than the damn near rubbing alcohol he used to drink on Nar Shaddaa. That swill could actually poison you. Coruscanti spirits were basically water in comparison.

Gatz closed his eyes and focused for a moment. Force Healing could be used for many applications, burning toxins out of the body among them. He hadn't had any practice with that variation on the technique, but he knew it in theory. So it couldn't be that hard, right? Even Valery could do it, and she was entirely inept at Force Healing.

Huh. He... was good at something that Valery struggled with. When... when had that happened?

Maybe she was right. Maybe he was closer to Knighthood than he thought. Maybe he was a capable Jedi.

Moving on from that thought, Gatz burned the alcohol from his system, purging his body until it was pure. Near instantly, his vision stopped swimming, and he regained full control over all his faculties. With his mind clear, he was able to determine for sure: two drinks should not have made him so loopy.

The bartender had put something in his drink.

<Side exit. Trigger the fire alarm if you have to.> His telepathy was hurried, even as Gatz kept a controlled gait so as to not look suspicious. <We've been made. They just tried to drug me at the bar.>



Outfit: Undercover Smuggler | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters

<We've been made. They just tried to drug me at the bar.>

Not a second later, every sprinkler inside the night club was triggered. People screamed, as massive amounts of water came pouring down on them, and with the belief that it was caused by an actual fire, they began to run. Valery knew it'd be quite the stampede, so she had already positioned herself closer to an emergency exit. She kicked open the doors, waited for the crowd to catch up, and ran outside among the dense stream of patrons.

Through the chaos, she spotted bouncers looking for someone, but even they were swept up in it all.

<Meet me on the eastern side,> Valery communicated, as she distanced herself from the club and moved into an alley. Gatz would be able to sense her presence, so she waited there and caught her breath. The sprinklers activating had gotten her clothes drenched and her hair wet. It was uncomfortable in the breeze outside, but at least they had gotten away without being hunted down.

Still, she knew they weren't safe just yet.

<Let's hurry back to the warehouse. We need to withdraw and reassess.>


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Eastern side. Gatz didn't have a compass on him. Where the hell was East?

As the sprinklers rained down from overhead, coating him in a liberal amount of rust tainted water, Gatz decided he could figure out cardinal directions later. For now, with the mass of the crowd making way for every exit, he chose to capitalize on the confusion to slip away in the chaos. He spotted guards looking every which way, looking for either him, Val, or both of them. But packed between hundreds of bodies scrambling for a door, Gatz managed to escape unnoticed.

He still didn't know what way was East, but he could feel Valery's presence in the Force, and that was really all he needed. Still, Gatz waited for a few minutes, watching the nightclub from the alley across the way. When he saw no one leave to try and track the two of them down, he decided it was safe enough to meet up.

Gatz turned up in Valery's own alley a minute later. He spotted her, shivering and damp. He was used to the cold—preferred it even—but Val had always hated it for as long as he'd known her. The next thing Gatz noticed had him turning his head away out of respect: her shirt was white and it was wet.

A moment of shuffling later, and a tinge of red on his cheeks later, and Gatz was handing Valery his jacket.

"Here. You're, uh, exposed."

Uncharacteristically, Gatz offered no mirth or humor. Just something for Valery to cover herself up with, and a moment of privacy while he looked the other way.

"What did you come up with?" Gatz asked, after he'd given her a few seconds, "because all I got were roofies."


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