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Approved Tech Saotome Shifters

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
  • Classification: Gravity Slug
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Explosive Type: Gravametic Disruptions
  • Delivery Method: Fired
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Area Of Effect: Personal
  • Damage Output: Very Low
  • Alters gravity fields within .33m radius of impact zone shaking with micro gravity molecular bonds and potentially turning armor plating or flesh into powder as the bond break and can't hold together.
  • Shake it: Designed to shake and break the molecular bonds of an object. Generally in tests turning it into powder but in practical none controlled use creating hundreds of micro fractures that splinter and can potentially create severe loss of structural integrity in organics, shielding, armor, ships and vehicles.
  • Density: The density of the object or material is a actor. Densely packed materials can resist the gravity shaking much better then more porous molecular structures.
  • No Splash: The slugs are small and the range of them compared to their ancestors is minuscule. They have to impact the target pretty much other wise it is highly ineffective.
Designed for the Atrisian commonwealth's revamped armory. With their new rail weapons that were designed to fire high impact and damaging shots. The shifters slugs were a small alternative to give them a trump card and surprise. While lacking much in the way of destructive power or even stopping power at first. Their true danger and power is in the impacting waves of microgravity that shake the bonds between molecules that hold people, armors, vehicles or even ship hulls together. The larger the target the more shots it would take and this won't destroy a ship in a single shot but creating weaknesses or small damage to systems can be beneficial. The small radius of it is not as effective so impact needs to be on the object or person they are fighting and the slugs are restricted to Atrisian commonwealth use and sale.
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Krass Wyms Krass Wyms I'll be your judge for this submission as well.
  • Alters gravity fields within .33m radius of impact zone disrupting molecular bonds and potentially turning armor plating or flesh into powder.
  • Stopping Power: None

The stopping power of "none" seems like a bit of contradiction to me, as this can damage targets. I think that this should probably have a stopping power of "Very low" at the least. Additionally, I'd probably rephrase certain sections to state that this sort of disruptor-like effect is something that happens with cumulative shots (at least as I understand your submission, but I could be wrong here).
Krass Wyms Krass Wyms , with the change to "very low", it looks like this submission is now one rating over-powered, but double-check me on that.

It shakes the bonds and breaking them down makes them potentially fall apart.

This is your submission and concept, and it's your right to describe and associate what effects come with it. I think a lot of people's minds though are going to think of disruptors though when they see, because this is the wording in the disruptor wookiee page:
. They created an energy wave consisting of disruptive, nonharmonic energy pulses that excited a target's molecules to the point that it destroyed the bonds that held their constituent atoms together

Ultimately though, this part is your call, and not mine.
Krass Wyms Krass Wyms , I probably wouldn't worry too much about the wording part. It's not likely going to affect things in RP much.

I generally agree with your balance sheet, except for the part where it states that the long-range rating is an "error". :p

As I understand it, "long-range" is another rating over average for ordinance, which pushes this to being one rating over-powered.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
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Link to Submission: Saotome Violet
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Saotome Shifters
Link to Submission: Saotome Shifters
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

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Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

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Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

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Link to Submission: Sasori Model: Anisphia Platform
Reason for Factory Modification Request: SMall touch ups and affiliation
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