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Approved Location [Netherworld] Dreyma Dyrr | Dream Gate

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Rift Name: Dreyma Dyrr | Dream Gate
  • Rift Alignment: Neutral
  • Location: Terraris | Rocksolid area
  • Destination: Sanctuary | House of Völva
  • Direction: Bidirectional
  • Size: Small | The portal is approximately 5x3 metres across on both sides of the Rift.
  • Accessibility:
    • Terraris: The Rift in Realspace is located in the depths of a cave. Although the cave is wide and walkable, the whole is part of a military complex. Thus, it can be classified as hidden and well-known at the same time. Almost everyone on the planet knows that there is something inside the mountain that led the Empire (HPI) to build a military and research base here, but very few know the real reason. The most advanced technology and a large number of soldiers guard this side of the Rift. Only authorized users may use it.
    • Sanctuary: The Rift on the side of Netherworld is well known to exist. They never tried to hide its existence. Nevertheless, only a few have access to this, as the number of people who can enter the Valkyrja Quarter and even fewer people can access the House of Völva is very limited.
  • Description: The rift is quite hidden on both sides, located in a cave on one side and in the building's hall on the other. Both sides are protected by strong military / Valkyrja and other constructs and creatures so a person who would be unauthorized cannot accidentally use the Rift. Near both sides, those who are close to the place feel peace and calm.

A general effect is that on both sides of the Rift, within a few hundred meters of the Rift, those who are nearby feel peace and calm. This is caused by the strong neutral Force Nexus in the Sanctuary, the effect of which can be felt even in Realspace.
  • In the direction of Netherworld:
    • Force Sensitive Person: Basically, no problems should arise. Rift users may experience mild malaise lasting one to two minutes, dizziness, nausea.
    • Non-Force Sensitive Person: Basically, no problems should arise. Rift users may experience mild malaise lasting one to two minutes, dizziness, nausea and possibly a headache lasting an hour or two, or a slight migraine.
    • Force Dead Person: A Rift has a much greater impact on them than on those who do not fall into this category. The passage is accompanied by very strong physical and mental pain, with very great malaise lasting for hours. Severe dizziness, vomiting, migraine lasting for days, headache. Coma lasting for days is also common, but death can also occur.
  • In the direction of Realspace:
    • Force Sensitive Person: Basically, no problems should arise. Rift users may experience mild malaise lasting one to two minutes, dizziness, nausea.
    • Non-Force Sensitive Person: Basically, no problems should arise. Rift users may experience mild malaise lasting one to two minutes, dizziness, nausea and possibly a headache lasting an hour or two, or a slight migraine.
    • Force Dead Person: They can’t use the Rift backwards. If they try to go through the Rift, they don't arrive at Realspace; they just take a step in the Nether and arrive in the area behind the Rift.

These are exactly the same as the descriptions / effects in the Sanctuary sub, as the rift is located in that city.
  • Lucidity: The location is the same as Realspace in most things, but of course there may be a difference. The air, gravity, is completely standard. The biggest difference is in time. It’s completely relative, it passes differently for everyone. For some, time may pass faster here than in Realspace, for others it may be slower, or they may not be aging while they are here. Note: This is entrusted to a PC, they are given complete freedom. For example, Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir grew up here, in this city, Realspace. A few months passed, but he became a young man aged 17-18 here.
  • Hostility: The residents of the city are friendly and direct. They welcome all visitors equally. This friendliness remains as long as someone is not trying to be violent or cheat / deceive them. Most of the residents are very helpful, they like to talk and talk to others. The best friendships are made in inns / cantinas beside a mead. Those who arrive with hostile intent may find themselves in great trouble, even if they break the laws. The place is peaceful, friendly, and helpful, despite the demonic raids.
  • IC Rules: The only weird IC thing here is time passes the way the PC wants it to. So they might be spending two hours here and in Realspace five years have passed. Or conversely, they had lived here for five years, and only a few hours passed in Realspace. Depends on the user's OOC decision. Polar light is constantly visible and here, the night is much longer than daylight, so it can have a bad effect on biological hours.
  • Accessibility: There are countless smaller passageways in or around the city. Most of these open up to Netherworld's other places, they are not large, one person can cross them, most of them also need dangerous and armed escorts because demons and raiders are watching these places. Sometimes can even open a gateway to Realspace for completely random locations. Note: This gives the opportunity to the PC characters to come here freely.
    • The place has one permanent gateway, which is in the House of Völva. This opens to the planet Terraris.

  • Terraris:
    • Mountain and Valley: This mountain range and valley is found in the realm of permafrost in the realm of eternal snow and ice. The constant cold, atmospheric disturbances, constant snowstorms and snowfall make it difficult to get here. The entrance is at the ground. Landing throughout the valley is very difficult due to environmental conditions.
    • Military Base: It is built inside the mountain and has countless levels underground. He has no buildings on the surface, free. That is why it is very difficult to approach. The best soldiers and droids protect the base, along with state-of-the-art defense technology. And of course the base is overseen by MANIAC.
    • Rift room: There is an enclosed area on one of the underground floors of the base, which can only be entered with a special permit. This is the place built around a cave passage where the rift to Netherworld can be found. A separate hall was built for the site and this is the most protected place in the base.
  • Sanctuary:
    • Sanctuary: The city itself, with its myriad points of interest.
    • House of Völva: The headquarters of the Völva clan was built on the part where most of the rifts are located within the Sanctuary. In addition, the place is very permeated by the Force, numerous artefacts can also be found here. Members of the Völva clan learn Force using here, and the place also has a huge library.
    • Hall of the Gates: The largest hall of the House of Völva, with numerous rifts and pathways. All of these are portal-like uses that can be used within Netherworld. And this hall is also home to Dreyma Dyrr.

The Rift is not such an old formation between the Terraris and the Sanctuary. At least in Realspace time. Netherworld is already a slightly different matter, as time passes there differently. The presence of the Rift is not historically significant anywhere; in Realspace, it was created shortly before Omni’s last awakening, in a completely uninhabited area. Netherworld is another issue again.

It is in the most protected place of the Sanctuary, in the area of the House of Völva, there in the hall called "Hall of the Gates". The Rift was created deliberately by Eina L'lerim-Vandiir to provide an ongoing connection between Terraris and the Sanctuary. This was also important because Terraris is under the control of House L'lerim and the HPI Consortium, who also play an important role in the life of Valkyrja species.

The Rift was created on the Netherworld site, in a predetermined location, where it mattered, the other side was not as important as the entire planet is under the control of Terraris Command. Opening the rift itself has not been difficult, as Eina is a powerful sorcerer who is highly proficient in nethermancer techniques as a Force Entity in the Netherworld. However, in order for the Rift to remain constant; on the Realspace side the intervention of Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir was needed, so that the Rift remains a permanent effect in the fabric of the reality and does not close itself.

Thus, with the joint work of mother and daughter, this neutral Rift between the two worlds and dimensions was finally established.

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