Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Some of Them Want To


In an undisclosed system, Salara had put out a call to gather those loyal to her husband Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and the purpose for such a call? Push the Kainates forward. Look back to what had been done, and look ahead as to what they wanted. Gathering more to their cause, aiding those Panathans who still swore their fealty to Carnifex and where they might continue to grow their numbers and strengthen their resolve. This call included the gathering of her children, Sarlow, Mavriana, Ephraazel, Alvarex, Ansgar, Xathrael, and Cordelia, the children of those who shared in the nuptial bonds with herself and her husband, and of course their grandchildren.

When those who had heeded the call arrived, they would be led to a castle in the middle of a dark forest and there, would be where the Red Feast would be held. The Rouge Banquet would include a toast to the past, present and future successes of the Kainates. It was a simple night, and yet devine and grand all at the same time. Salara with her youthful look and form returned moved through the dark castle's halls as servants made the final preperations. A gothic affair but one that Salara felt had been long overdue. There were plenty of people for her to meet, thank, and praise for their valiant efforts in ensuring her husbands' goals were met and for some a reminder that only through service to His visions could they achieve greatness.

[Open to Interaction]

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax | Quintessa Quintessa |
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Quintessa Quintessa
Teresa opted not to follow along the ground and chose the moment to stretch her lumbering wings. They beat through the air quieter than the wind, an action that is second nature to the woman. The wind felt nice against her face and it relaxed her for the somewhat social event. Though these types of banquets are the kinds she had came accustomed to. Rather in the past she still spent her time with the then children she studied besides, even if she was an uneducated young adult.​
Now things was perhaps different, Teresa did not know where her place was now exactly, just that she belonged. The Blackened Valkyrie watched below the scattering of people along the trail leading to a castle in the distance. While it might be visually pleasing from below she reveled in her view much better knowing it a unique perspective few would enjoy the way she could. In time the woman came close to the castle and as the last set of trees ended her wings purposely clipped the tops causing a crack sound snap through the air.​
The woman's body turned upright as she landed short of the doors. Others would now be able to see the choice of outfit the woman chose. Rather Komi her retainer had assisted in the choice. It was a black backless dress with a skirt that ended just above the knees. Though even Kaine, and others who saw her sense of style would see the difference from what Teresa usually chose herself. Rather than the plain simple fabric, there was lace and embroidered patterns. There was attempt at further accessorizing, but a strong refusal to gems was laid down with a small compromise.​
Her ears had been pierced for a small dangling earrings with red gems and a matching necklace. At first the necklace was a cause of discomfort, though she adapted to the feeling and eventually forgetting it being there. Despite it not being her usual style it brought out the Valkyries beauty well and accented the pale features. Her retainer seemed to understand her Mistresses position than Teresa did. No matter how much education she remained true to Herself and forever loyal to Carnifex and by proxy those he deemed close. Not an ounce of hesitation was in the woman's walk as she went on inside and made for the banquet hall.​


The mediatory chamber was soft-lit by tallow candles, rendered from the fat of living sacrifices. A book of tablets bound by heavy brass rings lay in front of Him, their surfaces etched with myriad carvings of runic symbols, crude geometric shapes wrought by hands long since condemned to history. He flicked a finger, and one of the heavy tablets turned over, like a page from a book. Reaching out, the tips of His fingers grazed the blood-stained depressions where a chisel had carved into the stone. His eyes were closed, but that did not matter; for He did not need to see with eyes to perceive the meaning, He could feel it all around Him.

After a moment, He closed the book. Opening His eyes, He beheld the gloom about Him. Just beyond the margins of His meditation loomed four figures bound in black cloth; blind, deaf, and mute. At an unbidden command, they surged forth and took up position around Him. In their hands they held clay pots, which they then sat upon the ground as He rose to tower above them. He was nude, clad in nothing but His own skin, His body marked by both battle scar and ritual tattoo.

Carefully, the figures dipped strips of rough cloth into their clay pots. Soaked through with a bitter-sweet liquid, they began to rub the rough cloth over every inch of Him; leaving no inch dry. When this was accomplished, they set aside their pots, and disappeared back into the shadows. When they again emerged, they brought with them the vestments of His rule and began to dress Him piece by piece. Though they could not speak, their moved with religious purpose, their piety eclipsed by few.

Darth Carnifex emerged from the chamber a few moments later, wreathed in the sacraments of the divine, and blessed by the grace of Nereus the Father. He walked with long prideful steps, flanked by a cohort of gleaming red sentinels. It was this spectacle that emerged into the feasting hall, the banners of both the Kainate and the Zambranos unfurled at His approach. He would take His seat, elevated above all others, and watch the gathering with His dark, baleful eyes.

Like an ancient warrior king of old.

The almost statue like being slowly walked along with the others, his wings wrapped over his shoulders into a cloak, as opposed to the being flying above. He would've honestly flown if he'd thought of it, but first impressions. Didn't know what they exactly expected. Along with his self made cloak, there wasn't much to him. A couple of fancy looking bracers and shin wraps. A bit of a fancy, but not hindering, head piece. It was almost too clear parties weren't exactly the Vanr's thing. He couldn't help but smile a bit as the other flyer landed, almost seeming to show off before walking in. He waited for the others, choose to follow in the back.

Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Location: Banquet Hall, Castle - Undisclosed Planet
Time: Evening
Attire: White DressHeartbeat Heels
Equipment: Passion and PrejudiceG1 OmniLink
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Odium Ira Odium Ira

A sporty airspeeder pulled up to the entrance of the castle, out of which stepped a tiny, feminine figure clad in a backless white dress with a high slit cut into the right side of the skirt, exposing the alabaster skin of the wearer’s thigh. With a gaze cast in luminescent cyan, Quintessa took in the towering walls of the castle situated before her. Then, accepting the offered hand of a guard, she allowed herself to be led up the steps and through the door leading into the foyer. All the while, her senses registered a familiar, swooping presence—the Lady of Umbra, Teresa Pelles. On cue, large wings of black and crimson feathers beat the air like a mace only a few paces in front of her, at which point the guard protectively interposed his strong, muscular build between Quintessa and the descending form of the Blackened Valkyrie. However, Quintessa swifty moved past him, her eyes widening as Teresa touched down just short of the doors leading into the foyer.

“Sister!” Quintessa piped up, craning her neck upward so that she could better see the much, much taller woman, before giving her the sign of the Kainate crest in greeting. “It is apt that we arrived at the same time, yes?” The speedster continued, her eyes lighting up with a smile as she did. “This promises to be a good evening, I think. Though, let’s not keep the hostess or our Qoritwaidardirhoz waiting.” She added. With that, Quintessa followed the Valkyrie into the foyer, then into the main feasting hall. In that, she noticed another winged figure ( Odium Ira Odium Ira ) moving with them, though the tiny speedster was not quite familiar with him. Nevertheless, Quintessa gave him the gesture of the Kainate crest as well, before acknowledging his presence with a cordial smile.

“I might be inclined to watch you two in a race!” Quintessa said to both of her winged kin. “Or an aerial spar. To the death, of course.” She added with a playful giggle.
The Red Banquet was seldom held these last few years, but on this evening it held more meaning for Salara. Izaszh and Invicta, were to her left and right as they accompanied her toward the table. They were a trio to be sure, the three had a strong bond, one they formed from their mutual love for their husband and for each other. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex elevated above the rest was only fitting, and as those who had heeded the call arrived they would be seated appropriately at the tables begotten their station. The First Wife, Salara along with the other two in the trio were flanked by the loyal annwnsi hounds, and Salara's personal Black Bladeguards, Sky Troopers. Who spoke in a unique language, an old Panathan language who served their Queens even in death.

Salara greeted Carnifex dutifully, and then moved to speak to the hall. "Thank you all for your arrivals, as we begin this feast, and welcome the new year. Let us remember that the Galaxy has fallen far from His light." She gestured toward her husband, "the only God-King of Panatha, blessed by Nereus himself. As we speak my children and grandchildren scour the galaxy seeking the lost Panathans, Epicanthixs who have fallen from His light."

"We must ensure that all in the Galaxy, but most especially the Sith and those who court the dark, are reminded of their place," and that place was beneath the heals of Zambranos. "Together, we can reforge what has been taken from us, and we can emerge stronger for it." Salara then encouraged them all, "so as we dine tonight, let us make our plans, let us discuss among ourselves how we shall accomplish these goals."

"Please, feast and enjoy," and as she concluded the speech, servants arrived with rounds of meals. Some were raw, some cooked to a wonderful medium rare. Salara, watched as her own children took their seats. She made her way back to Carnifex, and then addressed him privately. Whispering the news she wished to share, and when she had done so, she moved to join Invicta and Izaszh at a table.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Quintessa Quintessa | Odium Ira Odium Ira
There was a slight hesitation just before she walked inside. A familiar voice? The woman's head turned and peered down to Quintessa Quintessa with a delighted gaze. "My, how fortuitous." She said with a chuckle and smile that was there for a few many reasons. Two of those reasons was that she had not seen the Little one since the jedi hunt and found her techniques interesting, really she enjoyed the synergy they had that time. The other reason really was perhaps something silly to most, but for her, improving her vocabulary was something that deep down did give pride.​
"But yes let's head in. After all I think this event is the only one I really like of its kind. Well the ones where family gathers. Also I am at a new table this time too. Bet the small kids table will be in uproar. They usually find an opportunity to sneak me out. Though now," she looked down at her body and the changes she enjoyed so much. "I am to big for them to sneak me out this time."
As the tiny woman made notion of another with wings, Teresa could not help but turn her head to the guest she had yet to meet and be acquainted to. The Blackened Valkyrie looked the creature up and down making her judgements. "Humm, hard to say with a race, the distance would play an important factor and altitude changes. My wings are perfect for long distance and stealth from above. I am sure you noticed when I picked you up that time my wings make not a sound. It's due to these feathers here." She reached her hand up and pointed along the rows of small velvet like feathers. "They absorb frequencies I am told."
"I do not know how skin wings feel in the wind compared to feathered. I imagine less resistance so perhaps they are more efficient as natural base than these. I will have to experiment with meta-mo-ffff, urm... meta.... morphosis?" Her eyes looked down to the side for a moment trying think how it was pronounced. "Shapeshifty power, that way I can try it sometime." Silver metallic liquid began to stretch from around the woman's wrist forming into their own individual balls that seemed to constantly shift. The shapes on the surface would change from one complex abstract pattern to another. It helped her think, focus and calm from the repetitive motions.​
"However if its a battle, then think I am confident in my skills and ability, I train with the Valkyries at least once a week so my aerial skills are always quite fresh, where as most of combatants tend to be limited to the ground on missions. Fighting arial combatants are not common unless jetpacks are involved. Then again, I could be surprised too. At most all I can say I am confident." Though she was curious if the joiner had his own comments of the matter while they walked through the hall to the large room with all the fittings and furnishing of the lavishly lived.​
Yet Teresa's eyes did not wander, they surely locked on quickly to that wondrous pressure that radiated from Him. That divine power He exudes that she so adores. Though just as quick as they had entered already she was being directed by a servant over to the table where Concubines had been seated. For obvious reasons she was seated at a table end. The size of her wings even folded close to her back still took up an exorbitant amount of room. Part of her wanted to sneakily vandalise the chair for comfort, just to remove the upper corners so that the Valkyrie would not suffer dead wing. Regardless, she would not get away with it here.​
If not for the fact she was casually stimming and played with the liquid metal she might not have restrained the temptation. Her eyes scanned down the concubines in attendance having seen few leave Masters room beyond that she did not really interact with them. Teresa's gaze shifted to Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano , Kaines first wife and Empress. First always came the opening toast. though as the woman spoke the Blackened Valkyrie could not help but let her mind wonder thinking about what was being said. She missed Panatha dearly too, it's warm sky's in the morning and the jungle views. Yet deep down she really did not share the same dream and desire as her Master and his Wife.​
No to rule was simply bothersome, the thought alone even tiresome and a chain in her mind. Teresa began to think deeper about the subject for a moment, no matter how the woman looked at it, she was inherently bound to it all the same now. She had no desire to rule, her desire is to stand beside Him and make use of the freedom she rightly fought for. Her attention snapped back to the moment as the first dish was placed before her. Despite being the uneducated winged killer of the past her table etiquette was surprisingly astonishing this year. Between Ahani having mentally beaten it into her made it impossible to forget.​
Odim wasn't really expecting anyone to comment on his presence there, but was probably more surprised by the smaller being ( Quintessa Quintessa ) suggesting a race between him and the other flier would be fun. Or a duel to the death, which while that was up his ally, maybe not the place. Or maybe it was. He smiled a bit as the black winged one ( Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax ) noted some of his features, and her own skill. He nodded spreading his wings from their more cloak-like resting position.

"A race could be interesting. My kind are much more muscle than stamina, but the feeling.... You feel every change in the wing under your wings." He then thought about the idea of a fight. "I am confident as well. I've hunted Jedi for many years now without many weapons other than those I was born with. Would be an interesting sight to say the least." He would soon take a seat at the table, folding his wings over his shoulders once again before sitting, and listening to Salara Zambrano Salara Zambrano . An interesting speech. Perhaps this was the right call for the Jedi hunter.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


The Dark Lord of the Kainate smiled demurely as His chief wife addressed the gathered assembly, His eyes never wavering from looking directly at her. When she had concluded, He welcomed her into His confidence. Her whispered words were like honey, and His smile only widened as He reached down to absently touch her stomach. Then, He drew her in for a kiss, their lips meeting before separating a few moments later. She then moved to join the rest of the wives, taking her seat beside Invicta and Izaszh.

Darth Carnifex accepted neither food nor drink, but contented Himself to watch over the gathering with the attention of a circling raptor. Out of the corner of His eye He caught the look of Emma Cuilein, His third wife, cast His way. Her husky, half-lidded look, conveyed what had been on His mind as well. What was a gathering of the Zambranos and their loyal retainers without an evening of entertainment. The Dark Lord looked to one of His retinue and gestured, and the other bowed their head and disappeared from the feast.

They would return not long after, followed by several prisoners led by an energized lead, all bound and gagged. There was a significant space between where the Dark Lord and His wives sat and the other tables in the hall, and the prisoners were all brought to this space. What was significant about all of these prisoners is that they were Jedi, specifically padawans, that had been captured while they were on missions for their Order.

Rising to His feet, the Dark Lord looked from the prisoners to the gathered Kainate. "What is to be done with these enemies of the Dark Side, my brethren? What fate should befall them?"


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