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Approved NPC The Oracles | Blood Demons

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Unit Name: The Oracles | Blood Demons
  • Affiliation: Whichever sorcerer summoned them. Originally the Sangnir and Darth Xanesh.
  • Classification: Sorcerers
  • Description: They all look exactly the same, Anima shaped them like that when they became Oracle, or Blood Demon. As a result, all of them are almost entirely made up of bones, with a dense reddish material on its surface that most closely resembles clotted blood for an outside observer. Actually, this is what the flesh, or just left over from their flesh. Each is two and a half meters high, and its members, thanks to their creation, all of their members are Force users. They are fully intelligent beings who can think perfectly but must obey the one who summons them. They inherited their blood thirst and hunger for blood from their past lives and would do anything to quench their thirst. Their looks look quite fragile, although they have resistance due to the fact that Anima soaked them completely. They are not really able to fight, which is why they use mind tricks, illusions, blood magic and intimidation against their opponents in a vile way.

  • Unit Size: Small (1-2 members)
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite (As Sorcerers, not a warrior)
  • Equipment: N/A
  • Combat Function: It’s important to note that they’re not really a combat unit. They are much more supportive, and if the enemy reaches them, they already have serious problems. They are located in the back row, or in some hidden and sheltered place from where they use the Force to support the fight. They may be great Sorcerers, but their actual combat skills do not really exist, they are “warriors” of the mind, not soldiers.
  • Sorcery and Magic: Master-trained Force Users, their abilities extend to Sith Sorcery, in addition to which their arsenal consists mainly of mind tricks, telepathy, fear-inducing, telekinetics and illusions, and any Force ability that affects emotions and can create fear and dread.
  • Blood Magic: Because they were originally vampires, they are tied to blood. Through the Force, they are great at manipulating it, marking someone they can find after that. In addition, they are able to smell relatives, gain memories from the blood if they taste it. Or, if someone’s blood has been tasted, they are able to find and track him through the Force merely after his/her scent.
  • Masters of the Mind: Not only can they use Force, but they can also use actual telepathy to influence others, to create illusions for the victim. And those with a weak will can be fully controlled. Like their original species, they are able to enchant / enthral others with their gaze.
  • Anima Imbued: Both an advantage and a disadvantage, their advantage stems from the fact that Anima completely soaks them, making their bones much more resistant, so they enjoy greater protection against physical attacks.
  • The Oracle’s Blessing: Thanks to Anima, like the Voss mystics, they are able to see very accurate and realistic visions of the Force for the future.
  • Anima Imbued: Part of the downside is that if they arrive in an area where the Force is weakened, they will lose their resistance. And if anyone completely block the Force around them, they will be destroyed.
  • Curse of the Light : Because Darkside affects them, the power of the Lightside is much more effective against them, making it much easier to destroy them. And they’re also especially sensitive to the Lightside, or even such a Nexus, the proximity of which can destroy them.
  • Eternal Blood Thirst: Once upon a time, they were vampires and their hunger for blood remained, it is eternal. They are constantly craving blood, whatever its species. If they don’t get blood for a long time and are starving, they start going crazy and can attack their summoner as well. They can use their abilities only, but also the Force, if they are drink enough blood.
  • Curse of the Mind: Given that the Oracles are masters of the mind, it is very difficult for the sorcerer to keep them under control. This is what their blood thirst plays for. Even the strongest sorcerers cannot control more than two at a time. If they try more, the Oracles will break free and immediately go into a state of frenzy.
  • Madness: When they get into a state of frenzy, they lose their sanity and fall to an almost completely animal mind. In this state, they attack everything and everyone, they are uncontrollable and even their physical strength will be superhuman. As an animal, they throw themselves at others and the frenzy only stops if they have been able to drink enough blood.
  • They were once Immortal: At first, they may seem scary, but they can actually be killed in many ways. With physical force, firearms and melee weapons are also effective against them in addition to the Force. Whichever they cause them quite a few injuries, they will die just like anyone else.
  • Too Rare: Blood Demons are very rare, which is why it is almost impossible to summon more than one or two demons in one place.

The Oracles were created based on the consequences of an accident. It all happened very, very long ago, so much so that almost no one remembers it anymore. Since the Sangnir species is quite driven by how perfect immortality can be achieved, it is perhaps not so surprising that research has been conducted in this direction as well. This was done not only by their Force user members, but also in a purely scientific way, by simple researchers.

Many, many millennia ago, not even knowing when, through their old world, this knowledge was lost, a group of Highbloods cursed their own, so to speak. They conducted an experiment with their own Anima-based technology. Needless to say, the experiment was a dead end and had fatal consequences. Probably with several consequences, but only one of them became known to this day, that was the day the Oracles, or Blood Demons in their other name, were “born”. Creations of the created species.

All the Highbloods who performed the experiment died in this. Although it may not be literally called death. Because they did not explicitly remain “dead”. The Anima fused with their bones and they soon appeared in a distorted form. They were able to retain their consciousness, but as a result of the process, they all became Force users.

The experiment had an impact on the whole area where it happened and everyone and everything in the area were affected by the experiment. The failed attempt dragged the entire area into Netherworld, where those who did not die immediately transformed into Blood Demons over time.

In addition, their full number is unknown, because in Netherworld, if a Highblood soul wanders to the part where the Oracles are found, the influences there can change them as well. Their number is not very large, but the exact data is not known.

Because the Sangnir knew them, they developed a spell with the help of the Sith, with which they were able to summon and control the Oracles. The Sangnir worked with Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco , and she help them to create the spell with which they were able to summon the Blood Demons from Netherworld. Later one of their common ritual caused the two Sith Lord’s death.

It was also revealed at this time that, thanks to existence in the Netherworld, they had acquired new strengths and weaknesses different from their original species, not to mention that they had acquired foresight abilities for Voss mystics, hence the name Oracles instead of the simple Blood Demon.

Because their breed is very dangerous and difficult to control, very few are used to summoning and that is why they are much less well known, such as the Smoke Demons.​
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