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Approved Tech VIM-67 'Black Snake' Missile

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  • Intent: Anti-Starship Stealth Missile
  • Image Source: Artist Credit
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable
  • Permissions: Not Applicable
  • Primary Source: Not Applicable


  • Classification: Stealth Anti-Radiation Missile
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Explosive Type: Seismic Charge
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Area Of Effect: Average
  • Damage Output: Extreme


  • Thanks for the Assist: The VIM-67 Black Snake is a state-of-the-art anti-radiation missile packed with an array of electronic countermeasures and sensors, this enables it to perform it's trademark manoeuvre of homing in on radio, HoloNet and other forms of electronic emissions originating from enemy starships, most notably the tell-tale emissions most often produced by jamming and radar equipment. In one fell swoop the Black Snake can turn the countermeasures designed against it into it's targeting system.

  • Bullseye: Designed to be a scalpel more than a hammer, the VIM-67 utilizes a unique method of seismic charge manufacturing to condense a majority of the detonation's raw energy into a single, relatively small point. Compared to most other forms of seismic charge which fully utilize their blastwaves to cause moderate damage to the largest area possible, the Black Snake intends to cause a maximum amount of damage in as precise (but not as large) area as possible, and in this function it performs very well, using an encrypted HoloNet Transceiver within the missile to relay real-time targeting data from the starship which fired the VIM-67 to it's INS, allowing it to implement mid-course adjustments.

  • Gotta Lose a Couple Pounds: Heavier and larger than most other missiles of it's calibre, the Black Snake is certainly a bulky piece of ordinance, taking up an almost disproportionate share of a starship's inventory when stockpiled in large amounts. In practice this usually means that tough decisions will likely have to be made in regards to which weapons a vessel will carry and which will have to be left behind to make room for any sizable quantity of VIM-67's. The crews in-charge of transporting ordinance around their ships often aren't fans of it either.

  • A Hammer can be Useful: While this wouldn't necessarily be a disadvantage on it's own, the fact that maintaining a large number of Black Snakes is considered impractical by many naval officers means that it's moderate area of effect can at times pose a tactical challenge to the command staff of any engagement. Incredibly destructive and precise to the areas it does intend to hit, a ship's captain will have to choose his targets wisely, prioritizing vital components of an enemy starship first in-order to get the most use out of his VIM-67's before they run out.

  • Wait, Where'd They Go: An interesting quirk that was noticed early on in the missile's development and while mitigated, was never able to be fully solved, the Black Snake's anti-radiation, jammer-seeking capabilities can be confused by an enemy starship simply switching off it's radar and jammers. Though the VIM-67's INS module allows it to continue heading in the direction it last detected these signatures from and real-time targeting data relayed from the friendly starship can enter new mid-flight adjustments, it's ability to track the target will be considerably diminished.

The Vessel Intercept Missile 67, or VIM-67 'Black Snake' is a space-to-space anti-radiation stealth missile developed as a joint collaboration between Osato Aerospace and Nakaioma Defense Dynamics, two subsidiary corporations of the NAKAIOMA group. Developed alongside the joint effort's other next-generation missile systems, the VIM-67 was intended for use in starship-on-starship engagements, although extra care was taken to ensure it could be fitted onto certain starfighters and other smaller craft despite it's large size and notable weight. Able to cruise at high-hypersonic speeds with it's single ion engine, the Black Snake was designed to service a stealth niche of the long-range interstellar ordinance market, though would later branch out into becoming more of a techno-centric sales pitch over the course of it's development as additional advanced systems were integrated into the weapon. Equipped with a highly modular launch apparatus, which can be retrofitted to attach the missile to essentially any platform needed, ranging from a starship's Vertical Launch System to the underwing of a large bomber, Osato Aerospace revealed the ordinance as part of it's HyperWar collection of self-guided missiles at the NAKAIOMA Corporate Expo on Coruscant in 875ABY to a generally positive reception.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma

Sure! You're not mentioned this is an imperfect technology. And the entire "Silent Death" makes it Semi-unique. Because the wording totally sounds like a Semi-unique. I'll try to explain. You're not specifying the sensors, just mentioning "wide variety of sensors and electronic suites". If this is an imperfect stealth technology, all of the Military grade sensor are able to detect it, or high-grade sensors. But based on your wording, it can be interpreted in that way, those are not really able to detect either. Last but not least, it is the last sentence that again suggests that stealth is so good in most cases that there is no chance against this bomb. And these makes this bomb Semi-unique.
Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma

Sure! You're not mentioned this is an imperfect technology. And the entire "Silent Death" makes it Semi-unique. Because the wording totally sounds like a Semi-unique. I'll try to explain. You're not specifying the sensors, just mentioning "wide variety of sensors and electronic suites". If this is an imperfect stealth technology, all of the Military grade sensor are able to detect it, or high-grade sensors. But based on your wording, it can be interpreted in that way, those are not really able to detect either. Last but not least, it is the last sentence that again suggests that stealth is so good in most cases that there is no chance against this bomb. And these makes this bomb Semi-unique.
So it isn't allowed to be stealth? Because it's probably only ever going to come up against military-grade sensors so it's going to be detected 100% of the time. Is there any way to keep it at least somewhat stealthy or does it need to be abandoned to have it be minor or mass-produced?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma

Sorry for the delay, I didn't count with that, I have to buy a new laptop, but it will be a bit problematic.
Stealth is allowed, but there is a Perfect and imperfect variant. The imperfect is hard to detect, it is slow, but the high grade and military scanners will notice it, of course not immidiately, difficult, but they always have time to react to the stealth items/objects. Civilan ships, or not too good ships' scanners, sensors will not really able to detect these either. And there is the perfect technology, which one is nearly impossible to detect and yes in the most cases, even the high grade and military scanners will notice when it is too late, if... if they can notice it, because with the perfect it isn't sure. And this is the reason the imperfect can be Mass production, the perfect only Semi-Unique. I hope this explanation was helpful.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Friday (2022.07.08.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
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